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  1. db1113

    Out of Stock

    Does anyone know of any turkey hatcheries online that have heritage breed turkeys in stock or hatching soon?? Every single turkey hatchery that I have come across is out of stock for turkey poults. :(:rolleyes::hmm I want more turkeys!!
  2. db1113

    Baby Turkey with leg injury :(

    They have their own turkey food and it's weird that only this one has it and not the other 3.
  3. db1113

    Baby Turkey with leg injury :(

    Wow that was really insightful. Thank you for your help!! I have a bunch of chickens but dont know too much about turkeys.
  4. db1113

    Baby Turkey with leg injury :(

    Please help! I have a baby bourbon red Turkey about 3 weeks old. He will not put any weight on one leg and will not move except to eat and drink. He still chirps very loudly which is good. When he lays down his one leg is extended instead of bent. It seems that leg joint is bigger than the...
  5. db1113

    New to ducks

    You need to know that they are very VERY VERY messy and stinky! I have 2 khaki campbells. They are gorgeous.
  6. db1113

    What Sex is my 10 week old Silkie???

    She definitely doesn't look like my mutant male silkie!
  7. db1113

    Sand or Shavings??

    Your coop is spotless!!!! 17 chickens and 6 turkeys make a huge mess in my coop!
  8. db1113

    Sand or Shavings??

    I got the sand idea off of posts on here. I did read tonight about the deep litter method but I'm a little hesitant.
  9. db1113

    Sand or Shavings??

    I started my coop off with shavings. They were EVERYWHERE whenever I cleaned them out. So I switched to sand. I put a pretty decent layer out in half of the coop under where the chickens roost (my coop is a double shed turned into chicken house). I have scooped the poop once but there is ALWAYS...
  10. db1113

    3 birds missing

    I have a motion sensor that records when it is triggered. I think the coop is too far to set it off. But my chickens are kept in their coop at night. They free range from sunrise to sunset.
  11. db1113

    I LOVE your picture. He's gorgeous!

    I LOVE your picture. He's gorgeous!
  12. db1113

    3 birds missing

    Oh no! I can't imagine someone taking my boys and girls. Are they free range or fenced in?
  13. db1113

    Flock attacking new chick

    I have the same problem! I've been introducing them slowly but the large girls bite the medium girls and the medium girls bite the baby girls.
  14. db1113

    Obvious Male?

    Yes! It is from Tractor Supply!
  15. db1113

    Obvious Male?

    Thank you :) would you happen to guess or know what breed it is crossed with? Now I REALLY don't know if it is male or female!
  16. db1113

    Obvious Male?

    I know this may sound silly but is the silkie on the left male? "It" doesn't have any of the trademark markings that I have read about on here like the feathers out the back of the neck. As far as I am aware, both silkies in the picture are the same age (3 months old). "It" also does not have...
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