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  1. Egg Snatcher

    Conservation of Brown Red Japanese Bantam

    This thread will be used to keep track of the preservation of the brown red Japanese. I will be breeding towards the SOP. Japanese genetics Japanese bantams carry the Creeper gene...
  2. Egg Snatcher

    Organs formed outside body?! Why?

    I had this happen once before in 2022 Then today I candled my eggs in the incubator, and did an egg-topcy on the eggs that died. Today I found these two little ones also had the same defect. Organs on the outside of the body. Bantam mix day 13 Silkie day 16 also (looks to of died earlier)...
  3. Egg Snatcher

    Red Plye OEGB??

    Is this hen a Red Plye OEGB? I bought her a Atwood. Is purebred.
  4. Egg Snatcher

    Brown Red Mottled D’Uccles Project

    As some of y’all now I’m working on creating a new variety/color of D’Uccles. The roos will be mottled with brown red leakage around the neck and saddle. The hens will also be mottled with brown red leakage around the neck and possibly the saddle depending if I like that. I’m going to use this...
  5. Egg Snatcher

    Where to Buy Brown Red Japanese Bantams

    I was wondering if any one new where to buy purebred brown red Japanese bantam chicks or hatching eggs. I have a purebred brown red jap roo and have been looking for hens. All the hatcheries I’ve looked at don’t carry them. I’m guessing they’re uncommon. Thanks. Here’s my boy
  6. Egg Snatcher

    Brown Red Mottled D’Uccles Project

    If this is not already a breed I’d like to make it one. I kind of stumbled upon this by accident last year. I crossed my Brown Red Jap to a Mille Fleur and got this… Roo(he got frostbite on his comb) Hen I’d like to keep the brown red leakage on the roos, but improve his mottled chest, blue...
  7. Egg Snatcher

    Mixed bantam hens breed

    I’ve have 3 hens I was wondering if anyone could tell what they were crossed with. I did get these so I don’t know the parents one of the buff hens has a beard and muffs. The roo is one of their son(dad Mille Fleur Has 5 toes no black skin. I was thinking silkie/ barred Cochin Im not real...
  8. Egg Snatcher

    What breed are these tiny ducks?

    These tiny tiny ducks are at bass pro, I was wondering if anyone new what they were. We have asked the workers and they don’t know what they are. The drakes have blue bills and the hens have dark brown Drake Hen
  9. Egg Snatcher

    Chick with abnormal eye size

    My 2 week old polish chick has a very abnormal sized eye. He/she can’t see out of the eye. He can still eat and drink, and acts normal. The eye has been like this for 3 days, not sure what causes this. Here’s a chick the same age to compare the eyes with.
  10. Egg Snatcher

    Swollen Foot

    My chicks foot has swollen for 2 days. I’m not sure what happened. The foot doesn’t seem to bother the chick. She walks in it just fine. I did move their coop, but I don’t think her foot got stuck.
  11. Egg Snatcher

    Respiratory Infection?

    I have noticed my chicken breathing heavy. It sounds kind of crackly. They all act fine, eating drinking just fine other then the breathing. Is there an organic way to cure them? Will this herd treatment work? Thank you.
  12. Egg Snatcher

    What breed/color is this polish.

    This is Candy Corn. I thought she was a candy crown polish when she started to feather out, now I’m not so sure. What color is she?
  13. Egg Snatcher

    Rotting feet? Feet were frozen☹️Please Help!

    Ok so one week ago my sultan roo was standing in the snow. I noticed he has walking stiffly. I picked him up and his feet were froze. I have gotten them warmed up and his toes still move. He can also stand and walk. I have been soaking his feet in epsilon salt water. One the 2end and 3rd day he...
  14. Egg Snatcher

    How do you tan a hide with the hair on?

    So in August we will be having a hulsteen steer butchered. I get to have the hide to tan but am not real sure how. Iv seen how to brain tan, I would brain tan, but I don't want to destroy the skull. Is there a way to get the brains out and not destroy it? If any of you have taned with the hair...
  15. Egg Snatcher

    Are these hens penciled?

    I have four of these hens that I think are penciled. All four hens are different shades. Are they penciled, if not can you tell what color please.
  16. Egg Snatcher

    What gender is this?

    My silkie is about 9 months old. S/he is not crowing or laying. S/he started to kind of look boyish last week. The buff Cochin I’m thinking is a a boy, s/he is about 2-3 months.
  17. Egg Snatcher

    Silkie Breeding Questions

    I have some queshitions on genetict coloring. But first I need to know if my pure silkie really is blue. I was told he was blue but he is black and he has proven to have black genes, he has had 50/50 blue and black babies. So I read some were on her not to breed a black silkie to a white is...
  18. Egg Snatcher

    Mycoplasma gallisepticum? Or irritated eyes?

    Two of my chicken have bubbles in their eye. I whyped the bubbles out twist yesterday. It's better today. I just noticed it yesterday. They are both about 7 months old. It's been pretty dusty here, could it just be irritated eyes? They are quarantined. The sebright does not close her eyes. She...
  19. Egg Snatcher

    What breed is this rooster?

    My sister has a mystery rooster. We got him a Atwood’s. He is about 6-7 months old. He is pure. Thanks for the help!
  20. Egg Snatcher

    Please help!!! Chicks skull is showing!

    This is a 3 day old bantam crosses breed. I went outside to find this chick on her back. Her skull is showing what should I do, how do I fix this?
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