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  1. Frodo the Pekin

    Duckling egg externally pipped but no movement or developing in hours. Please HELP!

    Hi!! It's day 27 of my duck incubation journey and one of the eggs has externally pipped overnight and at about 9 AM when I woke up to check on them there was a small cracked bump like they do once they start to externally pip. The previous evening I could hear it tapping and saw it rocking...
  2. Frodo the Pekin

    Embryo forming too close to the air cell?

    Here's yet another incubation question from me lol. This whole journey is so much more intimidating than using a broody darnit 10 duck eggs in the bator, about day 4. Candled today and 7 are clearly fertile and developing, only their little blood island seems to be forming too close to the...
  3. Frodo the Pekin

    Ducklings and bantam chicks in the same brooder? How bad of an idea is it?

    How bad of an idea would it be to brood standard sized ducklings and mille fleur chicks together? My dear mille fleur hen Agnes died a while back at the claws of a dog. We adored that hen and now have the opportunity to get some of her sisters' fertile eggs to hatch from the farm where we got...
  4. Frodo the Pekin

    Humidity question. NEED HELP ASAP. Duck eggs

    Hello!! I bought myself an incubator recently and set some duck eggs today. However, I'm a bit confused with the humidity requirements. I live in Romania, and for some reason most romanian youtube videos and sites that I've seen seem to recommend 60-70% for the first period and 80%-85% at...
  5. Frodo the Pekin

    Is my incubator showing the right humidity?

    Hello!! I bought my first incubator recently with the intention of hatching some of my duck eggs. I intend to get the eggs in tomorrow, so I plugged in the bator starting today, so I'll be sure all the temp and humidity stuff is good and well prepped for the eggs. My bator is a pretty basic...
  6. Frodo the Pekin

    Can I add nutritional yeast to wet duckling food?

    Hello!! Pretty much the title. I have two 2 days old ducklings and I want to start adding niacin to their food, so I got some nutritional yeast for them. But is it alright to add it to their wet food? Because I am only feeding them organic food we grow on the farm, and I add water to it for the...
  7. Frodo the Pekin

    Mite infestation on broody hen 1 day before hatch

    Hi! Here's yet another panicked post from my first hatch adventure. This one might be the most 'panicky' yet. There's mites all over my broody and her nest, about one day from her duck eggs hatching. Tonight I went to check on her 2 duck eggs, both of which have externally pipped last night. And...
  8. Frodo the Pekin

    Help! Broke a bit of the shell from the first pip region, should I worry? Will the membrane dry out?

    So, I've 2 duck eggs under a broody chicken. It's day 26 and they have both had their first pip today. I was impulsive, and not thinking much and I just ripped a bit of the shell from the first pip area. You can see inside the egg through that little hole. Should I be concerned? Will the...
  9. Frodo the Pekin

    Duck egg halfway hatched, dead, on day 21

    I have a broody chicken sitting on 4 duck eggs. They all were well until this morning on day 21 when I checked them. A dead embryo, halfway out of the shell. Yolk on one of the other ones, which I tried to clean with a rag, but was to scared of further damaging to remove all of it, and that one...
  10. Frodo the Pekin

    Should I place an extra egg under my broody chicken after 3 days?

    Hi! Here I am with another one of my silly beginner issues. So as you might know from my last post, I have a broody chicken that has been sitting on 4 duck eggs for about 3 days. I fear 3 of the eggs might not be fertile, a realisation which had stupidly not come to me till yesterday (more on...
  11. Frodo the Pekin

    What are the chances of my eggs being fertile? 1 drake to 2 hens ratio

    Hi! So I have ducks. 2 drakes and 2 hens (lost 2 of my other hens to foxes in the spring,hence the reduced number of hens). All raised together since ducklinghood. A couple of weeks past, I separated one of the drakes from the flock, due to fighting, leaving a better yet still not ideal, I...
  12. Frodo the Pekin

    Do broody hens need oudoor space?

    Hi! So I have a broody hen that I'm planning on putting duck eggs under for hatching once I have enough(in about a day, I'd say). She is currently sitting in a nest out in the fenced in outdoor area of their coop. But the other flockmates can get to her and often do disturb her. I was thinking...
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