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  1. Spifflove

    Swedish Flower Hen Thread

    They do fine in Texas. You have to have shade trees, and if you need a constant water source if you go on vacation. They are not as good as Mediterranean breeds but better than white rocks, speckled sussex, and buff orpingtons. You might consider buff minorcas which are great layers and...
  2. Spifflove

    Swedish Flower Hen Thread

    I am still getting eggs. I am in a warm clime though; anyone in a cold climate still getting eggs?
  3. Spifflove

    Japanese Bantam Thread!

    I suppose I should have used a or a or some such.
  4. Spifflove

    Japanese Bantam Thread!

    Terry Auckie
  5. Spifflove

    Bresse Chickens

    I just have to sound a counter warning to beginners- Would you rather have that Opossum dine on a 5 dollar bird or a 100 dollar bird? Start with white rocks then trade up to the blue legs.
  6. Spifflove

    Japanese Bantam Thread!

    Its chicken pox. Harmless and will go away.
  7. Spifflove

    What predators can roosters actually kill/fend off?

    Buford fought off a full-grwn Husky he did
  8. Spifflove

    Buff Barred Cochin Thread

    Should be picture of the week.
  9. Spifflove

    Best Lookin Chicken Contest!

    I think she meant the Pekin.
  10. Spifflove

    Bresse Chickens

    Either they went to chicken heaven because it taste so good; or they were so disappointed they can't admit they dropped $100 a pop on blue legs.
  11. Spifflove

    Best Lookin Chicken Contest!

    Beauford: P.O.U.S. [Poultry of unusual size]
  12. Spifflove

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    Buying a house on credit was the worst thing I could have done. Of course even if you are free and clear you still owe the local feudal lord his share of your crops.
  13. Spifflove

    Swedish Flower Hen Thread

    I myself have decided to keep only sfh roos and some wellsummers [very dark egg] and leghorns [white egg]. I will save the sfh eggs for breeding and selling and eat the others.
  14. Spifflove

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    Great deal! Do not refreeze after thawing.
  15. Spifflove

    Comment by 'Spifflove' in article 'Horse Trailer to Chicken Coop Conversion'

    Great job! We were thinking the same thing but you actually did it! I love the grow-out pens.
  16. Spifflove

    Japanese Bantam Thread!

    I meant mottled. There is a post of a mottled 2 pages back. The spot on the head is positive id.
  17. Spifflove

    Japanese Bantam Thread!

    Most of them are speckled.
  18. Spifflove

    compost problem?
  19. Spifflove

    It's been a rough 3 weeks for my homesteading aspirations

    The point of the discussion was to point out that to be a farmer you have to be smart enough and strong enough to overcome the inevitable setbacks.
  20. Spifflove

    Appenzeller Spitzhauben

    It will just come down to marketing then. They are a good product, almost as good as a leghorn. I imagine if you went door to door you would do excellent; via the internet not so much just because other breeds are more popular.
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