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  1. Birdsong 82

    Milkweed question

    Thought about purposely planting, stinging nettle, one time to keep the critters out of my garden but then I realized that would keep me out of my garden as well:lol:
  2. Birdsong 82

    Milkweed question

    The back part of it I can tell is milkweed, but that one in the front yeah even though I’ve never grow milkweed I know what it looks like and you’re correct that didn’t look anything like it but I just wanted to check. But I wonder what it is. I don’t want to run into the problem you did it same...
  3. Birdsong 82

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Today what I did in the garden is look at it. :lol: Worked to 14 hour shift last night so once I woke up from a short nap I’m zoned. Will water at the end of the day. But the tomatoes are starting to come along to their new home from the starter pots to the garden bed, cucumbers finally...
  4. Birdsong 82

    Milkweed question

    I bought a milkweed plant at the nursery to a to the raised bed with the bee balm. As it started to take to the new soil and start to grow, I noticed part of the plant doesn’t look like the other. I can see where the milkweed is, but what’s the other one growing off of it?(and yes. I realize...
  5. Birdsong 82

    Goats hair loss. I’ve been used to shedding for eight years but there’s something else creating bald spots almost.

    Yep you guessed it! The two that are having the issues are Nubian boer crosses. Not scaly though. I was just amazed at all the sudden, the amount of hair everywhere! And only one of them usually has skin issues and only on her legs this time of year so I was surprised that her brother is getting...
  6. Birdsong 82

    Goats hair loss. I’ve been used to shedding for eight years but there’s something else creating bald spots almost.

    I’ve inspected them pretty thoroughly. And did an extra thorough shelter cleaning. I can’t find a sign of any type of bug. Joanne get skin issues a lot this time of year, but never seen this bad and it usually only seems to be her. But this time it’s her brother as well. I was finally able to...
  7. Birdsong 82

    Red fox visited my garden today

    Have a lot of experience with coyotes, foxes, raccoons, and pretty much everything. Pretty much my chickens can only free rain the last maybe hour or two of daylight when I’m outside with them. Otherwise I just expanded their run with a cover over the top. It’s 6 foot tall and some places in 8...
  8. Birdsong 82

    Fox can’t get into coop, but keeps returning

    I had a several fox dens around my property when I moved in. They got a few of my smaller chickens and was carrying one off when it realized it was a jersey giant and just too damn heavy to carry through the words to the den and had a whole ripped in her back to where I could see her organs. But...
  9. Birdsong 82

    Goats hair loss. I’ve been used to shedding for eight years but there’s something else creating bald spots almost.

    I’ve got two goats that are losing significant amounts of hair. I’ve had them for eight years, so I’m used to shedding this time of year but they’re starting to get bald patches. I cleaned out their shelter this weekend and looked for bugs. Can’t find any of them, or in the shelter. Any thoughts...
  10. Birdsong 82

    Should I mow yet? Or let the bees eat till spring breaks

    Oh yes. I have a pollinator garden type area in the back. I little bit of grass near there I don’t mow especially since for the third year a tiny baby bunny has taken residence under the porch. They love the clovers too. And they are always tiny and don’t want to scare them or hurt them I just...
  11. Birdsong 82

    Should I mow yet? Or let the bees eat till spring breaks

    Wasn’t sure if this is where I should post this question but seemed the closest to appropriate. In my area we’re going through the period right before spring where there’s frost most mornings but 60s and 70s in the afternoon. There are lots of weeds growing up amongst my lawn ( bout 41/2 to 5...
  12. Birdsong 82

    Coworkers chihuahua and mammary gland

    And he saw the vet for it a while ago and they were the ones who told him it wasn’t anything harmful and it would rupture on its own and then heal If he’s able to get an appointment anytime he will take her back but being the holidays it may be a while so That’s why I was reaching out
  13. Birdsong 82

    Coworkers chihuahua and mammary gland

    Ok. Coworker sent me a picture today. His 13-14 yrs old chihuahua had I guess cyst in the mammary gland (I think I’ve got this right) Anyway he was tolls awhile back it would rupture on its own and heal back. Well it did but he’s noticing now that at the healing point this is what it looks...
  14. Birdsong 82

    Who can reply last on this thread?

    And still goin. Love it :D:p
  15. Birdsong 82

    Goat coughing breathing really hard. Maybe choking I think

    I’ve been trying to post a video but I having terrible service ( no internet here and my cell service is been terrible for a few days now) Oddly she has no other symptoms She did start eating normal again. Drank a little. Urinating regular and poop looks normal. Checked on her on and off till...
  16. Birdsong 82

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Lovely refreshed raised beds! Nice work
  17. Birdsong 82

    Goat coughing breathing really hard. Maybe choking I think

    Luckily, the coughing has stopped in the fall. Panting has stopped, but she still breathing very hard. I did massage her neck. I didn’t feel anything in there. I called the vet just to ask questions, but it was hard to say since they couldn’t see her. Are not on call tonight plus my daughter and...
  18. Birdsong 82

    Goat coughing breathing really hard. Maybe choking I think

    I found her coughing about hour ago and she been breathing really hard since. Like she tried to cough something up once or twice . She’s hiding from me now cause I’m trying to figure it out. I didn’t se anything but she got away fast.
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