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  1. Vickischics

    Lame Hen

    Found Hen laying down. Right leg curled toes, non weight bearing. No obvious I jury or reason. What are your thoughts to fix this. Eating, drinking with dish nearby her head. Poop watery, no real form. No one else is sick. I pulled her from the flock immediately. Please advise. Thank you.
  2. Vickischics

    Protective broody

    On July 4th a polish broody hatched 3 chicks. She remains very protective and mean to one particular hen(her mama). She will not permit the older polish hen to leave the coop. She remains relentless with her to the point, I have to keep food and water inside the coop. The other flock mates go...
  3. Vickischics

    What is this chick?

    This chick is appox 5-6 weeks old from Tractor Supply. Any idea to her breed? EE?
  4. Vickischics

    Foamy eye and comb sores

    Here are a few pictures of a 4 mos old. Please advice. Eye is foamy. Blister like lesions on comb. Wet Fowl pox? If so, what is the treatment. No other flock members are infected yet. Chick is separated. @sourland
  5. Vickischics

    Neighbors Cockerel

    My neighbors bantum Cockerel not at his full sexuality yet has been visiting with my Big Girls for two full days. He has two sets of girls on his own property. But, he is now trying to hang with my "Mean Girls". He doesn't come near me and I trained my GSD to "Leave it" as she didn't like him...
  6. Vickischics

    Chicken died. Need Narcropsy info in Florida

    I live on the Space Coast of Florida. Appox 45 minutes ago, I found my laying 1 1/2 year old RIR Hen standing by the ac. When I picked her up, she felt like a balloon. Then, a large amount of odorless brown liquid projectiled from her beak and I swear liquid poured from her eyes. She attempted...
  7. Vickischics

    ?Help? Is this a Bumble?

    When I inspected my 25 week old Silver Lace Polish Pullet, I noted a scab on her left foot. The scab came off easily and bled good. I soaked her foot in Epson salts for 15 min to see if a kernel was there. But, I dont know what Im truly looking for. Please advise. @casportpony @Wyrop Rock...
  8. Vickischics

    Flat crop tonight and sluggish Silver Laced Polish

    21 week old Silver Lace Polish. Flat crop tonight, sluggish. Helped her onto the roost. I noticed her stool is loose. Her face smell yeasty. Here is a picture of her mouth. Not laying yet. I am feeding her electrolytes, scramble egg and yogurt right now. Poor thing..
  9. Vickischics

    A "full" crop photo

    Sometimes, people ask about the crop and how do you know if its empty or full. Well, here is are pictures of a full crop after having free access to Purina layer pellets and free ranging. They have two hours left before she will enter the coop to roost for the night. In the morning, her crop...
  10. Vickischics

    Knowing More about you helps.

    It has come to my attention, that some members do not list anything in their "about" them section. It's weird because it's as if they are hiding from someone or something they don't want to disclose. The only information you may know about them is what they post as their "Avatar" picture...
  11. Vickischics

    A Great Horn Owl???

    I have a loud at night "Great Horn Owl" that lives high in my trees somewhere. I will see him/her in the evening with a long snake or rodent in its mouth. Question: I have two 15 week Polish pullets. The coop and run are under a Huge shaded Oak tree. As of today, they are in the outside run...
  12. Vickischics

    ?Solar Coop Fan

    I would like to add a Solar Coop Fan. I live on the Space Coast of Florida by the Kennedy Space Center. I do get some ocean beeze but, it's still very hot and Sunny. Plus the girls said it would be nice to keep the night air moving. I've been doing the research and do not want to add an attic...
  13. Vickischics

    Im officially the Crazy Chicken RN!

    Look what my co workers got me. It's official!!! Thought you need a laugh.
  14. Vickischics

    ?Cockerel VS my Pullets??

    My neighbor has a Frizzle Cochin Bantum Cockerel that has been crowing now for three weeks. He Free ranges. He does have at least 8 of his own pullets. But, she has three different flocks going on and they all free range. He come over to my fenced but open top run crowing near my girls in the...
  15. Vickischics

    Is she/he a Pullet or Cockrell?

    8 weeks old. Polish Silver Lace. Her name thus far is Becky. She and her bff jibber jabber making sweet soft sounds together. Do you think I need to change her name? My thoughts are...Pullet
  16. Vickischics

    GRAPHIC PICS Attacked by other Hen(s)

    Graphic Pics. I have 1 Black White Crested Polish Pullet. She was in the run as shes been for two weeks now with 6 laying pullets. She is 8 weeks old. Loads of room, and secret hinding places BUT, I found her and her female mate together in an open corner. Her neck was torn open. Here are...
  17. Vickischics

    Polish Cockrell? & Pullet?

    It might be too soon but both Polish will be 6 weeks old this Tuesday, June 16th. I'm thinking my White Crested Polish is a pullet and my Silver Laced Crested Polish is a Cockrell. What are your thoughts?
  18. Vickischics

    Solved question!

    I finally figured out who is laying the olive green egg. Its Sunshine! Aka: Sunny. Yay
  19. Vickischics

    TS impulse buy.

    3 weeks ago, I went to Tractor Supply and fell in love with these two little chicks that were just delivered- Did even eat yet. Straight Runs. I think they are Polish Crested. Whats your opinion. I have six laying pullets so, I'll be integrating these soon. Here are pictures for your opinions...
  20. Vickischics

    Which Pullet is laying these eggs?

    Here is a picture of my 6 pullet flock. Ive been routinely getting 5 eggs. But, for two days now, I get 6 from my girls. Im trying to figure out who is the likely candidate for the olive green egg? Three brown eggs? and two blue? Thank you? I dont have a camera in the nesting boxes to see who is...
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