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  1. UrbanHenKW123

    Help ! With feather sexing / feathers look male but vent sex is female (no foam)

    Hi everyone. Newbie quail owner here. I have a quail that is 8 weeks old (according to the breeder I got her/him from) The feathers on its breast look male but the vent sexing (and I’ve looked about 10 times trying to figure this out) is female. No foam (I’ve pushed all around trying to...
  2. UrbanHenKW123

    Bumblefoot healing

    Hey guys! So I have a question about bumblefoot - I originally treated it about 6 weeks ago (dug out the infection, foot soak, polysporin, wrapped the foot for a week etc). Two of my girls had it on both feet. Their feet no longer seem red or swollen, but the scabs are there on 3 of the 4 feet I...
  3. UrbanHenKW123

    Just some reassurance ...... or not ....

    Hi there - I have one hen that has bascially been without feathers for the past 4 months. It was feather picking. I took care of all the things that could be causing it and rehomed the main culprit but I think it’s just a behaviour they’ve now picked up. Anyway. My husband was cleaning their...
  4. UrbanHenKW123

    Incubator and hygrometer temp not hatching

    Hi there ! I bought a not fancy incubator (yosoo is the brand name) and I also got a hygrometer. This is my first hatch. I’ve done a plethora of research but I can’t find anything on if the temps don’t match which one to go with ? My thought is that the incubator is blowing the 99.5 temp at the...
  5. UrbanHenKW123

    Giving chickens wormer

    Hi there - I read somewhere that you should give your chickens wormer in their water if they will be living outside. Any input on this one ?
  6. UrbanHenKW123

    Azure blue

    Hi everyone ! I’m looking to add to my flock and I’m debating whether I’m going to hatch my own crested cream legbars or if I’m going to get a ready to lay from my local hatchery. I really want a blue layer. I can’t have any males due to our bylaws here. I don’t think I can get legbars from...
  7. UrbanHenKW123

    Help! My chicken is being picked on

    Hi everyone ! I posted last week about one of my three hens (small suburban backyard setup) Well all week my husband and I have been putting pick no more lotion on her. I’m trying to keep her with the other two as long as I can. But this morning I noticed that she was picked at pretty bad. She’s...
  8. UrbanHenKW123

    Heating pad in the coop?

    Hey everyone ! I’m from Canada so we see some pretty cold winters. It’s been mild so we’ve been let off easy. But I see it’s going to dip down into the -20 to -30 in the next couple weeks. I have 3 sex links in a small backyard coop. It’s partially insulated (All the walls and roof minus the big...
  9. UrbanHenKW123

    I think my hen is being picked on.

    So I noticed today that one of my three hens is missing feathers on one side. Her skin looks like she’s been pecked at. I haven’t witnessed the other girls picking on her but she is the most docile. They’ve been kicking over their dust bath so they might be fighting over that. But other than...
  10. UrbanHenKW123

    Dust bath in winter

    Hey everyone! Just wondering if chickens still require a dust bath in the winter time ? Thanks!
  11. UrbanHenKW123


    So I'll start off by saying I'm a bit of a germaphobe. My girls are almost ready to lay. I clean out their coop once a week and give it some clean pine chips in there. I also sanitize their drinker and feeder with a vinegar solution. the run is sand based so I scoop that out once a week too. Is...
  12. UrbanHenKW123

    Heat for Canadian Winters

    Hi there - I'm thinking ahead to our Canadian winters. I'm near the great lakes area so we get a lot of damp cold reaching -20 C sometimes and even lower with the wind chill. I was thinking of either adding a heated water bowl or one of the heated pads from amazon like this one...
  13. UrbanHenKW123

    Feeding kitchen scraps

    I’m wondering how everyone feeds their chickens kitchen scraps or treats? Mine tend to pick it up and throw it around the run which is sand. Wondering if anyone has any gadgets they’ve created to try to keep the food in one spot ?
  14. UrbanHenKW123

    Salmonella ??

    Ok so I was freaking myself out a bit and reading the CDC prevention page on salmonella. Apparently it can live in the dust??? Just curious what is everyone's prevention and maybe looking for a little reassurance so I can stop freaking out and lysoling everything lol
  15. UrbanHenKW123

    New memeber! - Just found this thread!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Totally new! I got my 3 pullets two weeks ago and they're growing fast! (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 3 (3) What breeds do you have? red sex link and black sex link (4) What are your favorite aspects of raising...
  16. UrbanHenKW123

    Brooder size - 4-5 week old chicks

    Hi there - I'm on week 2 of chicken-hood. I have a question about brooder size. I'm currently using an old rabbit cage as a brooder for my 3 sex link chicks. Seems to be going well! We are going on vacation in a few weeks. During that week the chicks will be turning 4 weeks old. I have a pet...
  17. UrbanHenKW123

    Baby chicks eating bedding?

    Hi there - I have 3 day old chicks and they are scratching around the brooder and pecking at the bottom. They definitely know where their food and water is so I don't have any paper towel down. I found they were getting stuck under the paper towels. I noticed their crops are really full. But...
  18. UrbanHenKW123

    Koop Clean

    Hi everyone! I'm new to the chicken world - I am also in Canada. I am getting my day olds tomorrow from our local hatchery. Anyone on here use Koop Clean for the deep litter method? It was recommended to me but I'm having a hard time finding it here in Canada. Any recommendations for an...
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