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  1. QuailMan6666

    Mille fleur d'uccle coop size?

    Since Mille fleur d'uccle weigh only 1 pound as adults and are the size of pigeons, can I just I just combine two 40" long dog crates for them? And can I place a coated wire flooring (PVC coated hardware cloth) for them to make cleaning easier for me?
  2. QuailMan6666

    Best vacuum to suck up feathers from hardware cloth?

    What kind of vacuum would I need to suck up feathers from hardware cloth? I want to maintain a clean coop. Any advice on what brand and type of vacuum will work?
  3. QuailMan6666

    Taming a pheasant with food

    Is it okay if I tame a pheasant by making it eat only from my hands two times a day? Or should I leave food in a bowl for it all day?
  4. QuailMan6666

    Every pigeon I acquired has lice...

    Is it normal that almost every pet pigeon I have ever acquired has had bird lice?
  5. QuailMan6666

    Getting into the business of breeding rabbits

    If I want to breed pedigree rabbits, sell them, and enter into rabbit shows, what breeds are the most in-demand? I don't want to be stuck with rabbits that don't sell. Any advice?
  6. QuailMan6666

    Can you keep a rabbit indoors?

    Can I keep a rabbit indoors inside a cage with pine pellets as the bedding? Will pine pellets absorb all the urine smell?
  7. QuailMan6666

    Will there always be rabbits available in California?

    Will there always be rabbits available for pets or meat in California even though this state banned the sale of rabbits at pet stores in 2019? I’m worried that after ten years my bunny will pass away and that I won’t be able to find anymore rabbits.
  8. QuailMan6666

    My bunny meets my cat

    My bunny meets my cat:
  9. QuailMan6666

    Do I need to worry about mosquitoes biting my outdoor rabbits?

    Do I need to worry about mosquitoes biting my outdoor rabbits?
  10. QuailMan6666

    If you ate a chicken that had cancer...

    If you ate a fully cooked chicken that had cancer, could you get cancer from it?
  11. QuailMan6666

    Who has more than one pet?

    Who here has more than one pet? I have one dog, one cat, a bunny, and different birds.
  12. QuailMan6666

    Flesh eating bacteria from chicken coop deep litter?

    Can you get infected with some kind of flesh eating bacteria from a deep litter bedding in a chicken coop? I was watching an episode from the "Ripley's believe it or not" tv show and a person ended up getting their hands and legs amputated due to flesh eating bacteria. This gave me the creeps.
  13. QuailMan6666

    Do you compress the potting soil?

    When planting plants in a pot, are you supposed to firmly compress the soil around the stem? Or do you keep the soil loose?
  14. QuailMan6666

    Why is it okay to keep quail and rabbits in small wire cages, but not chickens?

    Why is it okay to keep quail and rabbits in small wire cages (usually 30 x 36 inches), but not chickens? Why won't quail and rabbit keepers try to provide them with the same space and freedom that chickens have?
  15. QuailMan6666

    Will there always be Coturnix quails available?

    Since Coturnix quail only live for an average of 2 years, will they always be easy to acquire in the future? Will there always be breeders who ship fertile eggs?
  16. QuailMan6666

    Will rabbits get worms?

    I am planning on building my bunny a natural habitat like this one I found on the web at If I have my rabbit live on top of natural grass, is there a likelihood that he will get worms? Can rabbits be given deworming...
  17. QuailMan6666

    Sore hocks on rabbit

    I recently got a rabbit from a live butcher shop, and he has sore hocks. How do I treat the rabbit for sore hocks?
  18. QuailMan6666

    Where can I find 14 gauge 1/2 x 1" hardware cloth?

    Where can I find 14 gauge 1/2 x 1" hardware cloth for building rabbit cages? Home Depot and Lowes only has the 16 gauge 1/2 x 1/2" hardware cloth.
  19. QuailMan6666

    How to get urine stains out from rabbit’s fur?

    How do I remove the old urine stains on my white rabbit? Is it okay to just leave it there and the old fur will fall off and the new fur will grow? I saved my bunny from being culled at the butcher shop.
  20. QuailMan6666

    Do you really need to neuter a rabbit?

    Is it really necessary to neuter a male rabbit?
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