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  • Users: noodledog
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  1. noodledog

    Chick with blue/cloudy pupil?

    This baby hatched early this morning and I realized one of its eyes has a cloudy/blue pupil, while the other one looks perfectly fine (brown iris and black pupil) - is this something that could go away or is it a sign of blindness/another eye issue?
  2. noodledog

    Is this egg dead?

    assuming so, the dark spot on the top of the egg is all there is - day 10. I can't see any movement & the other egg that's developing is a lot more filled in than this one - I can't see veins or anything either since they're dark eggs
  3. noodledog

    Do these eggs look like they're developing?

    Day 6, I think they are because of the dark spots, but I'm not positive since they're very dark eggs & I can't see any veins
  4. noodledog

    Day 20 - is this egg alive?

    Can't see any movement, don't think it's internally pipped, & air cell looks a bit weird - another egg from this batch hatched yesterday night Any chance anyone can tell? (bator was only opened for a minute to candle)
  5. noodledog

    Eggs keep dying

    I put nine chicken eggs in my incubator on the 1st of April - Every single one of them started developing and were developing well, until day 11 where they started dying - lost 2 the 11th day, 1 or 3 on the 12th, and another today. My incubator temperature is 37.5c and I have an auto turner that...
  6. noodledog

    Duck laying shell-less eggs

    I have a (nearly) 1 year old Call duck named Basil who started laying this spring. She was laying solid, nicely shelled eggs for a while - eventually they started being soft-shelled and now they have no shell, just the membrane and the egg inside. None of my other ducks have this problem and...
  7. noodledog

    Prolapsed vent that won't go back in

    I have a 3 year old RSL with a prolapsed vent that is also leaking what I believe is urates and she's constantly leaking a clear liquid - I've soaked her in epsom salt water every day, tried to gently push the prolapse back in so many times (won't stay in at all, even if held in place for a few...
  8. noodledog

    call duck update! (lots of pictures)

    it's been a minute since i've been here, just wanted to post an update on these little guys!! i hatched 4 babies last June and they're all doing well. they're all grown up now and approaching a year old! Basil just got over an eye infection and Chrys is currently being treated for one. Doodle...
  9. noodledog

    Call ducklings!!

    Had my first successful hatch of Calls yesterday - ended up with three black bibbed babies and one black bibbed pied baby. They're absolutely precious and I thought I should share them here. One hatched on it's own with no help besides a safety hole, the other three needed to be assisted...
  10. noodledog

    What's going on with this egg?

    Day 19 Call duck eggs - Candled them and one didn't look right, and it doesn't look as developed as the others, but if candled from the pointy end I can see good veins and some movement - just confused because it looks strange. Is this normal or no? Included a picture of one of the good looking...
  11. noodledog

    Air cell looks strange - day 21 call duck eggs

    Candled them and noticed the air cell on one of the eggs looks a bit weird - just wondering if this is normal or if something's wrong? I can get a better picture if needed. The other eggs look normal.
  12. noodledog

    Help with duck colour genetics?

    Just curious if anyone knows - if I were to hatch eggs from my blue magpie call hen and snowy call drake, which colours would I get?
  13. noodledog

    Injury around vent area

    I noticed one of my crested cream legbar hens has an injury around her vent area. She's missing a lot of feathers and it looks like they were pulled out. I'm assuming it's one of my other hens because I found feathers missing on one of my Silkies in the same place yesterday. Attached a picture...
  14. noodledog

    Silkie cockerel or pullet?

    I was thinking this one was a girl for a while but her comb is looking pretty thick. I have 2 other silkies and they're all just over 16 weeks old. The other 2 I'm 99% sure are cockerels because one is crowing already and they both have big combs. Really hoping this one is a girl because I can't...
  15. noodledog

    just some cute Call ducks

    They're almost 11 weeks old, photos below :)
  16. noodledog

    Is this bumblefoot?

    I was checking my ducks' feet and noticed one had a few small scabs. There are two more closer to the front of the foot, they look the same besides being smaller. Sorry for the bad pic, it's hard to hold them still - I haven't seen bumblefoot look like this before but thought I'd ask anyways...
  17. noodledog

    ducklings attacking new duckling?

    does anyone have experience with integrating ducklings of different ages? I got 4 call ducklings a week ago, sadly one of them passed away and the hatchery I got them from offered to replace her. I picked up the new one today and was hoping they wouldn't have any problems getting along but...
  18. noodledog

    what colour of call duckling is this?

    hi, yesterday i picked up my first 4 call ducklings - i ordered 2 magpies but only ended up with one, and i have no idea what colour he is - so i was just wondering if anyone would know? he's a darker yellow colour, with a black bill and a dark stripe going across his eye sorry for the bad...
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