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  1. FireCountry

    McMurray Hatchery experience with priority loading

    Hello! I wanted to share my positive McMurray experience with you guys. I ordered 15 chicks last month with a May 6th hatch date. I paid the extra $57 for priority loading. I had them ship all the way to California so I definitely wanted that. On May 6th I got an email that they hatched and...
  2. FireCountry

    Clear watery drip from vent

    Hello, I just got a few new chickens today. I looked them over thoroughly to see if there was anything to be concerned about and they seem in pretty good health. Active, eat drink, nothing alarming but 2/3 had a bit of wetness around the vent. I am very new to chicken keeping so I'm unsure how...
  3. FireCountry

    Anyone want to guess my satin/silkie gender? 7 weeks

    Anyone up for a little gender guessing? I've got 2 satins and 2 silkies. All about 7 weeks old except the mauve silkie is about a week older. I am so very fortunate to know for certain the gender of THREE of these cuties! I have a guess on the fourth but it is not confirmed. I'm excited to...
  4. FireCountry

    My 7 week old Silkie Crowed!

    As I turned the light on in the brooder this morning, my little blue silkie let out his first crow! Then a second and a third and a fourth and so on :lau It was just too cute. The first one was really impressive! The rest came out as little squawks but I got video of a couple of those. It...
  5. FireCountry

    Just a bit of cuteness

    Just wanted to share a bit of cuteness with you guys. Some pics of my mauve silkie girl taking her first little field trip outside :love
  6. FireCountry

    Living the chicken dream

    I am so happy to be joing this chicken community. I have wanted chickens since I was a little girl and I'm finally living my dream, begining my Homestead. I just got four little baby silkies and my heart is just so full ☺️🥰 Meet my little ones: Ginger (Mauve silkie), Mary Anne (white satin)...
  7. FireCountry

    24hrs of light or not to 24hrs of light?

    Hi! I'm new to chickens and have been reading about them non-stop for months trying to learn everything I can. One thing I've learned is that for every article/post that says one thing, there's another that says the opposite 😫 Many people say that baby chicks need light on 24/7 or they won't...
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