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  • Users: Sono
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  1. Sono

    Invited someone today

    I met a nice lady today to get some Spearmint plants, she also has backyard chickens. Hopefully she finds her way here and enjoy this great site.
  2. Sono

    Just cleaned out the coop

    Cleaned and ready fo.r spring.... Full feeder and water barrel, Tilled all the old bedding into the soil, got some awesome black gold going for the garden. As I remove the soil for the garden I will add double ground hardwood mulch which will keep their feet dry and start over for next years compost
  3. Sono

    Look what I got.....

    Im planning to re-do my watering system on the coop. Been having issues with leaks in the plastic drip nipples that use gravity with rods and ball bearings inside. Finally found the heavy duty brass nipples that use a silicone spring system to seal the drip nipples ( I had plastic ones before...
  4. Sono

    Lost another hen.

    Last couple days Ive been getting the normal 6 eggs a day from the 6 laying hens. The other day there was 8 and yesterday 10 ???? I know the new chicks arent laying yet as they wont until next year. I have noticed a stinch at the coop and figured it was the manure and heat as its been a toasty...
  5. Sono

    weird egg

    Not sure where to post this. Today I was short 2 eggs, didnt see them in the nesting boxes, nor in the run, went into the coop and there they lay... picked up the first in the corner and the other by the water barrel shocked me???? its a normal egg but has a membrane surrounding it as well as...
  6. Sono

    Concerned with new chicks

    Today I evicted the littles out to the coop. Its been in the 80s+ and will continue, been calling for thunderstorms since last friday but nothing....until tonight. The chicks are fully featherd and weened off the heat for a few weeks already. I put them in the coop early this morning and...
  7. Sono

    Wattering the littles

    My new chicks will be ready to go out by the end of the month, getting rid of the 3 roos before they go out in the coop. Now instead of adding rocks, blocks or whatever to accomodate their height for the drip nipples I decided to improvise again.... this time a fully adjustable drip rail that...
  8. Sono

    Raising baby chicks , first timer

    First time for First timers
  9. Sono

    Hide n seek

    So I have 2 that are hiding their stash grrrr. One was hiding them under the water storage tank and the other was dropping them in the run and pushing them under the ramp. So, today was eviction day. Instead of that one board on top of the stand in the back Im going to make a platform over the...
  10. Sono

    More More !

    Yesterday on the way home from my Grandsons birthday party I picked up a 9 piece nuggets with dippin sauce. Soon, they will be added to the flock of EE. I picked up 3 RIR, 3 golden laced wydonettes, and 3 speckled sussexs, dug out my tub and supplies from the garden shed ( I swore I wasnt going...
  11. Sono

    BYC on Facebook ?

    Is this the same group on Facebook that I came across today?
  12. Sono

    Classic Coop....

    Zoom Zoom
  13. Sono

    Surprise !

    My Americaunas started laying a few days ago. Walked out to 6 eggs so I thought they were all laying but last couple days only 3 a day so I think only 3 of the 6 are laying so far. Pretty clay color, olive, Blue and brown so far. my question is, are they ok to eat as I still have 3 roosters to...
  14. Sono

    Roosters. Meat.... not sure where to post this

    I am in DeSoto Missouri. I ended up with 4 maybe 5 Roosters, fairly large too ! I am looking for someone who may be interested in buying them , trading for some hens or someone who can dress them and will share the meat 50/50 for their time ? I have never slaughtered chickens and kinda at...
  15. Sono

    Getting ready ?

    Ive been watching my new flock as they mature, upgrading the feeder and waterer to make things better along with the entirely new coop/run for this flock. Today I noticed their combs are starting to become more pronounced and were really red.... Are they getting ready to lay at 6 months? I put a...
  16. Sono

    New Feeder

    Today I started a new feeder for the girls. This one will hold a full 55# bag plus some, so Ill only need to fill once a month or so. I forgot to pick up extra feed ports so Ill finish that tomorrow. I also started on the cedar fence around the creek / waterfall... next Ill use some old towels...
  17. Sono

    The Outlaws Gift

    My In-Laws ( I call in-laws, out-Laws for fun ) were complaining about carrying water out to their chickens everyday because they cant figure out how to make a self sufficentnwatering system ( like mine ) even after looking at it ..... SO, I decided since I have all the supplies and we are...
  18. Sono

    What Happened?

    Ok, suddenly we got snow last week 5 inches but melted after 2 days and again a a few days later about 2 inches and gone the next day 32 at night 40s and sunny during the day.... Thing is, these stupid chicks will stay huddled outside in a corner of the run WTH ? I put them on the roost but...
  19. Sono

    Hunchback of Notre Dame ?

    One of my Buff Ophingtons has a "Hunchback" or whatever you want to call it? I noticed it the other day while out checking on them and just socializing with them, This one is really mellow, comes to you, doesnt run off with the others...ect.... I noticed her head stays to the right and a large...
  20. Sono

    Odd behavior help

    My new chicks, all 12 of them, Been in the coop for about a little over 2 weeks. At first I was putting them on the perch at night but they would still be huddled together on the floor later. Now, it has warmed up a bit in the evenings 67... and they are being found huddled together in a corner...
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