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  1. Foristers

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    You sent me an email asking for an update, here it is: Chickens are doing well now. 2022&2023 were not good years for us because of foxes. But I think we are a little better now. We're getting about 6 eggs a day from 10 hens, which doesn't sound great but I still have a few of my original hens...
  2. Foristers


    That is very nice of you. I hope you have a good night also.
  3. Foristers


    This is a great point.
  4. Foristers


    Well thank you for the nice comment. And by the way, I would send you a sample of the chicken feed I most recently used (Purena Layena), but you can save your $150. This poll answered enough for me. But thank you for offering.
  5. Foristers


    After reading everyone's replies to this and seeing the results of the poll, i -gulp- may have overreacted a bit. I apologize to those of you who I apparently offended. I have been a little concerned about the hens not laying and then BAM - that video in my youtube feed. The lazy man's way of...
  6. Foristers


    There really are better ways to state that you disagree with someone else's opinion or thoughts, but I'll let you do you.
  7. Foristers


    I think I am going to have to 'eat crow' on this matter...
  8. Foristers


    Great input. Thank you. I do need to get younger hens. But I also have a fox problem at the moment
  9. Foristers


    Not long before the pandemic you could buy a dozen of the cheap eggs for $0.69
  10. Foristers


    It is the feed debate like you say. Just curious why no is even interested enough to try it out and why people are posting, "NO! don't feed your chickens goat feed it will kill them". (no goat feed will not kill your chickens) And not more curious to actually investigate the actual claim.....
  11. Foristers

    Goat feed for chickens

    I have heard the same things from different people. At the same time I am experiencing a reduction in egg laying - an extreme reduction in egg laying from my hens. This I expect from about October - December, it happens every year. However, every year since I have been raising chickens, egg...
  12. Foristers


    EVERY ONE OF YOU NEEDS TO WATCH THIS VIDEO - less than 8 minutes. Has anyone else noticed a reduction in egg laying from their backyard chickens? Not sure how recent this would include, but we raise a heritage breed whose egg-laying always drops off after October, stays low through December but...
  13. Foristers

    Help! My wife is mad at me for feeding the chickens pizza!

    CHICKENS EAT ANYTHING! And they are better than we are about knowing what they can eat. If they don't want it/can't eat it, they won't. If want want them to have an "all-natural diet", or GMO free, or organic, etc.... that's a different story
  14. Foristers

    How do you label/tag your chickens?

    I've done the store-bought zip ties and leg tags and the issue for me is that anything placed on the leg is often not helpful. The reason is because I keep my chickens outside and they peck and scratch all day in dirt, grass and sometimes mud - and sometimes thier own poop for crying out loud...
  15. Foristers

    Thoughts and best practices .. older hens

    I don't know if someone has already replied this because I have not read all 4 pages of posts. I sell the older hens on Craiglist of Facbook marketplace and I always have buyers. I only keep hens up to about 4-6 years old before I sell, with the exception of a flock mother - a hen with...
  16. Foristers

    Stationary Coop- Moveable Run (Modified Paddock System)-Will it work??

    I now come upon your post 4 years later and if you tried the system you mentioned above, you could probably answer this question now much easier for yourself. I tried something similar to this but my paddocks (or runs) were much larger, each being about 1000-1200 sq ft. For a flock whose number...
  17. Foristers

    What breed would you suggest?

    If you have a flock of all one breed then this wouldn't matter much. If you have a mixed flock, yes the buff orpington might be a little more timid but most people still include them in a mixed flock because she goes broody often. If you young children that will be interacting with the chickens...
  18. Foristers

    Heavier than normal fall molt predicted hard winter?

    Thank you for letting us know! I wonder if that has implications for weather in that area.
  19. Foristers

    Heavier than normal fall molt predicted hard winter?

    Exactly. I think that there might be something to it. It's funny but I was talking to someone back in October when I first noticed the feather build-up and I had this idea. They told me that this was likely going to be a very mild winter because of a La Nina pattern. I said, "I'll make my...
  20. Foristers

    Heavier than normal fall molt predicted hard winter?

    I would have noticed if a feather bomb had gone off like it did this year. I get all that but it does not explain how egg production dropped much sharper this year than in years past.
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