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  1. cvamoca

    How to free-range guinea keets

    As far as I can tell there are 2 main guys. One never leaves her, the second wants out soon as I open the barn, but he always returns after bathing and feeding. For colors- one's dundote I think, light beige stripes, One's lavender and the other's blue, I also have 3 of hers that are pearl, and...
  2. cvamoca

    How to free-range guinea keets

    Just an update- the pearl hen and her guards and keets are all fine, the boys leave every day and no idea if the same ones come back in, but they are incredibly solicitous to these tiny babies. I throw out my used canary/finch seed and was watching one pick up a tiny millet seed, make a sound...
  3. cvamoca

    How to free-range guinea keets

    I have a chicken hen who raised 4 keets last year with one chicken chick. This year she has 6 keets- 2 I raised for 2 weeks in the house til she hatched out her own chicks- she has about 25 chicks and her 6 keets. They are great- last year's all come home and nest in the barn. And while I have...
  4. cvamoca

    What did your guinea/s do today? 😁

    I am happy with mine every day, and moreso now that my chicken raised keets (whose leader they decided for whatever reason, is my black showgirl rooster) have adopted their younger raised by me keets- all are sweet. I love that they chase the Silkie and NN around and listen to them when they...
  5. cvamoca

    Male Guinea Fowl attacking chicken hen

    Eggs what we have a lot of, so eggs are what they get as a treat and extra. Raw, hard cooked, scrambled, omelettes, whatever. They also like cheese. No one has a perfect food for guineas as they are from Africa, and we are not. So I'm doing my best.
  6. cvamoca

    Male Guinea Fowl attacking chicken hen

    I live in Canada, Chewy isn't an option. Nor is finding another feed supplier as there are only 2 in total, both make the same % feed. If it could be found I'd have found it.
  7. cvamoca

    Male Guinea Fowl attacking chicken hen

    Chick Starter is 20%, so they also get that. Really hard to find appropriate food for them.
  8. cvamoca

    Male Guinea Fowl attacking chicken hen

    Egg's a perfect food, and how I keep everyone tame, plus it has oodles of protein that Guineas need. I lost 2 to them to not getting enough protein, so that has saved them- the Game Bird Flight Conditioner is only 19% and meat builder's 18%- there's nothing with higher protein available here in...
  9. cvamoca

    Male Guinea Fowl attacking chicken hen

    Dogfood is just a treat, whatever the dogs leave at supper, I put some cooked egg in and feed it as a treat to the chickens before they go to bed. The Guineas get Game Bird and Meat builder (high protein) feed. I'm not completely a moron, I did do research- there's not a whole lot out there...
  10. cvamoca

    Male Guinea Fowl attacking chicken hen

    R2elk, a question from this newbie. Of my 4 older keets (Born in June) two have quite a bit more wattles than the others, all the same age within a day, one is quite small in comparison and only hangs out with the chicken chick (a cockerel) and I'm pretty sure the second littlest one is a female...
  11. cvamoca

    Male Guinea Fowl attacking chicken hen

    Thank you, apparently I didn't research enough- I figured we've got through 9 and 11 years of the same geese, and raised goslings- they are still imprinted and follow us and are reasonably kind to chickens- so guinea? Oh, we'll be fine, the neighbours don't look after theirs at all, and they...
  12. cvamoca

    Male Guinea Fowl attacking chicken hen

    Oh lord, I am raising Guinea and while I'm an expert on most other poultry, guinea aren't my wheelhouse. So, a chicken hen hatched and raised 4, in my big barn. They are tame and chicken like in every way except sound. Then my husband brought home 5 more of their younger siblings, so I have 4...
  13. cvamoca

    Sexing 4 month old Silkies

    I'd only revise my opinion if the breast turned black or dark- that is a male colour- but she looks all female to me. Wow- the crest is male-ish the way it flows now...she may become really poufy though. There's no wattles, right?
  14. cvamoca

    Sexing 4 month old Silkies

    Toast is very female, and Blondie is a female colour- shes a partridge or blue partridge hen. I think more blue partridge. Here's a bantam game hen- same colour as your girl.
  15. cvamoca

    Sexing 4 month old Silkies

    They are both pullets, congrats.
  16. cvamoca

    How loud do serama roosters crow?

    I've kept both, and have Seramas still, you can still hear them and know you are hearing a rooster. If I were trying to keep chickens in town though, I'd go with Seramas. Because cuter than heck and great parents. Dad's kids here- well, Mom's broody for 2 weeks and he's still taking the chicks...
  17. cvamoca

    How loud do serama roosters crow?

    Decent song from them- it's no largefowl sound, but it's a decent enough crow.
  18. cvamoca

    American serama thread!

    She's darling- especially how she's looking at you and the ribbon, "yeah- we did that!"
  19. cvamoca

    What did your guinea/s do today? 😁

    My barn is 16X12 and has 2 pens that I keep my Seramas and Silkies in, plus a large crate and I can put up more pens- for the amount of chickens its great-has loads of rafter space. I'm hoping it'll be big enough for guineas in winter- if not, they can come out the small door (under the...
  20. cvamoca

    What did your guinea/s do today? 😁

    They make me laugh every day with their sheer dorkiness. OOPs, not sure why these pictures are here but- the ducks are wild...raised here and decided to be tame, come when called and come for their breakfast.
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