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  1. GreenGirlGrammy


    Two years ago I bought my first chicks from an elderly man who sold fresh eggs. He told me I was getting Dominekers and Ameraucana. I loved the babies and they grew up to be...Barred Rocks and Easter Eggers. But that's okay, I still love them and their eggs are delicious. Some time in the...
  2. GreenGirlGrammy


    Thanks! I'm going to try the AL Chicken Trader, and the Central AL Poultry groups on facebook. Sure hope we get some spring weather this year. We usually jump from winter to summer.
  3. GreenGirlGrammy


    I live in northwest AL in Lamar County. I have Barred Rock and Easter Egger hatching eggs. I also have baby chicks. If you live in surrounding counties and have other breeds, I am willing to swap eggs or chicks if the breeds are pure.
  4. GreenGirlGrammy

    The 4th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long

    So yours are due the 30th? I will watch to see how your turns out. I think I am going to check out the "Where are you, Where am part of this site to see if I can find other people in AL that might like to swap eggs. Good luck.
  5. GreenGirlGrammy

    Incubators Anonymous

    This Australian mystery egg thread was so awesome to follow. It amazed me that she just plopped it in a glass bowl with some cotton balls and a lamp. Lord I'm worried sick right now that I've lost 100 eggs in my fortress of bells and whistles. (Storms, power outage.) I'm headed into the...
  6. GreenGirlGrammy

    How to Vent Sex Coturnix

    I know this was from 2009, but I am so grateful to have stumbled upon it. Thank you
  7. GreenGirlGrammy

    Ended Pictures Needed - Official Caption Contest Submissions Thread #1

    Well, I missed the part of the contest where you put the captions on the picture. I saw this picture on the thread where we were asked to vote for our favorite caption. I've got to discover the secret to keeping up with things on the site. Anyway, I loved the caption on this one.... it...
  8. GreenGirlGrammy

    The 4th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long

    This is my third spring of hobby hatching, but it is my first experience with a power failure. The storms across Alabama left us without power for almost three days. I managed on solar for a day, then switched to generator. But on the third day, the three bators went without power for three...
  9. GreenGirlGrammy

    Incubators Anonymous

    That is encouraging. Thanks.
  10. GreenGirlGrammy

    Incubators Anonymous

    HELP!!! A big storm came through our area. Now I am Worried out of my mind and biting my nails with fear and anxiety!!!! The power was out for two days, but we had solar for one day, and then generator the next. BUT, my husband accidently diverted the power from my 3 table top Styrofoam...
  11. GreenGirlGrammy

    Incubators Anonymous

    That's higher than it should be this early in lock down, but it won't hurt if you go ahead and get it down to about 60%. Then you can add a sponge to get it back up to about 70 as they go into day 21. For now take the little red plug out and maybe the felt until you get it back to 60. If it...
  12. GreenGirlGrammy

    Comment by 'GreenGirlGrammy' in item 'Easter Eggers'

    Easter Eggers are awesome. My roo is such gentlemen, and the ladies mind him so sweetly. There is just nothing a pretty as their eggs.
  13. GreenGirlGrammy

    Comment by 'GreenGirlGrammy' in article 'How To Raise Baby Chicks: The First 60 Days Of Raising Baby Chickens'

    For lining the floor of the brooder, do not use straw or wood shavings at first. They get it down their throats. Just invest in a good roll of paper towels. It's not slippery like newspaper, which can cause leg injury. To change the paper towels I just start rolling at one end and the chicks...
  14. GreenGirlGrammy

    Incubators Anonymous

    What is all that stuff to the back of your bator? I recognize the digital therm, but what are the other items? Love the olive eggs.
  15. GreenGirlGrammy

    Incubators Anonymous

    For sure. Buffs are the best. She does all the work. I hope I have a broody hen when some of my bator babies hatch. I have 3 going now. One is a Hova with the digital thermostat and humidity read out. I LOVE it. The other two are really old with no fan or anything and really tricky...
  16. GreenGirlGrammy

    Incubators Anonymous

    Poor Buffy! As much as they love babies, she may be over whelmed. I'd say 14 max and that's if she has a wide skirt and the nights aren't too bad. You may have to put the rest under your pillow. Tee hee. :)
  17. GreenGirlGrammy

    Incubators Anonymous

    Thanks, ckldy, I guess they do get mixed up. Another off spring of these "ameracaunas" is rumpless, but lays a cream egg. Go figure. You are so lucky to have a wood stove. I'm jealous.
  18. GreenGirlGrammy

    Incubators Anonymous

    Good luck! :) I have one hen that is an off spring of an Amauracana that lays an olive egg. Her mother laid the aqua green eggs. I'm wondering how that happened. She came from an aqua egg.
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