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  1. Kenzelton the 3rd

    Official BYC Poll: What Factors Affect Your Chicken Feed Buying Decisions?

    I like to see a list of ingredients, since I want to know what they’re eating.
  2. Kenzelton the 3rd

    Broody hen viciously weaned one but not the other

    I did, I’m just not sure about them roosting in the second coop with the other hens.
  3. Kenzelton the 3rd

    Broody hen viciously weaned one but not the other

    for some context, I had a Russian Orloff/Speckled Orpington go broody on me. So I got her two chicks, since that’s all I had the room for and this is her first time. I kept her with the rest of the hens, one like her, a Barred, and three red stars so all gentle hens. She was a great mama...
  4. Kenzelton the 3rd


    Oh ok, yeah I’m not in a rush. Just let me know when you want to meet up.
  5. Kenzelton the 3rd


    I would be willing to meet half way. How much are you looking for?
  6. Kenzelton the 3rd


    I haven’t and I would do ideal, but I’d prefer a mature bird since I only have room for one in my coop.
  7. Kenzelton the 3rd


    I’d like a Plymouth Rock roster, since I have two pr hens. And I really like the breed.
  8. Kenzelton the 3rd


    I like the look of number 7, what is he like? Is he still gentle? Also roughly where are you located?
  9. Kenzelton the 3rd


    I’m between Waco and Austin. Could I see some photos?
  10. Kenzelton the 3rd


    Hey everyone I’m looking around for a Plymouth Rock rooster to add to my flock. If anyone has a spare nice one I’d gladly take it off your hands.
  11. Kenzelton the 3rd

    Just put my hens up for the night and saw this!! Looks like it got tangled in the bird netting...

    Just put my hens up for the night and saw this!! Looks like it got tangled in the bird netting, not really sure how I’m going to get it out/kill it.
  12. Kenzelton the 3rd

    Official BYC Poll: How Do You Keep Your Feed Costs Low?

    I did that with a field mouse I found in my garden... I almost felt bad for the thing. I should have killed it before tossing it in. I also tried feeding them a copperhead snake I found and chopped it’s head off, but the girls where too young to break through the scales.
  13. Kenzelton the 3rd

    Official BYC Poll: How Do You Keep Your Feed Costs Low?

    I’ve perfected my grasshopper catching skills. Trick is to grab BOTH the hind legs, if you only grab one they’ll rip off that leg with the other. It’s gruesome.
  14. Kenzelton the 3rd

    Went to lay some fresh hay in the coop and I found one of my hens in the corner dead. I’m pretty...

    Went to lay some fresh hay in the coop and I found one of my hens in the corner dead. I’m pretty sure she somehow broke her neck, but now I’m down to just the seven. Going to watch them closely for a few days, but Cheeky was always the flightiest hen.
  15. Kenzelton the 3rd

    Do yo feed Your flock KITCHEn scraps...

    Same, but I don’t even feed them the shells. Rather not risk it.
  16. Kenzelton the 3rd

    Do yo feed Your flock KITCHEn scraps...

    I give them mainly veggie scraps and right now done cabbage family crops. I have a metal campfire hot dog stick that I’ve attached to the underside of the coop. And I spear big stuff like the the plants to it. I’ve also fed them some COOKED beef trimmings, they’ll take your fingers off if you’re...
  17. Kenzelton the 3rd

    Official BYC Poll: Do You Grow Fodder For Your Chickens?

    I live in Texas, they have 8 acres of grass, clover, wild dewberries, leftover grain from the horse’s feed, grasshoppers, June beetles, and cicadas to enjoy. Along with daily treats from the garden. So I don’t feel the need to grow special. Yet.
  18. Kenzelton the 3rd

    What did you do with your flock today?

    After 5 months I got my first egg last Friday, and I now have two laying so I’m close to a dozen eggs. Which is good, they were starting to become freeloaders lol. It’s been a while since I posted, classes have taken up all my time. Plus I just got two established bee hives, so onto the next...
  19. Kenzelton the 3rd

    Hanging out in the coop

    We will see because after suspecting she was egg bound, due to her symptoms of watery clear fluids, not eating/drinking, standing/sitting and I could have sworn I felt an egg. I proceeded to water bathe and blow dry and then check for a stuck egg. I didn’t feel anything internally, but she’s...
  20. Kenzelton the 3rd

    Hanging out in the coop

    So I have a pair of small prefab coops, a large 150sqf run, and a few 18 week pulleys. Last week I found an accident egg with a soft shell, that the flies found before me. Today I have a pullet hanging out inside the coop where I found that egg. Is she the layer? She’s been in there/laying down...
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