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  1. colette04

    Lost one of our girls yesterday. My heart hurts.

    Hi Mike! I only let my chickens out after 5, by 7 or 8 in the summer they go back in. Seems hawks go to bed by 4 but to be safe mine arent free till then. After dusk I go lock them up. I lost many to hawks over 2 years before I figured out that plan.
  2. colette04

    My Hawk Problem Solved.

    Heres a tip. Let them free range after 5. Hawks go their nests before then. My girls range for a few hours in the early evening and so far, so good.
  3. colette04

    Hawk Attack

    Ive had 7 chickens picked off by hawks , most in the last 2 years. I let them roam free so theres the risk. Ive noticed the 2 last remaining chickens left, I only let our an hour or two before dusk. It seems that hawks go to their nests after 5 pm. So far, its been a year and all is well.
  4. colette04

    What killed my hens?

    what type of camera do you use?
  5. colette04

    Help me identify what killed our chicken please

    A week ago I was looking to find out what killed my chicken. You described it perfectly, it plucks out feathers and starts eating, along with a hole in its neck.....ugh hawks.
  6. colette04

    What killed my chicken?

    I had a rhode island red attacked near some heavily bushed area. Hole in the neck and plucked feathers and some meat from the side. I set a trap and moved my ring camera from the front door to this side area. The camera skipped over the events but we caught a large raccoon. This was not the...
  7. colette04

    Protecting Chickens From Hawks With Safety Zones

    My free range chickens have bushes to hide in, yet 2 were attacked by hawks who went right into the bushes after them. Its horrible. I want to get a beebee gun and shoot hawks.
  8. colette04

    Chicken that won't go in the coop at night.

    Hi there! I have a photo of the coop and run in my gallery. The tarp isnt in the coop but on the side of the run to block wind. Its not a permanent fixture and most days its down. Theres a big window at the back of the coop, opposite the door and the perch is the length of the coop which is 4...
  9. colette04

    Chicken that won't go in the coop at night.

    Every now and then one chicken will decide she is not going in the coop at dusk. I have 10 hens. I don't believe its bullying. I do believe they get spooked sometimes and that small window of dusk till dark and not getting in on time leaves them lost somehow. I had a tarp near the coop that I...
  10. colette04

    Poop catcher DIY

    I think the plastic run runner would work well for you since there arent any wood chips up there and easy to clean. For me, it was on the floor and i was losing lots of wood chips every day.
  11. colette04

    Poop catcher DIY

    I am definitely losing wood chips. I am back to just leaving chips in the coop and cleaning it out regularly.
  12. colette04

    Poop catcher DIY

    Pictures are posted :)
  13. colette04

    Poop catcher DIY

    Thank you. I will do that now. Im in southern NJ
  14. colette04

    Poop catcher DIY

    I will try to get some pictures tomorrow :)
  15. colette04

    Poop catcher DIY

    I lay it on top of my wood chips, its just a strip so theres plenty of area with buffers.
  16. colette04

    Poop catcher DIY

    my coop is 4 x 8 with a standard door at one end and a window at the other. My roosting post is 16 inches out on the right hand side and its 8 ft long. I just throw that clear runner, which i cut in half because i didnt need it to be that wide. I pull it out in the morning and spray it down and...
  17. colette04

    Poop catcher DIY

    That is exactly what it is and so far, so good! I cut it in half because it was too wide for my one roosting pole. It is the length of the roosting pole 8 ft.
  18. colette04

    Poop catcher DIY

    After wishing I had poop catching drawers built in , that I could pull out and scrape, I had to find a new remedy. My husband suggested a clear rug runner flipped over to the seamless side. I now place that under the roosting pole and pull it out and hose it down in the morning. It is light and...
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