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  • Users: Armageddon
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  1. Armageddon

    Aracaunas - WHEN do they start laying???!!

    Sheesh...i have a whole bunch of chickens now...I dont even know anymore how many there are....I really wanted some BLUE eggs, So I specially ordered some blue-egg laying aracaunas.....they are 27 weeks old and still not laying?? of the breeds I have NONE have ever taken this long to lay.....I...
  2. Armageddon

    Uggghh....Have I let them get too big? I did it!!!!!!!!!!!

    I dont even know what to say....for a long time I have known these Turkeys are getting too big. I've been worried about this for a couple of MONTHS... I've been meaning to get the the processing but, things have been amazingly busy and the Turkeys keep waiting. Here I am a COMPLETE novice...
  3. Armageddon

    New brooder for babies *pics*

    My mom found 2 framed 4X8 pieces of hardware cloth...made the PERFECt brooder for inside my coop.....and my new babies... Here they are......11 true auracanas, 4 cuckoo marans, 4 EE, 2 delawares...
  4. Armageddon

    I think they're getting TOO big

    Hey all... I have two turkeys, I think they are standard bronze...I got them to raise for the holidays and have been wondering what I should feed them prior to processing..... BUT last night I didn't close the coop early enough and they were on the, in the dark I was tyring to get...
  5. Armageddon

    Chick doing often do I give it water?

    I just got 12 new babies from chicken scratch poultry. 1 of them is not doing well....I have been giving it sugar water with an eye dropper and keeping it in my often should I give it the water? Thanks!!
  6. Armageddon

    Arrghh!!! Too many chicks?!?!

    I let my broody hatch 6 eggs...3 have hatched and seem fine. But, I also order 20 baby chicks...thinking it would be better to raise them all at once. I got 10 of the 20 today, they are in a brooder in the coop next to my broodies (2 batams) the mama's are besides themselves....they hear the...
  7. Armageddon

    How do i finish a Turkey?

    I have two Turkeys, I think they are Bronze? I would like to process them for Thanksgiving and Christmas. What do i feed them to finish them up?
  8. Armageddon

    Lock down? Broody?

    I read you all talking about "lock down" and I knwow that is for an incubator but, does that mean I should check on eggs under a broody anymore? Coudl I kill them? Does that mama know not to turn them anymore after a certain day?
  9. Armageddon

    Small brown speck on egg yolk. What is it? Updated with pic

    I've been noticing recently a small brown speck (like a grain of sand) on alot of my egg yolks. What is that? Sometimes its a bit bigger....I pick up eggs daily. I've occasionally seen a blood spot but this isn't red like that and it is about the size of a piece of sand. Does anyone esle see...
  10. Armageddon

    Did anyone else set eggs on 8/16?? OMG!!! They Hatched *pic*

    I am a first timeer.... I have 6 eggs under a broody. They were laid on 8/16 and I left them with her on that day. I am so excited!! She has been on them faithfully....It's been very hot here... I also have some day old chicks on order in case the hatch doesn't go well....I've gone out to...
  11. Armageddon

    Layed and set on 8/16 when are they due?

    I let my broody hen keep 9 eggs that were layed on 8/16....she has been on them faithfully and is now separated from the rest of the group. When are they due to hatch? Do I count the 16th as day 1? Thanks!
  12. Armageddon

    Can't find all the eggs under my broody! day 10 pics

    i started my broody on the 8/16 with 6 eggs hatched the same day. i added 3 more on 8/17. i accidentally picked one up(and it broke) it looked like it was developing. i should have 8 left, but yesterday i could only find 7 and today only 6!!! What could be happening to them? they are marked...
  13. Armageddon

    First Serama egg!!! ( I need a rooster!)

    i just got two Seramas from a lady selling them on craig's list.....I feel so bad that i got to see their first egg!! but it's still exciting! here it is...... i want a roo so bad....i am so addicted to chickens now......(sigh)
  14. Armageddon

    Broody Buddies?Question and pics

    So... One of my girls, a bantam started sitting, so I put some eggs under her. Yesterday, I noticed her "sister" sitting with her....Now they sit together. I originally put 9 eggs under the broody, i can't find one of them and I accidentally picked one up and noticed it too late (and it...
  15. Armageddon

    OMG!!!!! I have a broody, how do I do this??

    I am so excited!!! My little banty is broody, she hasn't been off the next for 3 days, even though I moved her and took her eggs away.... So today, I selected the nicest of today's eggs (6) I marked them and let her keep them!! Is there anything else I should do for mama? Thanks!
  16. Armageddon

    Turkey Processing Questions

    Hi All.... As these turkey get bigger and reminds me that Thanksgiving is comping up in a couple of months.... Should I start "fattening" them up soon? They are pretty big now, I have two Toms... I have never processed a bird before and am getting a little worried how this will...
  17. Armageddon

    OMG!!! Bigggg Eggg w/pic

    I wish I had an egg scale! it's the biggest chicken egg i've ever seen. It's way biiger that an X-large store egg. How many yolks you think?
  18. Armageddon

    When can I hatch their eggs.

    Hi All! My chickens are 22 weeks old and have been laying eggs for a few weeks now. Most of them are still pullet sized eggs...some are gradually getting larger. I have a rooster and they eggs appear to be fertile (bullseye) When can I hatch some of the eggs? Thanks!!
  19. Armageddon

    WTB: Chicks - Seramas or Pure Auracana

    I'de like to buy some day old or older chicks for shipping to Souther California. I would also be willing to get some hatching eggs......just don't have an incubator yet... Thanks.
  20. Armageddon

    Everyday is Easter!

    My girls started laying eggs a couple weeks ago...first a little blue egg(that is still little)...since then I've gotten light brown, sandy brown pinkish brown and tiny white eggs....out of 17 I think I have six that are is sooo cool!! Today...I got my first Large egg... Life is...
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