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  1. RubelliteRose

    Day 23 for broody - any hope?

    This was day 23 and there has been no sign of hatching from any of the eggs under my broody. Her eggs last time hatched on day 20. I tried candling 4 of the 8 and pulled one egg that was sloshy. I couldn't tell if there is any movement or not. My pictures aren't great(I only got 2). Is...
  2. RubelliteRose

    Hen attacked. Skin on back of neck is gone.

    We just noticed that one of our hens was attacked. We aren't sure when or by what. Two days ago, I hand carried her back to the run in the evening and think I would have noticed the wound. Yesterday was rainy and they were in the semi-secure run all day(day time run is surrounded by welded...
  3. RubelliteRose

    Cockerel behavior

    So we were planning to list some of our cockerels on the local FB group this weekend for re-homing. Today, however, one of the boys started chasing one of our hens around the run. It would be one thing if she were laying, but she is still in the middle of a heavy molt.😠 Is this an indication...
  4. RubelliteRose

    4 week old chick possible Coccidiosis

    We just found one of our 4 week old chicks sitting in the garden, hunched and eyes closed. I am going to assume coccidiosis even though we haven't noticed any bloody droppings (I haven't cleaned/looked yet today either). I have liquid Corid on hand. I am thinking this one should get a...
  5. RubelliteRose

    Chicks and rubber feed pan waterers

    Our broody is in the process of hatching out chicks and it occurs to me that our flock uses the TS rubber feed pans set up on concrete blocks for water. We will of course have a chick waterer on the ground for the babies, but do we need to worry about the chicks jumping in and drowning? Should...
  6. RubelliteRose

    Broody nest question

    We have a broody hen who insisted on hatching in our regular nest boxes. We tried to move her early on to a low box on the other side of the coop, but she would have nothing to do with that location. Our nest boxes are low to the ground, but 7" deep. Will the chicks be able to get out of these...
  7. RubelliteRose

    Who's my mom?

    Our first broody chick hatched this morning Don't worry, I didn't pull our broody,Sage, off to take the picture. Our "babysitter" hen who insists on sitting on the eggs when Sage leaves to eat thought it was time again this morning. Sage came over to get me and I snapped the picture while...
  8. RubelliteRose

    First egg from first broody hatched this morning

    Our first broody Sage hatched her first egg! I was able to snap a picture when tossing off our "babysitter". Torchic has been sitting on our broody eggs while they take a break to eat and dust bathe. She usually doesn't lay eggs, just sits🙄
  9. RubelliteRose

    too late to add eggs to broody hen?

    We have an unexpected broody hen:celebrate She spent the last few days toying with going broody and finally decided to sit continuously starting late Monday afternoon. Yesterday, Tuesday, I pulled out the eggs she was sitting on to see whose she had and decided to let her keep them as I think...
  10. RubelliteRose

    What was in this egg??

    Not sure which chicken laid it as it was gathered a couple of weeks ago. I cracked open an egg last night that contained normal looking white, a normal yolk except for a dark meat spot(?) and this pink thing. The pink sphere was squishy and when I cut it open seemed to contain egg white and a...
  11. RubelliteRose

    Blue Ameraucana or barred something else?

    I hatched Comet from a blue Ameraucana egg and I thought he was supposed to be an Ameraucana, but to my amateur eyes, he looks barred. Is this barring or will he grow into blue? He is currently 5 weeks old.
  12. RubelliteRose

    Bingo Hatch-a-Long #2

    I received my eggs from Spitzbros Homestead today. Thank you again @jolenesdad for organizing Chicken Poop Bingo!! Like @Demonwolf37 , this is my first time incubating shipped eggs, so keeping my fingers crossed for both of us and our hatches:fl I received 1 Jubilee Orpington, 2 Ameraucana, 2...
  13. RubelliteRose

    Lash Egg help

    My 14 month old Dominique dropped 2-3 shell-less eggs from the roost almost a week ago (we weren't sure who laid them at first). After the 3rd one, we were able to identify her as she refused to leave the roost. I got her down, brought her into the house for the day and that night. I started...
  14. RubelliteRose

    Will 2" x 4" welded wire keep out raccoons?

    We are converting a shed into a second chicken coop and quadrupling the size of our run. We will have 1/2" hardware cloth on the sides of the run to a height of about 8' so it goes up to the roof of the shed. My question is: is it safe to use the 2" x 4" welded wire on the top of the run...
  15. RubelliteRose

    Can scissor beak chickens free range?

    I'm afraid I know the answer, but I thought I would ask. One of our 2 week old chicks has developed a slight scissor beak and our flock free ranges part of the day. Any one have a scissor beak chicken who successfully free ranges? I also have another thread with pictures if anyone can help...
  16. RubelliteRose

    Mcmurray Ameraucana/EE gender?

    So I ordered 1 male and 2 females and they just turned 2 weeks old. Is it possible to sex them based on day old coloring? We have 1 brown(Ivy), 1 chipmunk striped(Sage) and 1 with a broken chipmunk striping(Rex). I assumed the one with the broken stripe was the male. Unfortunately Rex has...
  17. RubelliteRose

    Starter feed sold out...

    My chicks are a week old and were started on Manna Pro Non Medicated Chick Starter. We have about half a bag left and I don't want to wait until the last minute to buy more, but all my local stores are sold out of this feed. Question 1. If I can't get more, do chicks need to be transitioned...
  18. RubelliteRose

    Chick pulling on toes

    Hi, first time chick mom here. We brought home 6 one day old chicks 3 days ago: 2 Americana EE - River and Torchic; 2 Dominique - Holly and Onyx; 2 Sapphire Splash - Opal and Luna. We are having a problem with River pulling on the toes of Luna, Holly and Onyx until they bleed. They are in an...
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