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  1. C

    Chicken behaviors and egglaying

    How can I discourage Daisy (9 mo old Buf.Orp.) from being broody?The pecking/nipping are making egg collection an experience. Thanks. Chickiestohens
  2. C

    New member intro: Hi I'm Chickiestohens. Currently I have 4 9mo old Buffy Oripngton "Ladies" and 6 chicks..2 astr'lorps, & 3 other of different breed

    A Question..our horse thinks he's part chicken or the 4 ladies are part horse. He chews on their coop trying to "rescue" them from their hutch. Help! Any one have this problem? Thinking of going with a modified Craftsman resin shed. Will this help stop his chewing? I live in Wisconsin so is...
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