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  1. Traffie Chickens

    Help with integrating younger birds:

    I have had my chicks in a fenced off area in our coop for a few weeks now, and I just don’t know what to look for, for when they are ready to be in with my older hens yet. Like if I should put them in with them now? Or should I wait? Any thoughts on what to do? Thanks! New to integration here. 😊
  2. Traffie Chickens

    Red Star?, or Cinnamon Queen?

    Hi everyone! I have 4 hens that are supposedly red stars, but one of them looks different Than the others. I looked up cinnamon queens and she looks a lot like one. So is she a red star or a cinnamon queen? Or are is a cinnamon queen the same as a red star? The first pic is the one I am...
  3. Traffie Chickens

    Post your coops!

    Let’s show all of our cool coops! I would love to see all of your amazing chicken/duck/quail or any poultry coops! 😊
  4. Traffie Chickens

    Egg with NO shell?

    Hi everyone! So yesterday we thought that our hen Sage was egg bound, so we brought her inside, gave her an epsom bath, And set up a little pen for her for the night. But this morning I found a super smelly shell-less egg splattered over her bed. And now her poop looks really sorta...
  5. Traffie Chickens

    Please Help! Egg bound chicken won’t even move.

    My chicken I am pretty sure is egg bound. She is puffed up and won’t eat any treats I offer, won’t eat food either. She has been in the same spot for an hour strait just standing there, panting. Do I give her an epsom salt bath?
  6. Traffie Chickens

    Help. Rooster attacking other rooster at 7 weeks.

    I hatched chicks and I got 2 Roos and a hen. My two Roos are 7 weeks now and they won’t stop jumping and chasing each other. Like literally ALL the time! I used to think it was just playing, but now it seems more like fighting. What do I do? And I would post a vid of them? But I’m not sure how.
  7. Traffie Chickens

    Help needed, What food do I put the flock on?

    Hi! some confusion here, So I have a (laying flock) that is currently on layer feed pellets, But I am introducing some new (non laying chicks) into the flock. And I have heard that non laying chicks can’t eat layer feed. So what food do I put the flock on? Do I just put everyone, including the...
  8. Traffie Chickens

    Can they be without heat?

    Hi everyone! My chicks are 6 weeks old, in our non heated basement and I am currently trying to wean them off heat. I have had the heat lamp pretty far away for a few days, but I don’t know if my chicks will be okay if I take it fully away now? What do you think?
  9. Traffie Chickens

    Please help! What breed is this?

    Hi I think I posted about this already but people didn’t really know, so I am trying again. But does anyone know what breed and gender this chick is? We thought it was a jersey giant but we weren’t sure. He or she came out of a brown egg, if that helps! Thanks!
  10. Traffie Chickens

    Post Pics Of Your Baby Chicks!

    Hi Everyone! I want to see all of your cute little Chicks!! 🐥
  11. Traffie Chickens


    Hi! So we have been trying to figure out if our 2 EE’s are pullets or cockerels, is there any way to tell at this young? These are currently 4 weeks old. If anybody knows or can tell me what gender, that would be AMAZING! Thanks!
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