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  1. HuskerChickMom

    Genders on salmon faverolles

    I hatched 9 little salmon faverolles two weeks ago and I’m trying to figure out if I have males or females. I’m starting to fear I have a lot of males from the amount of black I see, but I’m just not sure. The woman I got the eggs from said her rooster came from a breeder, but the hens came from...
  2. HuskerChickMom

    27 hours since pip and no zip!

    It has been 27 hours since this chick pipped and the hole has gotten a little bigger, but no real progress. It is still chirping, but I’m afraid something is wrong. Is there anything I can do? Picture of the egg included on this post.
  3. HuskerChickMom

    Some air sacs are good, some too small…help

    I am hatching bantam eggs for the first time. I’ve always hatched layers before so I’m not sure if it makes a difference. To me it looks like about half of the air sacs are developing regularly (slightly up the side of egg on day 15) and the other half are still just a circle at the bottom. Is...
  4. HuskerChickMom

    Roos or pullets?

    I need some help identifying the gender of these chicks. They are mostly whiting true blue/Ameraucana crosses and a couple leghorn crosses. I did my best on pics, but they weren’t very cooperative. Thank you for all your help!
  5. HuskerChickMom

    Pullets started then STOPPED!

    My spring hatch pullets started laying about 6 weeks ago, laid for about 2 weeks and then stopped completely! I thought maybe they were finding a new place to lay, but then we had a cold snap here in Nebraska so they were completely cooped up for a week and still didn’t lay any! I’m not sure...
  6. HuskerChickMom

    Cross breeding Ameraucana with Whiting true blue

    I have some Whiting True Blue hens that I’m thinking of crossing back to an Ameraucana rooster. I’m curious if you all think the chicks will still lay the big blue eggs or will they have too much Ameraucana in them and not enough leghorn. I originally planned to breed them to my WTB rooster, but...
  7. HuskerChickMom

    Whiting True Blues any Roos?

    I have some Whiting True Blue chicks that I’m wondering about the gender on. They are still a bit young, but I thought maybe someone with more expertise than I would be able to tell. They are very skittish so pictures are not easy to get!
  8. HuskerChickMom

    Whiting True Blues: What age should I be able to tell roosters from pullets?

    I have some 3 week old Whiting True Blue chicks and I was wondering at what age they will start showing gender differences. I am new to this breed, but LOVE all the different colors I received so I'm kind of hoping there's at least one male in with the girls. If I don't have a male, I'd like to...
  9. HuskerChickMom

    Tips to get 2 broody hens to adopt chicks

    I have two broody hens that I would like to raise my next set of hatchery chicks. These hens LOVE to go broody and have been broody for over 3 weeks. We just keep taking the eggs they collect. They are gentle ladies so I’m hoping they will welcome new babies with open wings! My questions are...
  10. HuskerChickMom

    Low hatch rate…why?

    I have hatched 3 batches now and am still only getting about a 50% hatch rate. All eggs are fertile, when I candle at a week there’s usually only a couple that are duds, but when I candle at 14 days about half of them are quitters. My first hatch I had the humidity at about 55% then the last two...
  11. HuskerChickMom

    EE Mixes Pullets or Roos?

    I just got some young EE mix chickens and I’m pretty sure the others are pullets, but I was wondering if these might be Roos? Any help would be great!
  12. HuskerChickMom

    Breed of rooster?

    Can anyone tell me what kind of rooster this might be. I’m sure he’s mixed, but I wondering if there’s some EE in him. He does have feathered feet as well. I’d like to put him in with my EE hens, but I’d like to ensure that any hens hatched from the eggs would lay colored eggs. Thank you for any...
  13. HuskerChickMom

    Assuring the breed of chicks question!

    I currently have all my Dominique hens free ranging with two roosters. One Dominique rooster and a Batam that someone pawned off on us. The Dominique is definitely the dominant rooster. My question is how long after I make sure my hens are solely with my Dominique rooster can I be assured they...
  14. HuskerChickMom

    Can anyone identify these chicks?

    I bought these chicks at an auction today. They were labeled as Araucanas, but definitely aren’t because they have feathered feet. I was wondering if any of you might have an idea on what they are.
  15. HuskerChickMom

    One chick's feathers are coming in different

    I have 8 Buff Orpington chicks that are all supposed to be pullets and I have one that isn't getting it's feathers in like the others and is smaller. It has a bit bigger comb than the others too if that makes a difference. I was wondering if this was something to be really concerned about or if...
  16. HuskerChickMom

    Keeping 2 Roos together?

    I usually get fertilized eggs for my broody hens to hatch, but this year I am considering getting some chicks and hoping my mamas adopt them (fingers crossed). I am down to my last buff Orpington and want more plus some silver laced Wynodottes. I'd like to get a male chick of each breed so that...
  17. HuskerChickMom

    Determining fertility? How many eggs?

    This is the second year I will be letting my broody hen hatch eggs. Last year I was a bundle of nerves and I'm hoping this year I will be a bit more relaxed (wishful thinking as I worry about those babies). I just have a couple of questions before I start this go round. First how many eggs do...
  18. HuskerChickMom

    Gender help needed!

    I was wondering if anyone could help me tell whether my chicks are Roos or hens. I've attached pictures below
  19. HuskerChickMom

    Little grey chick?

    My broody hens just hatched six beautiful babies! Two australorps a Rhode Island Red and a buff Orpington from what I can tell and then there's this little one and I'm just not sure what he/she is! It's a little lighter than the picture shows but it was the best I could get. Any guesses on what...
  20. HuskerChickMom

    Eggs exploded will the others be ok

    I have a broody hen sitting on 8 eggs. When I went to check on her today she was up off of them and didn't make a bee line back to them when she saw me in the coop like she usually does. Well she had too eggs that exploded! Yuck!! The other 6 eggs were covered in grossness so I wiped them off...
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