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  1. RosemaryDuck

    Huge Mass on abdomen of a 3 week old chick!?

    Oh absolutely, that's why I suggested the vet. They can do a biopsy on it (needle aspiration) to tell you what's in it. I do hope you figure out what it is though and she heals up well! Best of luck to you & her.
  2. RosemaryDuck

    Huge Mass on abdomen of a 3 week old chick!?

    The chick may be in pain, I wouldn't just leave it. This is a case for a vet. It looks like something that either needs antibiotics, pain meds or to be removed by a professional.
  3. RosemaryDuck

    Crafty Rat...

    I wouldn't recommend buying a snake to release into your pen. You could introduce disease to the native/local population of snakes, and the one you're purchasing may not survive in the wild as a lot of them are captive bred nowadays. You could have a friend or neighbor catch one locally and...
  4. RosemaryDuck

    Help identify....Ribbon snake?

    Looks like an adult eastern rat snake.
  5. RosemaryDuck

    Deficiency/deformed duckling?

    Everyone is doing so good. The first 2 are in their teenage ducky scraggly phase. Cast ducks cast was removed today and he's walking great on the leg. Gonna go ahead with swim therapy now that it's off. 😁♥️
  6. RosemaryDuck

    How loud are Pekin Ducks

    My Pekin female Raspberry is extremely loud (quacks and honks), and my Muscovy female Hershey never makes a sound. Sometimes she gets a little excited and 'squeaks' but that's about it. 😁
  7. RosemaryDuck

    Cockroach infestation🪳 help

    Walk around and flip items over/move items and call your chickens. They'll go nuts for them. Cockroaches are bird crack! My ducks love the big palmetto ones that live outside here in FL.
  8. RosemaryDuck

    Crafty Rat...

    No, it was released miles away in unpopulated woods.
  9. RosemaryDuck

    Crafty Rat...

    Anyone here have any advice on catching a rat that won't go into traps/is very wary of anything baited? Going on several nights in a row trying to catch this thing. It showed up a few days ago in my duck pen and has been taking eggs. I had one before get in many months ago but I managed to get...
  10. RosemaryDuck

    Infected toe. What can I do to help my duck?

    It looks like there may be a plug of pus in it (under the toenail). Did the vet clean it out at all? You may want to call back and tell them the meds didn't work. The vet can prescribe a stronger antibiotic or different medications to address it, or clean out the wound. I hope your duck heals...
  11. RosemaryDuck

    Deficiency/deformed duckling?

    Thank you so much for this kind comment. Really needed to hear that today! I appreciate it! And I'll keep doing my best to help them 😁.
  12. RosemaryDuck

    What ate this egg?

    Possum maybe? I'd say rat but they usually drag the eggs away to eat or stash.
  13. RosemaryDuck

    Deficiency/deformed duckling?

    I'll be rehoming them once they're fully feathered out and all 😁. And thanks! Yes I see tons of ducklings every season in this area and I'm sure a lot don't make it due to predation. I just can't watch anything bad happen to them when their moms leave them. I know I can't save everything but at...
  14. RosemaryDuck

    Deficiency/deformed duckling?

    Yep! They also have little feathers starting on their shoulders and bellies. Looking like they're going to be mostly black (I think!). Which is weird since they both started almost completely yellow!
  15. RosemaryDuck

    Deficiency/deformed duckling?

    Picture update! The 1st 2 rescues are starting to look like proper duckies 😁. Getting very big (and making big messes 🤣).
  16. RosemaryDuck

    HOA Laws!!!

    Just wanted to add here, Pekin drake's are pretty quiet. The females will make a very loud 'QUACK QUACK QUACK' or honking occasionally. My female pekin Raspberry quacks when she thinks the food isn't coming fast enough (usually when she hears the lid to the feed can open!).
  17. RosemaryDuck

    One week old chick with very swollen belly

    It could be mushy chick (infection of the yolk sac/navel), or she is possibly extremely constipated. Was there any poop stuck to her rear end when you picked her up? I'll tag some users here for you. @azygous @Eggcessive @Miss Lydia
  18. RosemaryDuck

    Ducks in a small university dorm?

    Ducks, especially multiple ducks will be pretty difficult to keep indoors unless you can let them outside frequently. They poop almost every minute/few minutes so it will become extremely messy, and diapering them all day might lead to burns/injuries from the build up of poop. They also splash...
  19. RosemaryDuck

    Duck breed

    The big gray one is a Pekin cross of some sort. I used to have one that looked exactly like him years ago. Not sure on the smaller one!
  20. RosemaryDuck

    Exhausted duckling

    I would recommend stopping all of the treats for right now. Proper feed is critical for ducklings and feeding a lot of extra treats can stop them from eating the actual feed. @Isaac 0
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