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  1. Katakornchicks

    Experimental Bumblefoot removal success!! (The Easy Way!!)

    Hey folks. So bumblefoot is one ailment I've always struggled to treat within my flock, and I've never been able to find a way to do it successfully after many difficult (and mildly traumatic attempts) but finally, I've discovered the secret. A, dare I say it, EASY way! I've done this on 3 feet...
  2. Katakornchicks

    What are these 'teeth' on my ducks tongue?

    This is Yoshi, he's an East Indie Bantam drake. I noticed today that he has "teeth" on the sides of his tongue. I have seen that geese have these but didn't know ducks did too! What are they called? What are they for? Just curious!
  3. Katakornchicks

    Please Help! Baby call duck keeps falling on back

    I just got a new call duck yesterday. Someone gave her away for free... Which is already a bit suspicious. They told me she was 4 months old but she looks only about a month and a half... Anyways. Besides being extremely dirty when I got her, she seemed ok. She was running around and such. But...
  4. Katakornchicks

    Black bruises (?) on pullets legs?

    This is my 6 week old Splash Ameracauna chick. She has developed a black spot on one of her legs. Is it a bruise? I thought chicken bruises were yellow. Bruise on left leg
  5. Katakornchicks

    Rooster has rejected hen. How to get him to accept her

    Hi there. I have a 2 year old EE frizzle rooster who I love. He's very gentle with people and with his hens, and has been accepting to every new hen I put in his coop. However, I recently added 1 new hen that he doesn't like. The other hens seem to have accepted her, but he has not. She hides on...
  6. Katakornchicks

    Bumblefoot galore! What went wrong?

    Hi there. I've had my flock for a few years now and bumblefoot cases have been far and few between. Today I went and checked my birds, and I probably have like 5-6 with it now! What did I do wrong? I try to keep the coop clean, it's usually not muddy (unless excess rain, and it's very large! I...
  7. Katakornchicks

    10 week old EE. Pullet or Cockrell? Confusing tail arch

    I thought this chick was female for a long time, but the tail is starting to arch over which has me worried. I do not see any pointed sickle or saddle feathers yet. What do y'all think? Is it too early for the curved tail to mean anything? Also the colorations look very female to me, and the...
  8. Katakornchicks

    What the heck is this? Identifying breed of large orange speckled chicken.

    My friend recently bought this mystery hen that was being advertised as a "golden comet" but I know there's no way that's what it is. It's HUGE and orange and almost looks like it's developing mille fluer coloration. It's about 6 months old. What breed is it?? (EE For Scale)
  9. Katakornchicks

    Help! Big nosed Ameracauna chicks. Hen or rooster?

    Hey there! I got some new Splash Ameracauna chicks the other day and I'm having a hard time telling if they are male or female. They are approximately 4 weeks old. Their beaks and nostrils look abnormally large to me but maybe that's just the breed. What do you guys think? Chick 1 Chick 2
  10. Katakornchicks

    HELP! 1 MONTH OLD Splash Ameracaunas! Pullets or roos?

    Hey there! I just bought some splash Ameracaunas chicks! I don't know the exact age, but about 5 weeks I'd say. I'm usually pretty good about telling the gender of chickens at this age, but with this breed I have NO idea! I tried my best to pick 2 girls. What do y'all think? (Note, the one has...
  11. Katakornchicks

    How to help my rooster to accept a new hen

    Hey folks. I recently got myself a beautiful new EE hen to add to my flock. Everything seemed to go well at first and my frizzle EE rooster came up to do a mating dance for her almost immediately. However, she had come from a flock without roosters, and apparently mistook this display as...
  12. Katakornchicks

    Urgent! Possible herniated umbilical or unabsorbed yolk sack? Should I remove?

    We found this baby yesterday newly hatched on the coop floor alone. His mother was dead, by a snake it looks like. 😭 I'm posting a picture of what he looked like 11 hrs ago when first found vs now. The mass that we are unsure is intestines, umbilical, yolk sac, or a little bit of everything...
  13. Katakornchicks

    Emergency! Intestines or yolk sac?? Please help!!

    I found the mother dead and a newly hatched chick on the ground. Please help!! I don't know what to do.
  14. Katakornchicks

    Is this a Roo? 6 week old Mosaic mix

    This chick is a mixture of an EE and Mosaic. Due to the comb and wattle size I always assumed it was female, but look at it's pointy tail feathers! That means it's gotta be a male right? Note, it's a Fibromelanistic breed so redness of the comb and face is not a factor i can rely on.
  15. Katakornchicks

    6 week old chicks refuse to roost and insist on sleeping underneath mom

    Hey there. So I have six, 6-week-old chicks that were hatched by one of my own hens. She's been an excellent first time mother; in fact perhaps a bit too excellent. The babies refuse to roost at night, despite having roosting options that they happily use during the day. Mom, a small bantam mix...
  16. Katakornchicks

    Is this egg dead? 13 days

    This egg is 13 days old. I checked on it 2 days ago and it was moving. Now the blood ring seems stuck to the shell and I can't see the embryo anymore. Is it dead? Or is this normal for this stage of development?
  17. Katakornchicks

    Embryo stuck to the side of the egg? What does it mean

    Hi there. I'm attempting to hatch some chicken eggs currently and I have some questions. I just candled my 8 day old egg and it's looking like it should for that stage of development. Only issue, the veins and embryo in the center are not rotating/floating with the egg when I turn it, they seem...
  18. Katakornchicks

    Fertilized egg or health problem?

    I have a broody hen trying to hatch eggs. I don't want chicks right now tho so I've been taking away her eggs daily. This egg I think she sat on for about 2 days before I took it. (Note, she didn't lay this egg, it's another hens) I noticed a weird shadow on about 3 eggs when I candled them to...
  19. Katakornchicks

    Swollen chicken foot NOT bumblefoot?

    I have a hen that has a bad limp when she walks and has for some time. The bottom of one of her foot pads is very swollen. We at first thought she must have bumblefoot so several months ago we attempted bumblefoot surgery. However, she never had the signature black scab on the bottom of her...
  20. Katakornchicks

    Grandma hen acts like rooster and feeds younger hens treats?

    I have a very old hen. I dont know exactly how old because she belonged to a few different people before me, but enough that she no longer lays eggs, and even has grown spurs despite being female. She's normally quite grumpy but I noticed the other day that she started mimicking what some of the...
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