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  1. 2theDogz

    Roosters & Layer Feed; Lameness?

    Thanks for your response. To be clear, they aren't actually dying from this. The first roo is going on 4 yrs and gets around well despite his painful feet. We put the 1yr roo down due to increasing lameness. The 4 mo (almost 5) is still getting around but gets up slowly and rests alot. One of my...
  2. 2theDogz

    Roosters & Layer Feed; Lameness?

    Where did you read it wouldctake 20 years in a chicken? Visible Gout is common in chickens, the result of the buildup of urates caused by excess calcium's effect on kidneys. This is why I suspect calcium/layer feed. It may be some other nutritional issue or perhaps a combination, but I know of...
  3. 2theDogz

    Roosters & Layer Feed; Lameness?

    If you read up on gout (articular gout, specifically) in chickens/roosters, you'll see there's a definitive connection to excess calcium in the diet. See more at:
  4. 2theDogz

    Roosters & Layer Feed; Lameness?

    Hoping I don't get too long winded on this. It's occurred to me over the last few days that after getting on board with all the "my rooster does fine on layer feed", that may not be the case. I have a 3 yr old rooster who I thought had a spur injury/infection at 1 year. I treated & he seemed...
  5. 2theDogz

    Double Yolk, One Fertile ; Can it Hatch?

    Unfortunately it did not hatch.
  6. 2theDogz

    Please HELP! Hen w/ Horrible Ear/Skin Problems.

    Thank you. I have Tylan 50 but feel I need to give her at least a few days break from internal antibiotics. Giving her colloidal silver & probiotics.The tylosin powder is interesting but unfortunately now Rx only. I just spent 90 minutes soaking & drying, cleaning the ears, debriding the crusty...
  7. 2theDogz

    Please HELP! Hen w/ Horrible Ear/Skin Problems.

    Please help me help my girl. Let me preface: I consulted an online vet and was not impressed. Basically said to continue what I've been doing. Local vet doesn't see birds, wait-listed at Avian vet 2 hrs away. Hen started with ear infection. I removed pus & flushed. All looked good but it started...
  8. 2theDogz

    Cephalexin dosage, Bantam hen with Ear & Skin infection.

    Thank you. I do share your concern about overload with the antibiotics, even wondering if the 2 rounds of mox may have triggered yeast outbreak. I'm not opposed to a vet visit if I can't get a handle on it. But I prefer to run through my viable options first. So far she's still feeling OK...
  9. 2theDogz

    Cephalexin dosage, Bantam hen with Ear & Skin infection.

    Hello all, Need some help with my bantam hen, weight approx 2lbs. Started of with classic ear infection symptoms. Cleaned out a large pus plug ---- it was like bumble ear. Kept watch & All seemed well for a few days but it flared up. This time I noticed her feet were horribly crusted underneath...
  10. 2theDogz

    Chick with Poop Troubles

    No, just the scrambled eggs. I may crumble some hard boiled yolk into her feed though. The fermenting does seem to be making some difference, and her tail/vent area feathering is beginning to come in nicely. Overall I would say the sticky white stuff issue has improved about 50%. It's still...
  11. 2theDogz

    Chick with Poop Troubles

    Thank you. I did stop the applesauce once the Constipation alleviated in the first week. She is alert & lively, so I just started taking her outside for brief intervals to see other chicks. I figure being isolated in a brooder for weeks is no life. I'll bump up the protein as advised. Do you...
  12. 2theDogz

    Chick with Poop Troubles

    I have an 11wk bantam cochin chick that I removed from Mom/ siblings at 7 weeks when I noticed it seemed to be constipated w/a messy butt. Not typical pasty butt. Initially only passing urates. White, wet, sticky. Over the last 3-4 weeks I've tried a dietary fixes including probiotics, grit...
  13. 2theDogz

    Ended 2023 BYC Calendar Photo Contest—We Need Your Pictures!

    Silver Laced Wyandotte cuties.❤️
  14. 2theDogz

    Easter Egger Silver x Laced Wyandotte. Anyone have this particular mix?

    I'm just following up on this thread. After much head scratching, our Fiona has officially identified as a hen & she laid her first egg today ; the pretty green one up front..💞
  15. 2theDogz

    Easter Egger Silver x Laced Wyandotte. Anyone have this particular mix?

    I had some bad luck & lost both chicks shown above. One to coccidiosis & the other to impacted crop 😔. But I have a broody sitting on a few eggs now. Fingers crossed 🤞🤞. Also, the pullet I posted above seems to be identifying as a Roo. Which is fine, as I want to start a project pen. 16 weeks...
  16. 2theDogz

    Double Yolk, One Fertile ; Can it Hatch?

    Positive. Candled before setting. Harder to distinguish 9 days in, but the dark area at the bottom is the 2nd yolk.
  17. 2theDogz

    Double Yolk, One Fertile ; Can it Hatch?

    I have a double yolk on day 9 of incubation. Only one developing embryo. How does this scenario play out? If the chick does manage to hatch should I expect a mess from an unabsorbed yolk? TIA
  18. 2theDogz

    Preventing Bumblefoot ?

    Anyone treat proactively for Bumblefoot prevention by applying a product like Pad Kote, Blue Kote or Liquid Bandage to your chickens feet? Just discovered 5-6 hens with very mild to moderate cases & hope to prevent anyone else getting it. The coop has a sand floor, cleaned out every morning &...
  19. 2theDogz

    Harris Farms Nurture Right 360 Incubator is AMAZING!

    I would do a pinhead size hole well away from the internal pip area. I have found that most often, some shrink wrap has happened if they have only internally pipped by now. By doing this your assuring it can breathe while giving more time to see if it can work its way out. If no progress within...
  20. 2theDogz

    Twins in Lockdown 🤞🤞

    Sadly, no. And it may have been my fault for moving to a different incubator. They were fully developed & partially absorbed yolk, but shrinkwrapped. 😔
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