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  1. goodeggsforyou

    Breathing very rapidly with mouth open and wheezing; please Help!

    Gateworm? Respiratory bacteria? Swallowed something? WHAT CAN I DO?! Today our hen is walking around some but about 44 breaths per minute with open mouth an wheezing with each breath. A little sneezing; no discharge from beak or eyes. Do I just get a wide spectrum antibiotic and try that...
  2. goodeggsforyou

    Worried about unusual behavior! Might it be the bear or What?!

    Hi All. After 3 years of a healthy flock I think something's wrong but really have no idea what and am worried for them. I place this in the predator area too because we do have bears around here and recently noticed come claw marks, etc. on the coop that are new, though no victims thankfully...
  3. goodeggsforyou

    Mystery: What's Wrong with the girls?! WORRIED; please be patient with the length

    Hi All. After 3 years of a healthy flock I think something's wrong but really have no idea what and am worried for them. Just had to put our beloved dog to sleep. Don't want them to not be ok too!! About 2 weeks ago I noticed they were eating little feed and attributed it to them being out...
  4. goodeggsforyou

    Heating Screens

    Has anyone used the heating screens that look like little computer screens, and would one be safe to use inside a very small coop this winter, or would a heating pad be the best and safest way to keep 3 chickens warm? I'd love any other ideas as well about how to keep them warm inside a...
  5. goodeggsforyou

    Roosting rod necessary?

    Hello all. Some years ago I was very active here when I first had my 10 chickens. We had a very large coop and good success which was a joy. Now that I'm wanting to have chickens again I'm just looking at one of these small ready-made coops for two chickens. The Builder tells me however that...
  6. goodeggsforyou

    How far in to put the hardware cloth?

    Hi Fellow Chicken Folks:) We have completed our coop and are working on the run. We live in an area without snake issues so have been told by locals that weasels (sp?) are the only potential for digging beneath the run. We will surround the bottom part of the run with hardware cloth that we...
  7. goodeggsforyou

    New chicks warm enough? Question.

    Hi All. My 1 1/2 week old chicks seem to being doing well, however, I find them huddling up together sleeping in a corner of their brooder box instead of under their heat lamp. Initially I thought they might be too hot so moved the lamp up to cool things off, however, then they seemed too cool...
  8. goodeggsforyou

    PLASTIC under new chicks??

    Hi (again). Will it be too slippery for the new chicks if I place plastic sheeting under the pine shavings?? Thanks SO much!
  9. goodeggsforyou

    Shoot. Another ?

    If I place plastic sheeting under pine shavings will it be too slippery for my new little chicks?? Thanks Again:love
  10. goodeggsforyou

    Questions re: New Chicks TOMORROW

    Hello to All. Well I'm extremely psyched as I am Finally getting my (first time) chicks tomorrow! I've wanted some my Whole darn life. Two questions: 1) Best way to make my dog understand these are not food or toys (she has chased full grown chickens in the past and we hope to have them...
  11. goodeggsforyou

    Remote Heat Source ??? For Baby Chicks

    HELP. Our coop is far away, and I can't seem to find a product that will provide heat. Solar is apparently too expensive and/or complex at this point, and battery operated impractical. We are considering running electric underground or simply an extension cord, but our dog loves to chew...
  12. goodeggsforyou

    Wanted: Catalana Chicks

    Hi. Having a very hard time finding Catalana chicks and planning to get our others at the end of this (March) month. Anyone have any idea? I would sure appreciate it. I live in south east Washington state, and am trying to get them in small numbers (i.e. 2-3); that is not easy. I had found a...
  13. goodeggsforyou

    Wanted: Catalana Chicks

    Hi! I sure would appreciate it if anyone either has these or could direct me to someone who does. Boy they are hard to find (perhaps there's a reason?). Thanks so very much for any and all help. Take Care. Sincerely ~ Erika
  14. goodeggsforyou

    heat alternative for remote locale

    Hi All. About to get chicks for the first time and our coop is located too far from the house to run electricity for heat (or anything) unless we have a perpetual, super long, extension cord running across the property which our dog would possibly chew through anyhow. Looking for suggestions...
  15. goodeggsforyou

    New member in Walla Walla, WA

    Not sure if I got through before to my fellow Washingtonians so I wanted to say I'm happy to be here and looking forward to being able to share with such a great community of chickeny people. I hope that if you live close by, you might like to chat here and there as I think it would be helpful...
  16. goodeggsforyou

    New member in Walla Walla, WA

    Hi Folks. What a cool site! Well, we finally have a little land; have wanted to raise chickens for years. We have a coop made; will be getting Araucanas, Cuckoo Marans, Rhode Island Reds, and if I can find them, Catalanas. Anyone in the area who would be interested in sharing advice, eggs...
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