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  1. QuackersGoose

    Any ideas with goose eggs?

    They are excellent for baking when it comes to stronger flavors, like chocolate cake or brownies or spiced cakes. The whites are amazing for angel food cake. I’ve also used goose eggs to make lemon curd. I make banana pancakes with them quite often: 1 goose egg 3 bananas, mashed Cinnamon to...
  2. QuackersGoose

    More Mice😭

    Simple Green. We pour it into cups and leave them sitting around our outbuildings and in our campers. Works amazingly well. We mop our garage floors with it, as well. No issues there with them getting into the dog food bags since we started mopping with it.
  3. QuackersGoose

    Geese laying eggs in winter!

    Our Embden typically starts the beginning of January, but has laid at all different times of the year. Some years she starts around Thanksgiving. She usually starts earlier if we get snow storms earlier in the year. One year, after moving from an area where it never froze in the winter, back to...
  4. QuackersGoose

    What Goose Breed is Right For Me?

    I second the Toulouse. We’ve had a Toulouse that was the perfect combo of friendly with us/protective of the yard and chickens and ducks. Currently, we have an Ebden and she’s a total sweetheart. She alerts our hens to hawks, and then our Pyrenees takes over guarding. She’s more docile than the...
  5. QuackersGoose

    Can anyone help me sex these Easter eggers? They are two months old.

    I don’t know if I’m much help, but, in general any of our young ones that like to start fights are generally roosters. That being said, it’s usually with another young rooster. As they get bigger, the hens sometimes fight a bit with each other. I watch tail plumage to see if they’re getting...
  6. QuackersGoose

    Roosters Weak Walking

    Update: Pop Eye is slowing getting better. Thanks to the b vitamin info, he’s standing again and walking a little now!
  7. QuackersGoose

    Mites on Silkies

    A careful application of DE (diatomaceous earth) can help. Just make sure you, and the birds, don’t breathe it. That’s the hardest part. We use it for our silkies. Seems like silkies get bugs worse than the other breeds- at least in our experience.
  8. QuackersGoose

    Decrow surgery

    Maybe try a collar, first. We use double sided Velcro. Start loose to get them used to it. Tighten a little at a time. Watch them for a while to make sure they can eat and drink with no issues. Some of ours can handle the collars tighter than others. We check them often to make sure the...
  9. QuackersGoose

    Pleeeease let one of these be female lol

    I agree that 1&3 are boys. Obviously the one crowing ha ha. So cute! Silkies learning to crow are so funny. Cute brood!
  10. QuackersGoose

    Roosters Weak Walking

    Thank you for this information. He’s about a year old. I got him from a reputable feed store, and was told all the chicks we got were vaccinated. I will supplement his diet as you both suggested. We feed the higher protein crumble, as well as dog food kibble. Yes, dog food, as most of our...
  11. QuackersGoose

    Roosters Weak Walking

    I have a gold Sebright roo that suddenly became very weak. He curls his toes when he walks. Stumbles a lot, and in general, walks poorly. No apparent injuries. Don’t see bumblefoot. We brought him in the house, today. He’s eating and drinking, seems alert, and chatty. About a month ago, we...
  12. QuackersGoose

    Hard boiled eggs

    I agree with the folks who use an Instantpot. I set mine at high pressure for 4 minutes and let it cool down naturally. No ice water bath needed. Day old eggs peal with no problem! Even my goose eggs come out perfect, and if you’ve ever tried to peel boiled goose eggs, you know it can be a...
  13. QuackersGoose


    Coop even has “stained glass.” :D
  14. QuackersGoose


    Hubs helped me build this chicken cathedral! Some of the Bantams in the yard.
  15. QuackersGoose


    I love BYC so much, I finally decided to set up an account I have a beautiful goose named Quackers, and a plethora of chickens, mostly bantams. My husband and I started our bantam family a few years ago when he saw chickens for sale on the side of the road! They happened to be Old English Game...
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