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  1. D

    Camera inside coop

    ah, ok- thanks! I can see myself wanting to store footage in case I capture anything really cute :)
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    Camera inside coop

    do the Arlo cams require a subscription fee?
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    Camera inside coop

    shopping for a camera to keep in my small duck coop.. Do the wyze cameras require you to pay for a monthly subscription?
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    Bringing Ducklings to Work?

    Good to hear that this distance is normal. If that's Popcorn flirting, she is a huge flirt! Since introducing her to the ducklings she does this non stop to me and the babies.
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    Bringing Ducklings to Work?

    The babies are 5 weeks old and have now spent 3 nights sleeping outside with Popcorn. I'm in Los Angeles, the lowest it's been at night is 57 degrees. The girls have most of their feathers, just their oil gland area seems to be downy still so I figured they could handle it. I've never seen...
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    Bringing Ducklings to Work?

    yeah, i'm seeing pretty good reviews regarding Metzer's sexing accuracy so that's comforting. Either way, if one turns out to be a boy, I will just force him to be my lap duck and take him everywhere with me to keep him out of trouble :)
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    Bringing Ducklings to Work?

    Ah, ok. Thanks for the additional info! I will check closely to see if they are both making the quack or if its just one so far.
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    Bringing Ducklings to Work?

    They were sexed by Metzer farms as female, I just keep getting paranoid one is a male because her personality is so obnoxious lol
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    Bringing Ducklings to Work?

    Omg, yes! I totally forgot that I could do that now. They are still peeping but occasionally i hear a random honk. I should be in the clear. I will upload a video if I start to get doubtful again, so far I haven't heard the whispery croak sounds I associate with the males... thank you for the tip!
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    Bringing Ducklings to Work?

    Here's a recent picture of Shrimp and Chicken. They are a little over 4 weeks old now. I stopped taking them to work after the first week because as they got larger it became tricky figuring out a good set up for them without having to carry around their big brooder box my husband built for...
  11. D

    Runner duckling color

    My blue runner looked like the one on the left with the faint white patch on its chest. I would guess the other dark ones are black, the yellow ones are fawn, and the pale brown ones are chocolate. They are so cute!
  12. D

    Bringing Ducklings to Work?

    Hey all! Just an update for those who are curious. I got my two ducklings last Thursday. I brought all my supplies to work thinking I would need to jump in the car and jet to the post office the second they called since the guide from Metzer explained they would call for pick up instead of...
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    Introducing Ducklings to Lonely Pekin Duck

    I am going through an incredibly similar situation right now! My lone Pekin recently lost her partner and now I have two metzer ducklings on the way. So helpful to read about your experience. I hope my three ducks will be as happy as yours appear to be :love
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    Bringing Ducklings to Work?

    Thank you so much for the responses! I am anxiously awaiting their arrival. They shipped out last night and should get here tomorrow. I hope they're ok when they arrive!
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    Bringing Ducklings to Work?

    Thank you for your response. I do have a mirror in Popcorn's coop and I take the mirror outside when I let her out in the morning so its always near. It's so sad =( I have a flamingo stuffie that I can put in her coop tonight, I hope it helps. I have niacin powder on the way, a bucket of black...
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    Bringing Ducklings to Work?

    My duck passed yesterday while we were out of the house. It was very sad since her partner, a pekin, was with her dead body for hours until we got home and realized what had happened. Immediately, I looked for a new duck to adopt so Popcorn, our surviving duck, wouldn't have to be alone for too...
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    Bumblefoot - 2 weeks since vet visit

    Thank you for the response. I know I'm probably just worrying too much especially since I already have taken her to the vet and gotten good feedback. I think I'm just still skeptical of the vet since she told me they forgot to take pictures from the first time I brought her in so she admitted it...
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    Bumblefoot - 2 weeks since vet visit

    I have two ducks, 2-year old golden layer, Banana (brown duck), and a 1.5 year old Indian runner, Kiwi (white duck). I noticed Kiwi had a mass on her heel and when I checked the bottom there feet there were two black scabs, one in each foot. Banana didn't have these but did have some small red...
  19. D

    Is rue toxic to ducks?

    It did not take long for the neighborhood cats to discover our new ducklings. Yesterday we woke up to 3 surrounding their enclosure. I am thinking about planting rue around their coop to repel the cats as I read that they hate the smell. Anyone know if this is harmful to the ducks?
  20. D

    artemisia toxic to ducks?

    I am a new duck parent and have had these little ones for only a few days. They are Golden 300s and are bringing me so much joy! Our garden is a mix of vegetables, California natives and cacti (we're in LA). Sagebrush is antimicrobial and we have a lot of it. I was thinking it would make great...
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