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  1. Kenzelton the 3rd

    Broody hen viciously weaned one but not the other

    for some context, I had a Russian Orloff/Speckled Orpington go broody on me. So I got her two chicks, since that’s all I had the room for and this is her first time. I kept her with the rest of the hens, one like her, a Barred, and three red stars so all gentle hens. She was a great mama...
  2. Kenzelton the 3rd

    Hanging out in the coop

    So I have a pair of small prefab coops, a large 150sqf run, and a few 18 week pulleys. Last week I found an accident egg with a soft shell, that the flies found before me. Today I have a pullet hanging out inside the coop where I found that egg. Is she the layer? She’s been in there/laying down...
  3. Kenzelton the 3rd

    Everyone’s favorite game: roo or not?

    I’ve got two barred rocks and I know one is a female and another that I’ve been suspected is a roo since week three. They are my smallest and largest chickens respectively. The suspect has more heft to her/him, noticeably larger feet, bands look bigger, holds its tale higher up, walks more...
  4. Kenzelton the 3rd

    Should I give grit?

    Hey so I’m getting my day old chicks on Wednesday, I’ve done some research on whether to give grit or not. Some articles said that while I’m giving them chick starter, it desolves in water so they don’t need it yet. But some say to buy it just in case. I know once they start eating bugs, seeds...
  5. Kenzelton the 3rd

    Raccoons are already here

    Hey so I’m positive I have a raccoon, I’ve seen paw prints by my pound, a den by an old house, and I just came across a rabbit in my barn minus a head. I’m planning on using an old stall as a coop and I need to obviously wrap it in wire. I don’t have hardware mesh, will no climb wire work for...
  6. Kenzelton the 3rd

    Second time around

    Hey, so I grew up in Central Texas with Brahman and brown leghorn mixes, they were as free range as they get. They roosted in a live oak tree near the house and our favorite pastime was going egg hunting in the hay barn or catching the extra roosters. I’ve decided to start a new flock, by...
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