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  1. Britt The Chicken Chick

    Obsessed Rooster: Has Anyone Experienced This Type of Behavior?

    I love my little man Birdo. He has had a unique personality since he was a week old. A year later, the best way I can describe him is: obsessed with me. I joke about his behavior, such as the paragraph below “Birdo’s Perspective.” People probably think I am crazy or exaggerating when I tell...
  2. Britt The Chicken Chick

    Unusually Large Buff Orpington?

    My latest newcomers to my flock are 12 weeks old. I have 2 Whiting True Greens, 2 Amerucaunas, and 2 Buff Orpington pullets. I also have a Blue Andalusian too. I have one lady (Buff Orpington) that is unusually big. She is twice the size of everyone else, including the other Buff Orpington and...
  3. Britt The Chicken Chick

    Building Chicken Village: Sunroom for the Winter Ahead

    My roosters are 100% convinced that snow = hot lava. They are ready for the next snow with their new “sunroom” made from old greenhouse panels. These are some spoiled chickens.
  4. Britt The Chicken Chick

    Hello From Indiana

    Hello! My name is Britt and I am from Indiana. I have been involved in agricultural most of my life. From being in 4-H as a kid to being a former Agriculture Extension Agent, I have been around livestock of many forms. Over the last year, I have developed a new found passion for chickens. Check...
  5. Britt The Chicken Chick

    The Building of Chicken Village

    In March of this year, I started building chicken village. Other than screws and wire, everything was repurposed from our old barn and left over building materials. It is ever evolving and growing. As the days shorten it has become harder to navigate in the dark and hang out with my flock. I...
  6. Britt The Chicken Chick

    McMurray Mystery Chick Identification

    Identification help: I received a “Mystery Chick” from McMurray Hatchery in October with some of my new little ladies. All along I have thought he was a Blue Andalusian, but he seems to progressively have a bad hair day. He is developing into a frizzled feathered guy. Any ideas?
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