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  1. orelsi

    Prevention for egg perintosis?

    Two is excessive to me as well. I would give her one every other day. There is no prevention except the general rules of healthy food, clean water, clean coop, etc. You can prolong her life with anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics, but the condition is serious and prospects are not good in...
  2. orelsi

    Rescued 60 Isa brown hens today

    No one cares about chickens. You have to be in direct contact with them for some time to see how awesome they are AND you need to have some empathy. Add those two together and the number of people that qualify is not that big.
  3. orelsi

    Rescued 60 Isa brown hens today

    Horrifying picture at the start, heartwarming picture in the post above me. At the end of the day we can fix only what's directly in a circle around us. Your circle is a bit bigger than usual. Good job.
  4. orelsi

    Watery poop expelled broken soft shelled egg!! Help!

    Most likely a sign of calcium deficiency and/or an infection. It's good that she pushed out the egg. I would suggest giving her calcium for at least 5 days. Do it ASAP. If you have poultry calcium powder, a quarter of a tea spoon divided twice per day should do it (so 1/8 twice per day). You...
  5. orelsi

    Chicken with swollen eyelid, congested sounding breathing and sluggish, please help!

    I know how bad it feels, but you did everything and at certain point it's better to end it than letting them suffer. It's endlessly frustrating when you can't help them. Some conditions are simply incurable. 11 years is impressive. Good on you for giving her one last good day at the end.
  6. orelsi

    Egg with NO shell?

    That works. It has a bunch of other ingredients, but people on byc have been giving them to chickens before without issues. I'd suggest half a tablet per day. You can put the half in her beak whole or crush and dissolve it into a spoonful of water.
  7. orelsi

    Hen with supposed wet fowl pox, tips on keeping her alive?

    Wet pox should have hit her faster. This sounds more like a respiratory virus. Does she have lesions inside her mouth or down her throat? White/yellow-ish masses looking like cheese or a cleaning sponge? When she eats/drinks does she have trouble swallowing? Maybe raising her head vertically in...
  8. orelsi

    Vitamin treatment for paralysis... dosage?

    I go with a tiny amount on the tip of a tea spoon, once per day, when it comes to chicks. Vitamins (especially B) with a bit of selenium usually does the trick. Doing the math and measuring for such tiny amounts is a PITA. I've never poisoned a bird with they way I do it.
  9. orelsi

    Dexamethasone for cancer symptom relief

    I appreciate the info. It will help others for sure. Good job giving her some happy time before the end :thumbsup
  10. orelsi

    Egg with NO shell?

    Could be a sign of calcium deficiency as well as infection. It's good that she pushed out the egg. I would suggest giving her calcium for at least 5 days. If you have powder, a quarter of a tea spoon divided twice per day should do it (so 1/8 twice per day). You can dilute it in some water and...
  11. orelsi

    Hen caught by fox - alive but has a neck injury. Any hope?

    Good job. I've seen them recover from remarkable neck injuries sometimes taking as long as a couple months. She'll be fine!
  12. orelsi

    Young Hen’s Comb Turned Pale, She Just Started Laying. Please Help!

    Comb looks normal to me. Do you have before/after pics? Admittedly my eyes are not the best. Give her some poultry vitamins. That always helps.
  13. orelsi

    If vitamin deficiency - how long before you see improvement

    I've seen improvement anyhwere from a couple of days up to 10 days. Depends on the initial condition of the bird I'd guess. You can feed her some boiled yolk if she continues refusing food. Just to keep her strength up.
  14. orelsi

    Cause of death?

    Could be. My neighbour told me his rooster jumped from a yard table the other day, misjudged the jump and hit a door sideways not too badly at first glance. Dropped dead on the spot. His conclusion was heart attack.
  15. orelsi

    Chick making a strange sound?

    She could just be a loud one. It happens. Could it be discomfort from the lamp? Have you tried putting her in another place to see if she makes the same sound?
  16. orelsi

    Hi. New here. Hoping for answers soon to my chicken questions.

    Hello and welcome. No way to know the reason unless a necropsy is performed by a professional or you give us details we can work with. Have you noticed any symptoms? Odd behavior?
  17. orelsi

    Cause of death?

    Sorry to hear it. Could be many things including a heart attack. 5 years is around the upper limit for many hens.
  18. orelsi

    Wry neck in 7 week old buff orphington...Please help!

    It's a standard pill from the drug store. Crush it and take a tiny amount of the powder on the tip of a knife or a tea spoon. If you have trouble with that or overdosing fear go with the eggs option others suggested.
  19. orelsi

    what could this be?

    Lash egg. Cut it open, it's a bundle of pus and reproductive system debris. In most cases it's a sign of infection and the prognosis is usually not good, sorry to say. Start her on antibiotics immediately. Certain infections can be controlled or cured, stuff like salpingitis is mostly deadly...
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