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  1. Frostette

    Accidental Rooster!

    Nothing to're response is great!
  2. Frostette

    Is there an AC you can put in the chicken coop? I could really use advice!!!

    Your temps aren't bad! People have chickens in the deep south and THAT is hot. It gets in the 100's here in Kansas so I have trees, shrubs, and shade covers on and around the coop/run. And I put a fan in the coop. The best setup includes space UNDER the coop for them to hide during the heat...
  3. Frostette

    What am I doing wrong I feel like a horrible chicken mommy 😔

    "Boys will be boys" haha. Sometimes the friendliest chicks grow up to be the meanest roosters. I don't think you can change it. Personally, I never keep a mean rooster no matter how I felt about him when he was little. If he's hurting you now at just 3 months or'll get worse...
  4. Frostette

    My pullets keep pecking me

    I've spent a lot of time with my 11 chicks since they were a day or 2 old. They are now 3 months old and peck me when I'm visiting them. And it hurts! I've never had chickens that have done this. They love me to spend time with them and take turns sitting on my lap, shoulders, arms...
  5. Frostette

    Sand in run

    Thats how I've always done it and I can't believe anyone has a problem with a sand run. I wouldn't do it any other way.
  6. Frostette

    How to prevent coop from getting dusty?

    Its amazing how dusty chickens are. I always start my chicks in my house and by the time I can put them outside in their coop (3 weeks or so) the room they are in is a mess! Dust everywhere and on everything. How can something so tiny make such a mess, ha.
  7. Frostette

    Straw or wood shavings for run?

    Sand is the only way to go, whether a run is covered or not. Works like a litter box. Dries the poop, doesn't get muddy or stink. Easy to clean.
  8. Frostette

    Straw or wood shavings for run?

    Sand! A few inches of sand! The run becomes like a litter box. Dries the poop quickly. Easy to scoop out. No mud. No stench.
  9. Frostette

    Starting to panic. Straw safe or not?

    I think it's much safer with straw or hay then pine shavings. It is full of seeds and a natural livestock food. I'm much more anxious about my chicks eating the pine shavings that are in their brooder and can't wait till they are in their coop, which is full of straw!
  10. Frostette

    1 week old chick can’t walk

    Wow. Yours looks exactly like my chick that died yesterday. Not sure if she came with a hurt leg, but we noticed it after a couple days. Flapping and crawling IF she moved at all. I brought the food and water to her, vitamins, etc etc. Separated her from the rest (11 more) because they...
  11. Frostette

    My chicks are dying!!! Hoovers Hatchery

    I wish none of us HAD to order chicks thru the mail. It just isn't a good idea. My daughter is a Postal Carrier and she hates the whole situation. Dead stinking chicks at the P.O. or in the back of the mail jeeps. She says some carriers don't care and leave the boxes in the back of the jeep...
  12. Frostette

    11 new chicks born March 8, 2023: 1 Light Brahma, 2 Buff Brahmas, 2 Barred Rocks, 2 Columbian...

    11 new chicks born March 8, 2023: 1 Light Brahma, 2 Buff Brahmas, 2 Barred Rocks, 2 Columbian Wyandottes, 2 Gold Laced Wynandottes, 2 Buff Orpingtons
  13. Frostette

    Review by 'Frostette' in article 'Buff Orpingtons Chicken Breed Information Pictures'

    Very nice pictures and narrative. I like the coop ! well done
  14. Frostette

    Review by 'Frostette' in article 'Common Mistakes Poultry Keepers Make (And How to Fix Them)'

    I especially like the size and quality of coop information. I’m always upset to see how many people have small dingy coops. Even people who advertise eggs or chickens for sale have no shame in showing pictures revealing horrible conditions- coops covered in manure. No hay or bedding anywhere.
  15. Frostette

    Feeding my chickens I'm new to this

    Feed them commercial food! I’m not sure why you find it so expensive. How many chickens do you have? There are fancy brands but feed stores have their own also. Then add lots of greens and kitchen scraps
  16. Frostette

    Rooster Gone Sour

    I personally never keep a mean rooster. It’s pretty common for a friendly guy to turn into a “jerk” as he ages. Ha. I’ll tolerate a little aggressiveness, that’s their job. But the day I’m afraid to go into the pen is the day he’s out!
  17. Frostette

    Rooster Gone Sour

  18. Frostette

    Review by 'Frostette' in article 'Cozy Cottage Coop'

    I’m not one for all the tiny “rabbit hutch” chicken coops I see all over now. But you did a great job and as long as they are let out daily, they’ll be fine. I’m sure you’ll be able to remodel or add on as supplies become available.
  19. Coop made from shipping crate

    Coop made from shipping crate

    Started with this 41” x 98” x 55” tall crate. Opened up both ends and made them into doors. Cut out top “front” only for windows facing south covered with chicken wire. Created plastic covered frames (windows) to cover wire during winter months. Added a pitched roof with insulated attic. Set...
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