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  1. Armageddon

    Trying NOT to buy baby chicks

    Buy them and they will can never have too many chickens...if you do MOVE and you can have chickens runnin everywhere!!! and young roos waking youa 2am it is GRAND.........If you like them - get them!!!
  2. Armageddon

    Getting hens to go broody

    I put golf balls in their boxex, i've only done it twice but itworked both times...
  3. Armageddon

    Aracaunas - WHEN do they start laying???!!

    Oh dear...I ordered a dozen straight run and about 5 turned out to roo's....they are ALSO not crowing "correctly" son asked me the other day "What was that?!?!?" AND they are doing ALL the time... I've kept them because I was hoping to have some blue egg laying chicks....
  4. Armageddon

    Got my 1st egg!! but have a problem

    Me too...I make new layers stay in the run for a few days...they learn where to lay from the big girls...
  5. Armageddon

    Aracaunas - WHEN do they start laying???!!

    Sheesh...i have a whole bunch of chickens now...I dont even know anymore how many there are....I really wanted some BLUE eggs, So I specially ordered some blue-egg laying aracaunas.....they are 27 weeks old and still not laying?? of the breeds I have NONE have ever taken this long to lay.....I...
  6. Armageddon

    Uggghh....Have I let them get too big? I did it!!!!!!!!!!!

    OMG! I did it!!! Well, my husband did......we only got one done, the smaller of the 2, he dressed out at 40 Lbs....and is just beautiful.....I have some pics but I have the get them uploaded.... We just hung him upside down, and lowered him into a lined was very gentle...we dry...
  7. Armageddon

    Are my Turkeys to Young to Sell?

    Bump.....I dont know...I think I have standard bronze about the same age and they are NOT too young, in fact I am worried about just the opposite....that they will have a heart attack and die before I get to it!! I owuld never do these wasa an impulse buy at the feed store....I would...
  8. Armageddon

    To get Turkeys or not to get Turkeys. THAT is the question!

    I have two Toms...that I bought to raise for Thanksgiving and Christmas THIS year.....I don't have neighbors BUT I will tell you they are LOUD.....It took them forever to "gobble" but now that they do, they "gobble" ALL the time...over every single little noise.... However, these two are my...
  9. Armageddon

    Uggghh....Have I let them get too big? I did it!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh AND my DH and I are at odds over what is HUMANE......I've been reading here and I have chickens..and I KNOW that holding them upside down is calming for the bird....I would have doen this myself if it weren't for the size they have become. However, HE says that it's cruel and that we need to...
  10. Armageddon

    Uggghh....Have I let them get too big? I did it!!!!!!!!!!!

    OH!!! Yes!! thats a fabulous idea!! a feed bag might work!! I'll have to find a canvas one, more of my feeds come in paper...but, I have ahd some in canvas... I have worried about the scalding and have rigged a pulley on my patio... AFTER the deed is done and they are bled I can tie up the feet...
  11. Armageddon

    Uggghh....Have I let them get too big? I did it!!!!!!!!!!!

    LOL! That actually makes me feel better......for one, I am not the only one who has let this go one TOO long and two, they may still be edible...after all the work and all the worry.... I am worried about the whole process though...I dont know how to kill them properly. I have the rest of the...
  12. Armageddon

    Uggghh....Have I let them get too big? I did it!!!!!!!!!!!

    I dont even know what to say....for a long time I have known these Turkeys are getting too big. I've been worried about this for a couple of MONTHS... I've been meaning to get the the processing but, things have been amazingly busy and the Turkeys keep waiting. Here I am a COMPLETE novice...
  13. Armageddon

    1st night in the coop

    Yeahh!!!!!!! that's so many times will you "check" on them tonight???
  14. Armageddon

    Gotta brag on my hen - wanted to share......

    That is sooooooo sweet!
  15. Armageddon

    Welcome To The World 1 Day Old Chicks!

    Cutie Patooties!!!
  16. Armageddon

    I think they're getting TOO big

    yep!!! That's my boys!!!! Okay........I am feeding them apples.....I got some things to process them in last am ready, I think.....I'de like for them to eat a bunch of these apples first..... Thanks for the replies....VERY helpful......
  17. Armageddon

    Using Food Grade DE

    Quote: That's a great price.....I pay over $40 for a 50lb bag!!!!!!!!
  18. Armageddon

    Swampwood coop in progress

    Wow!!!!!! Very nice!!!!!!!
  19. Armageddon

    Coop and Run Pics

    Love your coop!!! looks great!!!
  20. Armageddon

    I think they're getting TOO big

    Thanks everyone!!! I got a bunch of juicer apples this weekend, its apple season here...should I cook them or give them to them raw???
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