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  1. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    Listless hen, almost white comb. What’s wrong?

    Thanks so much you guys. She died when I was giving her the pills. That was so strange, she was fine this morning, and then died twenty minutes after I found her. She was so sick, that she wasn’t even swallowing the pills at all once I got them half way in her throat. She was just limp, and then...
  2. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    Listless hen, almost white comb. What’s wrong?

    Uh oh! Ok thanks. I will check if I have any! 😬 I know I have powdered calcium citrate. Would that work?!
  3. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    Listless hen, almost white comb. What’s wrong?

    Hello all! I found my 2 year old hen in my goat shed laying down in the straw. At first I didn’t think much of it until she never got up. I looked more closely at her and was shocked at her almost white comb color. She never quite got her dark red comb color back after her last molt in...
  4. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    *slightly* moldy feed, all trash?

    Yikes. Ok, thank you both.
  5. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    *slightly* moldy feed, all trash?

    Here is a picture of a moldy piece, And here is the rest of the food without mold. It looks and smells fine.
  6. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    *slightly* moldy feed, all trash?

    We have had weeks of pure mist and 100% humidity. I hadn’t seen the sun for a month! We had some bags of feed in the garage, and today I opened them. There was a little bit of mold on a few crumbles on the top, but the rest looked fine. Could I scoop the top off, and still feed then the food...
  7. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    Hello my friend!! 😊❤️😁 I’ve missed you!! Sadly, I won’t be back for long. I had a problem and...

    Hello my friend!! 😊❤️😁 I’ve missed you!! Sadly, I won’t be back for long. I had a problem and needed some advice from the wonderful members of BYC, but I won’t be on longer than a day or two. How are you?
  8. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    Rabbit got into a fight, now it’s eye looks terrible. Advice needed!

    , I think he is actually doing better! Today his eye was less swollen, and there was much less gunk to clean off throughout the day. I’ve been keeping his eye very clean with warm water, treating it with chamomile every morning and night, keeping his cage spotless, making sure he gets lots of...
  9. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    Rabbit got into a fight, now it’s eye looks terrible. Advice needed!

    Gosh, neither did I! They were only together about 10-15 seconds tops, and by the end they was a pile of fur from both rabbits, both very winded and terrified, and an injured eye 🤦🏻‍♀️ I was shocked!
  10. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    Rabbit got into a fight, now it’s eye looks terrible. Advice needed!

    He can definitely see out of it. When I get it cleaned and the swelling goes down enough, he moves it and follows my finger with his eye. It’s more swollen than yesterday, but I think it is watering and gooping less, and he is using it more. Poor boy, his other eye is so beautiful 😭
  11. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    Rabbit got into a fight, now it’s eye looks terrible. Advice needed!

    Thank you a million!! This is so helpful and kind. I will definitely do all your said!
  12. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    Rabbit got into a fight, now it’s eye looks terrible. Advice needed!

    It was swollen shut this morning, but I got it completely clean. I am about to use chamomile on it. He is still acting fine with a big appetite. He is currently In a spotless cage having zoomies 😅 i feel so bad for letting this happen 😭
  13. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    Rabbit got into a fight, now it’s eye looks terrible. Advice needed!

    Thank you! That’s very helpful. I will try that!!
  14. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    Rabbit got into a fight, now it’s eye looks terrible. Advice needed!

    I am stopping by tractor supply today. Anything i should get for him?
  15. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    Rabbit got into a fight, now it’s eye looks terrible. Advice needed!

    Sounds good, thanks. It’ll at least come in handy some other time, if not this time.
  16. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    Rabbit got into a fight, now it’s eye looks terrible. Advice needed!

    So, I found that antibiotic ointment Kiki was talking about on Amazon, but It would take a week to arrive, and I figured that may be too long. I also found it on Chewy, and those orders usually are quicker to arrive. Should I order it? Also, I think I am going to try using that triple...
  17. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    Rabbit got into a fight, now it’s eye looks terrible. Advice needed!

    His eye has some goop again. Should I clean it, or should I leave it alone?
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