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  • Users: Ladobaze
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  1. Ladobaze

    What breed?

    This little guy was in a big tub full of RIR’s. Any idea what he is? The sales associate didn’t know.
  2. Ladobaze


    I’ve got a sick pullet. Not sure what’s going on. We had a new chicken that we introduced yesterday but we actually quarantined that chicken for 35 days and it’s fine so I’m a little confused. I separated this chicken and she’s in our little hospital coop with 1gal of water and 2.5tsp of corrid...
  3. Ladobaze


    I just hatched some chicks (my first time) and two of them had spraddle leg (I thought) so I did the straw and rubber band thing. Two of them were all better within 48 hours. This other one, however, seems to have more issues and im not sure what to do for it. For one, his spraddle leg doesn't...
  4. Ladobaze

    Cockrel or pullet?

    Not sure how old. We’ve had him/her for 4 weeks. Cochin. what do you think, cockrel or pullet?
  5. Ladobaze

    I could cry. HELP!

    Long story short, we are hatching our first eggs. They are supposed to hatch today. Woke up and the power had gone out in the room they were in. So they were at about 75° for who knows how long. I think the humidity was fine but....I’m in tears. Are they likely all dead?
  6. Ladobaze

    Humidity question

    Uhg. I’m feeling frustrated. So I’m hatching my first eggs ever. I calibrated my incubator before I started and let it run for several days with a hydrometer in it. Everything stayed level and it all was fine so I began the process. On day 18 I checked and my humidity was at 63% and slowly...
  7. Ladobaze

    humidity 32% :(

    Im so sad. This is our first time hatching our own eggs. it's day 18. temp and humidity levels have been perfect the whole time (I add water every now and again when humidity starts to decline, like im supposed to do.) Yesterday humidity was at 58% - I keep it between 50-60 - and I woke up this...
  8. Ladobaze

    soil contaminated?

    we recently got 4, 4 week old chickens at a swap meet. they have been quarantined in our little quarantine coop outside for the last two weeks (and will continue to be for the full 30 days) but two have dropped dead recently so im concerned. one day fine, eating drinking etc.., next day dead. im...
  9. Ladobaze

    Mareks vaccine

    I’d like to vaccinate future chicks to mareks as I believe my flock has it. Where is a reputable place to buy this vaccine?
  10. Ladobaze

    What color is this?

    We got this sweet little Cochin today. What color is this considered. Does it have a name? Is it Mille Fleur? Calico? Or maybe both?
  11. Ladobaze

    Is my hen rejecting chicks?

    How do I know if a hen is rejecting chicks? I had a broody hen last year (my first time) and put store bought chicks under her. She was THE best mama (barred rock). This year I have an orpington who was broody and when I put chicks under her, she seemed to accept them but maybe not as good as a...
  12. Ladobaze

    Linear actuator HELP!

    So I’m building an automatic coop door. I bought all the necessary items and put them together (which took every last brain cell in my body). Now it all works EXCEPT, the actuator extends but it doesn’t retract when its supposed to. I switched around the actuator wires and this time it retract...
  13. Ladobaze

    Chick feed healthy for layers?

    We've got a broody hen and she will be getting chicks in a couple weeks. We've only had chicks one other time and I have a question because I not sure I did things correctly the first time. So, to set the scene, we have made a bucket into a self feeder (which I LOVE). We have layer feed in...
  14. Ladobaze

    Best automatic door (no electricity)

    we are redesigning our coop and need a good automatic door for our girls. wed love something that wont break the bank as we are on a very tight budget ($150 is our goal for a door but thats a bit flexible). We need something that doesn't need electricity as our coop is an acre away from any...
  15. Ladobaze

    Is she gonna die? :(

    I’ve got a sick chicken. We recently lost a few to a skunk in the middle of the day, which was shocking and devastating for my girls. Today they noticed this girl sneezing. Her comb looks a little pale too. Any advice?
  16. Ladobaze

    Drunk chicken?

    I have a hen (a silkie) that is seemingly pretty lethargic and although I don’t know if she’s eating or drinking yet, I just noticed she is also walking “drunk”. Stumbling around. Using her wing for support on occasion. It’s really sad :( She’s our sweetest girl, too. She adopted a 10 week old...
  17. Ladobaze

    Prolapse vent? Help!

    We found our fav chicken like this this morning. I know it’s a prolapsed vent but I’m not sure how to care for that. Also, what is hanging out of it? I have no idea what to do. Help!
  18. Ladobaze

    What would do this?

    What would kill a chicken in the middle of the day and strip the neck and head of meat but leave everything else? I have a photo but it’s gruesome and I don’t want to post it if it’s not needed.
  19. Ladobaze

    Little orphans :(

    We have 5 little chicks that are now orphans. We think it was a hawk that got our hen today (Head and neck were stripped bare but not gone?). She managed to keep all her chicks safe though. Anyways, the chicks are about 4 weeks old. They've been raised with the rest of the flock with very little...
  20. Ladobaze

    Stopped laying

    Hey all! So we have 6 hens. 3 of which were All laying eggs daily (the others aren’t quite old enough yet). One hen was broody and sat on eggs for 21 days and then I gave her chicks so she’s raising them now amongst the flock. The other two (leghorn and Americana) that were laying, stopped doing...
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