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  1. J


    hi guys! my chickens are all about 11months-1 year old and starting just recently at around 6:00 am they start going absolutely ballistic. Not just crow here and there just constant loud crows/screams. The thing i dont understand is that they never did this before! they all have been laying for...
  2. J

    Breed of these two? and when should i expect eggs?!

    they are both about 20-22 weeks old have no clue of the breed of the black one. Also when should i expecting eggs from these two? when i go to put my hand over them they dont squat like others. thanks.
  3. J

    Breed & Gender?

    he/she is 18-21 weeks old not sure of the breed but im confident its a female. also does anybody know what age this breed tends to lay?
  4. J


    Hi guys so about 2-2.5 weeks ago i purchased four 7.5 month old laying hens from a local seller in my area who is trusted and pretty well known. when i first introduced them they seemed to get comfortable and familiar fast. One of the four even going directly into the nesting box and layed an...
  5. J


    was hatched july 17th.
  6. J

    My New Additions!!!

    hi guys, so i just got 4 new additions to my flock and need suggestions and tips to get them as accustom as possible to their new home! Ive put ceramic eggs in the second story which is where the nesting boxes are, i’ve noticed they haven’t been jumping from the ground level to the nesting...
  7. J

    New Chickens!

    hi guys, so i just got 4 new additions to my flock and need suggestions and tips to get them as accustom as possible to their new home! Ive put ceramic eggs in the second story which is where the nesting boxes are, i’ve noticed they haven’t been jumping from the ground level to the nesting...
  8. J


    hi can i get the breed of this pretty little girl
  9. J

    Rescued White Leghorn

    So i just rescued this cute girl who i call “combover” from someone who was really really neglecting a couple chickens… I wish i couldve got more but due to space i could only get one…. I was wondering if she would ever grow her feathers back on her tail and side 😢 i hope so, and if so what...
  10. J

    Never seen this type of chicken before

    anyone know the breed and gender? im 99.9% sure its a female just dont know the breed
  11. J

    Golden Comet? Or RIR?

    i know its super difficult but if you had to guess the age what would you say?
  12. J

    Gender? How much longer till she lays?

    Hi guys! title is pretty self explanatory. Just wanna see how long you guys think till she lays and i wanna make sure she’s a hen also:) knowing the breed would be awesome also! thanks you guys ❤️
  13. J


    Hi i didnt get that much feedback on my prior post wanted to see if i can get more engagement. This guy is 2.5-3 months old. he/she is a light brahma thank u!
  14. J

    What gender are these guys?

    1 is a new jersey giant and the other a light brahma both around 2.5-3 months old pretty sure the new jersey giant is for sure a female but the light brahma im on the edge about.
  15. J

    Breed Identity & Gender

    hello thanks to all that help!
  16. J

    Gender Identity (Updated HD Pictures)

    Hi guys updated more higher quality pictures hope this helps determine the gender a little better. Im like 95% sure the #1 chicken is a male. The #2 not very sure. Comb on the first one is alot more red and profound. @Tookie @nuthatched
  17. J

    Gender Identity

    Hello So i got this guy from a local breeder he/she is an absolute stunner not sure at all of the breed but more curious of the GENDER! im only allowed to keep hens in my area! A little worried about the very read comb area already being how young he is but not to sure! he was hatched july 22!
  18. J

    Gender Identity Plz (Hard)

    Hello I just got better pictures of my two RIR’S been getting very mixed answers on the gender. Only can keep hens in my area so if there cockerels i gotta take them back! I numbered the two of them! both are around 6-7 ish weeks.
  19. J

    Production Red’s Gender Identity

    Hi guys so ive been getting such crazy mixed answers on the genders of my two production reds. I actually brought them into a local farmer who breeds these guys and he was pretty stumped also…When i got them i was told they were 95% sure to be female’s but i thought id post here to verify and...
  20. J


    Id greatly greatly appreciate it thank you. 2 brown were told were 95% to be hens. Others are luck of the draw i guess. Not allowed to keep roosters in my part of town so need to know as soon as possible! THANK YOU!
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