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  1. BackyardBradshaw

    Hatching at different times

    Hi! This is my first time hatching using an incubator. I thought I they would've hatched around the same time but I've got quite the variation right now. 2 of them are about 15hrs old and fluffy now, some just hatched this morning, and there's about 8 eggs that have only pipped. How long can...
  2. BackyardBradshaw

    Illness or Old Injury?

    Any ideas what this leather-like patch of skin could be? This girl also has a small nub/nipple looking growth on her belly as well. She is about a month old and has never expressed any type of discomfort. She's acting perfectly fine now even. These chicks have never enjoyed being held and are...
  3. BackyardBradshaw

    Should I be Concerned? Voice gone...

    So my little silkie roo has lost his voice. Is this common or should I be worried? He just started crowing about 2 months ago. His crow has been pretty strong, but this morning you can barely hear him. He sounds very raspy and there's no pitch to his voice. Almost like a broken squeak toy. He...
  4. BackyardBradshaw

    Can you vaccinate older chickens for Mareks?

    I've got some questions about the Mareks vaccine that I can't seem to find on any of the forums. Wanted to see if anyone had some input: 1) Can you vaccinate hens for Mareks, or only chicks? 2) If hens can be vaccinated, would it harm them if they previously had the vaccination? We've got...
  5. BackyardBradshaw

    FL: Anything required to sell live birds?

    Does anyone know what requirements there are to sell live birds in Florida? I've tried good ol Google, but can't find specifically what I'm looking for. I'm finding a lot of info on selling eggs and meat, but we're contemplating raising chicks to sell live.
  6. BackyardBradshaw

    MASSIVE egg!

    Wowza! I feel so bad for whoever laid this egg today. We've gotten plenty of double yolkers, but this is by far the largest one we've had! The pictures just don't do it justice!
  7. BackyardBradshaw

    Fowlpox or peck marks?

    I've noticed small black spots on a few of my girls' combs recently. I've done some research on BYC and other sites and am leaning towards simple peck marks, but wanted to post a picture to get feedback from the community here. Any thoughts? Most of the spots are black, but some have a greyish...
  8. BackyardBradshaw

    Rooster with red feet...this normal?

    I just noticed my rooster's feet have a red color to them. Is this normal? He doesn't seem to be bothered by anything. I'm still learning so figured it'd be best to ask. And yes, he likes to pose for pictures.
  9. BackyardBradshaw

    What gender is my silkie?

    Is it too early to tell the gender of Miss Lucy? That's what we've named her so far, but I'm starting to worry she is actually a he....any thoughts? Her comb is getting rather large, very quickly. We've already got 2 roos and I'm worried there will be drama if we have more.
  10. BackyardBradshaw

    What are these blonde babes?

    Can you guys help me identify these 2 blonde gals? My husband got them at RK, but doesn't remember what type he bought. Any ideas? As they've grown, I can't find any that look just like them online. They each have little mowhawks on their heads. They have yellow/orange fett and legs, and have...
  11. BackyardBradshaw

    Brown Leghorn? Welsummer?

    Anyone know what breed this beautiful girl is? We got her at Rural King, she's around 10wks old now. She doesn't match any of the breeds we bought so I'm thinking she was put in the wrong bin. I'm still learning my breeds so I'm having a hard time figuring her out. She's much smaller than the...
  12. BackyardBradshaw

    First Time Egg Hatcher - Help!

    What am I doing? Our girl, Cocoa, has been sitting on some eggs for about 3 weeks now. I've been periodically candling them and they look like they're at the final stage (based on diagram pictures I've been seeing online). I can even see the babies moving around! I'm thinking they're going to...
  13. BackyardBradshaw

    White Spots on Wattles. Is this bad?

    3 of my girls have developed white spots on their wattles over the past week. They seem to be fine, but I wanted to share on here to see if this may be an issue. We recently bought a different type of food because they were out of our usual kind and I'm wondering if it's a nutrition deficiency...
  14. BackyardBradshaw

    Broody girl an outcast

    My girl, Gummy Bear, finally broke her broodiness, but now the entire flock is shunning her. She's always by herself. If she comes near them, some of the other hens will pluck her feathers out until she runs away again. I read this is somewhat common for a broody hen due to the hormonal change...
  15. BackyardBradshaw

    Are these Speckled Sussex?

    We bought a couple chicks at Tractor Supply and they told us they were Speckled Sussex. I'm starting to think they aren't because of the color of their feet and feathers. I thought SS chickens had whiter feet. Ours have HUGE dark grey feet. See pictures. They're about 6 weeks old now. Any...
  16. BackyardBradshaw

    Finally got our ladies! First timers!

    We got our girls today! 20 Golden Buffs. Been planning for over a year and I still feel like I'm in over my head. My daughter says she could watch them for the rest of her life lol. She'll be a good chicken mama. This is our first time raising chickens and I feel it's going to be a crazy ride...
  17. BackyardBradshaw

    Is an incubator necessary?

    Wow there is so much information here, I love it! I have spent countless hours over the past week reading everything about raising chickens. We don't have any birds yet, but plan to in the next couple months. This may be a silly question, but is an incubator necessary if the mama chicken lays...
  18. BackyardBradshaw

    New to chickens and to BYC. Any tips?

    Hi, I'm Ayla. It's going to take a little while to learn how to navigate this app. It seems pretty interesting. My family and I just purchased 12 acres in North Central FL and are looking to fix up this old coop (see pictures). We've got tons of spiders, ticks, roaches, mosquitos, and who knows...
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