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  1. Mark Whatley

    Am I making a mistake?? What is happening?

    This is a helpful thread. I have 2 four year old buffs and just bought 6 chicks (2 ea. buff Orpingtons, RI Reds, silver laced Wyandottes) that are around 4 weeks. Growing FAST and feathering in nicely. I’m towards the end of the second week of having the chicks in a separate pen next to the...
  2. Mark Whatley

    Heartbroken. I put my sweet Sassy down today after only two years of life. I suspect she...

    Heartbroken. I put my sweet Sassy down today after only two years of life. I suspect she suffered from oviduct impaction, and everything I read about this condition, and all of her symptoms led me to the realization that she could not recover and life had become a struggle. She’s on the other...
  3. Mark Whatley

    Not sure what I'm dealing with

    She’s acting pretty normal. Hangs out and forages with the others. Eating and drinking. If I didn’t know something was wrong there’s really nothing that would draw my attention to her. I will continue to closely monitor her. I agree with your philosophy on end of life and quality of life...
  4. Mark Whatley

    Not sure what I'm dealing with

    Another update: I bathed her this morning to clean up her bum and noticed swelling and redness around her vent, as well as some reddish tissue sticking out of the vent. I know this isn’t good. I placed her on a towel on the ground after bathing her and she hasn’t moved since then. I know no...
  5. Mark Whatley

    Not sure what I'm dealing with

    Isadora: take a look at this. I think this is what she
  6. Mark Whatley

    Not sure what I'm dealing with

    Update: I found a really great source of information on the website and based on the symptoms I put in to the diagnosis helper I believe this chicken suffers from oviduct impaction. Sadly, there doesn’t appear to be a positive outcome.😢
  7. Mark Whatley

    Not sure what I'm dealing with

    Thanks Isadora, I appreciate your response. It does sound very similar to what your hen experienced.
  8. Mark Whatley

    Not sure what I'm dealing with

    Thanks very much for your reply and information. I will keep a close watch on her and see how it goes. There is no bullying going on, even though she obviously feels bad. One of the others stays close to her and even lays next to her when they plop down in the dirt. Again, I very much...
  9. Mark Whatley

    Not sure what I'm dealing with

    I have a 2 1/2 year old hen that hasn't laid an egg in months. I suspect she has a reproductive issue because some of her eggs have been very soft shelled or no shell at all. Sometimes they dropped in the night while on the roost. The other two hens are the same age and breed (Buff...
  10. Mark Whatley

    Is my hen in pain?

    Thanks for your reply and suggestion. She’s been limping like this for at least a year. I will check her over this morning. She also needs a bath.
  11. Mark Whatley

    Is my hen in pain?

    One of my 2-year old buff Orpingtons has for some time had a strange limping gait. She is often mean towards me and will sometimes attack and peck me in the run. While the other two girls are sweet and docile and have their soft squeaks and murmurs, Lucy makes what sounds like growling noises...
  12. Mark Whatley

    Fowl pox

    I have a young hen with what I’m convinced is a raging case of dry fowl pox. The first picture was taken about a week ago, the second one today. She is acting very normal and doing all the things chickens do. Eating well, pooping, and foraging in the yard. Her egg laying has curtailed but...
  13. Mark Whatley

    Poopy Butt, Soft Eggs, and Suggestions for Epson Salt Bath

    I’ve learned a few things reading this thread. I have 3 buffs, all of whom need butt baths. They are otherwise normal and healthy, free range in my backyard, and eat layer crumbles. I probably over-snack them with black fly grubs to keep them occupied and entertained, my yard is an...
  14. Mark Whatley

    Clucking at night?

    My girls emit a quiet little cluck during the night; it’s definitely not an alarm. Makes me wonder if they dream. Does anyone else hear these soft clucks?
  15. Mark Whatley

    white spots on comb

    I just found this on one of my three birds. Fungus?
  16. Mark Whatley

    chickens in the hot weather! help!

    This lady has taught me a lot about keeping chickens. Especially when it’s hot in Texas.
  17. Mark Whatley

    can chickens eat Maggots??

    i gave my girls a quarter of a watermelon 2 days ago as a treat. They didn’t finish it all and later on I pitched the remaining rind in the compost bin. The next day I opened the bin to put something in and saw that a hoard of maggots was working furiously on the watermelon. I retrieved it...
  18. Mark Whatley

    Girls Eating Sweet PDZ - Safe?!

    I put granular pdz on the floor of my coop yesterday, replacing the construction sand I had down. When I put my Sassy in the coop she squawked and ran out. Another bird just stood on the pdz without moving. In other words, the don’t seem to like it. I noticed that their feet sink in to the...
  19. Mark Whatley


    Thank you for the great ideas. I will get them on oyster shells today.
  20. Mark Whatley


    I can’t be sure when she last laid an egg. I get 3-4 eggs a day at this bird and one other lay identical looking eggs. I had 3 eggs yesterday and 4 th day before.
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