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  1. DeerChicken14

    Easter Egger Cross Question

    I know that Easter Eggers are a hybrid breed. I know they're mixed. But out of curiosity, if you take any chicken that dosen't lay colored eggs like the Easter egger. And you breed that Easter egger with that other chicken will it still be considered an Easter egger? I would believe so because I...
  2. DeerChicken14

    Growth Update and gender answers please

    Can't believe how much these guys have grown! Gender questions for these. Chick #1 White Crested Black Polish Chick #2 Mottled Houdan Chick #3 Crevecoeur Chick #4 Silkie Chick #5 Silver Laced Polish Chick #6 Silkie Chick #7 Silkie Chick #8 Black Cochin Bantam Pretty sure and hoping its a...
  3. DeerChicken14

    Hatched and adopted chicks

    Hatched 8 chicks and bought 5 at a store and gave them to the two mothers. 13 chicks total and they're sharing the babies!! 5 of them are crossed with my Buff Orpington X Speckled Sussex Rooster which are: 1 Barred Rock mix 1 Black Australorp mix 2 Buff Orpington mixes 1 White Leghorn mix And...
  4. DeerChicken14

    Opinions please

    I'm wanting to start a little hatchery soon. But there's a problem that needs to be taken care of. I have a rooster who's the offspring of my dominant rooster and they've already fought twice. It was pretty ugly to watch them fight. Finally after separating them I let them establish it after...
  5. DeerChicken14

    Major foot problems with white Leghorns

    This is the issue with my white Leghorn. There's another one with the same problem but it's on both feet. Does anybody know what's wrong?
  6. DeerChicken14

    My flock 2021

    Production Black Hen Black Sex Link Hen Barred Rock Hen Red Sex Link Hen White Leghorn Hen Buff Orpington X Welsummer Cockerel Buff Orpington X Production Black Cockerel Buff Orpington X Speckled Sussex Cockerel Black Australorp Hen White Leghorn Hen White Leghorn Hen Welsummer Hen...
  7. DeerChicken14

    In Loving Memory of Petralina

    My sweet hen, Petralina, went missing last night and this morning I come across a few of her feathers that were scattered. When I saw the feathers I knew what had happened. Petralina was one of the most successful mother hens I ever had. She has gone broody many times, hatched five chicks in the...
  8. DeerChicken14

    Sexlinked crosses pics?

    Anybody have pictures of sexlinked crosses? Everybody knows about the red sex links and black sex links. But what I'm talking about is sex linked breeds that you have created on your own. You can have any color of rooster except white, and you can only have a white hen for the rooster to breed...
  9. DeerChicken14

    My 2020 Flock

    Here are all of my chickens as of now. Buff Orpington X Black Australorp Hen Barred Rock Hen Rhode Island White Hen Easter Egger Hen Barred Rock Hen Red Star Hen Welsummer Pullet Production Black Pullet Black Australorp Hen White Easter Egger Hen Black Australorp Hen White Leghorn...
  10. DeerChicken14

    Buff Orpington Mixes

    I would love to see pictures of your buff orpington mixes. I would like to see pictures of the mixes that are bred by the buff orpington rooster not the hens For example, Buff Orpington X Barred Rock. :)
  11. DeerChicken14

    How many chickens can fit in a 7x7 coop?

    I currently have 14 chickens and I would love to have some more this year. How many chickens can fit in a 7x7 coop?
  12. DeerChicken14

    My Beautiful Flock

    Rhode Island White Hen Buff Orpington Rooster Black Australorp Hen Light Brahma Standard Hen Barred Plymouth Rock Hen Rhode Island White Hen Buff Orpington X Easter Egger Hen Black Star Hen Easter Egger Hen Buff Orpington X Black Australorp Hen White Easter Egger Hen
  13. DeerChicken14

    Here chickie chickie chickie!!!

    Chicken Lovers, my Buff Orpington Hen hatched her only baby. It is a Buff Orpington X Black Australorp Chick. It might be a male. I tried to gender it by its wings but couldn't tell 100%.
  14. DeerChicken14

    My 2019 Flock

    Here are some of my chickens in my flock! BO X EE BO X EE Buff Orpington Roo Two EE's Barred Rock BO X Golden Laced Wyandotte Barred Rock BO X Black Australorp with 6 babies she adopted. (Two White Leghorns, Two EE's, One Black Australorp, & One Light Brahma.) Buff Orpington (Broody)...
  15. DeerChicken14

    How do I keep my hen in a place away from the flock without breaking her broodiness?

    I have a buff orpington who is broody. I want to keep her in a place away from the flock without breaking her broodiness. I have a portable chicken run and I was thinking I could put her in it with her eggs. Any suggestions?
  16. DeerChicken14

    Barred Rock & Barred Rock Mix Thread

    Show off your beautiful barred rock or barred rock mixes!! Here are mine:
  17. DeerChicken14

    Hen adopting chicks

    Show me your chicks that your hen adopted. Here is my Buff Orpington X Black Australorp Hen with 6 babies she adopted this past Thursday.
  18. DeerChicken14

    Roosting Chickens!

    Post some pictures of your chickens on the roost and show your chicken roosting set up.
  19. DeerChicken14

    Is this a Light Brahma?

    Ok, so I went to tractor supply and got me some chicks from tractor supply. I got three white chicks from the White Leghorn Pullet Crate. I thought I was getting three white leghorn pullets. But this chick here is not a white leghorn. My only concern is a light brahma.
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