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  1. J

    Weevils! How do I get rid??

    I have 5 raised beds covered in weevils. One of the beds was used for strawberries, I pulled the strawberry plants up and picked the larvae off and washed all the plants to repot. Unsure how to get rid of the weevil problem? It’s a lot of infested soil. Nematodes are really hard to get here. And...
  2. J

    Broody hen in winter!!?

    Thanks for that. Puts me at ease a little. Seems to be 10 developing eggs under her!
  3. J

    Broody hen in winter!!?

    My polish hen has been missing a few days- she has a habit of escaping her enclosure but usually chills with the cats, when going to get firewood today we found her! She is under that tarp (where we keep the firewood) sitting on eggs and the eggs look to be around the 5 day mark. She already...
  4. J

    How many eggs can a Pekin hen sit on?

    she’s a chicken not a duck. Maybe I should have specified. The eggs she lays would be about the same size as the eggs I’d be buying to put under her. I’m just not sure how many is a good number
  5. J

    How many eggs can a Pekin hen sit on?

    I have a small Pekin hen that’s after going broody. She’s stealing eggs from my other hens. I want to swap out the eggs as I’m unsure if they are fertile and even if they are they’d likely be mixed breed. How many bantam sized eggs could she sit on? I’m looking at buying polish eggs. If I left...
  6. J

    Should I switch from layer to grower? Hens not laying

    It’s non medicated. They were out of molt and had plenty time off at the time of this post. I changed to chick crumb although that’s becoming hard to get recently. I have had an increase in lay unsure if it’s due to time of year change in feed or something else.
  7. J

    Should I switch from layer to grower? Hens not laying

    Interesting for sure but yes not really a problem as there’s no air quality concerns. I wonder does it do any harm to them to have the extra protein or is it easily excreted
  8. J

    Should I switch from layer to grower? Hens not laying

    Different places- I have a couple ex battery hens and some hens I bought as adults and some others I bought as chicks or even hatching eggs and incubated myself from different people.
  9. J

    Should I switch from layer to grower? Hens not laying

    I have actually previously asked for advice here on growing grains etc to potentially make my own feed. I didn’t get good feedback and was told to stick to store bought. If I had a solid plan to follow on mixing feed I would try it- especially as I have the space to grow some of what I’d need...
  10. J

    Sex of quail?

    I’m completely unsure how to sex quail. I think the darkest one is a male (front in the 3rd picture) I know at least one is laying. If anyone know what their colouring is called that would be great too.
  11. J

    Should I switch from layer to grower? Hens not laying

    Very interesting, thank you. I would prefer to offer more “treats” but I always got caught up in upsetting the balance and not following the 10% rule I’ve heard of. Their treats mostly consist of wild bird seed and veg, occasionally meat so I don’t think what I offer is very low in nutritional...
  12. J

    Lavender Orpingtons Pullet what to price?

    That sounds underpriced to me but I guess it depends on prices in your area. The cheapest I could get a chick here would be 6(euro here) But for a sexed lavender chick I would be expecting to pay at least 15/20.
  13. J

    Should I switch from layer to grower? Hens not laying

    Thank you! I’m less concerned about the fact we are not getting a lot of eggs and more concerned with if there’s a reason they’re not laying and mainly the impacts of feeding layers feed when they’re not laying but at least now I can adjust feed and offer calcium on the side. I remember someone...
  14. J

    Should I switch from layer to grower? Hens not laying

    Thanks😊 I’m a bit confused on the differences in ash, fiber etc not sure how that would affect them
  15. J

    Should I switch from layer to grower? Hens not laying

    Here is the breakdown on back of the bags. Does that look better?
  16. J

    Should I switch from layer to grower? Hens not laying

    I can give them mash. Do you make this fresh every day or can it sit for a bit? They usually get sunflower seeds in the summer we grow them and give seeds to the chickens. Can you post a pic of the type of fish food you mean? I had a quick look online but can’t see anything showing protein...
  17. J

    Any tips on hatching eggs?

    Yes they need to be turned however they are placed- otherwise the embryo can get stuck. if quails are not broody they are unlikely to take to chicks. If they’ve been sitting on eggs they may take to them but even at that they may not.
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