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  1. SVTechChick

    Olive Egger? Silkie Mutt?

    So, this lovely girl is from 'unknown parentage' but I had presumed one parent was a Silkie as she has extra toes. Now looking around, I'm wondering if she is by some strange magic a Sapphire Olive Egger mix (I doubt she is purebred). She has the floof on her head, and the appropriate coloring...
  2. SVTechChick

    Chicken escaping in Suburbia

    We've let our girls free range in our front yard for five years to the delight of our neighbors. We have lots of cover and a garden fence, and they can get back to their coop at ant time, and we lock them up at night. All of them have been very happy...until JoJo. She first started getting out...
  3. SVTechChick

    Chickens on strike... for four months?!?

    So, like many people, I was SURE this would resolve on its own, but alas... my five girls, of varying ages of eight months to seven years, all stopped laying suddenly in June when we had a heat wave. Our Silkie went broodie for two months, then popped up all she always does and lays every...
  4. SVTechChick

    Weirdest place your chickens have roosted?

    Here's our young Silver Spangled Hamburg who hangs with the big girls during the day, but still gets hassled at night in the coop. She chirps at the front door until we let her in, and this is where she settles in (until we move her to a kennel, with her protesting loudly).
  5. SVTechChick

    How long will my poor Silkie try to hatch an unfertilized egg?

    My poor little Floof started being broody with no egg, then absconded with an egg from our BR...We took it away, she say on nothing for another two days, and she managed to get another from the BR (who never lays in this area). We have no fertilized eggs, and are maxed out in chickens as it is...
  6. SVTechChick

    'Rehomed' hens, encouraging them to lay

    Hi folks - I received two older hens, one a buff Orpington age 10, and a Americauna, about age 5. The Orpington has laid once in the last two months since we got her (which is about right) but we haven't been able to coerce any eggs out of the Americauna, who had been laying 2-3 eggs a week...
  7. SVTechChick

    Early Molting -- Birds of a Feather

    So my beautiful Easter Egger has apparently 'decided' to molt at age 10 months. Poop is fine, crop is fine, appetite is fine, and general health is fine. Signs are dropping feathers and no egg production AND more time just hanging out in the nest box. This is my first 'run at the chicken...
  8. SVTechChick

    Ignoring Regular Feed?

    Hi folks, Newbie question: We got our four girls about a month before they started laying, at which time they all ate like pigs on feed. I started giving them scratch (about a half cup a day, including oyster shell) and some leftovers (3/4-1 cup) of fruit, cooked grains, raw veggies, etc...
  9. SVTechChick

    Custom Coops by Highschoolers

    Hi folks, I'm new here, and new to chickens...but have had all sorts of animals, and have worked rehabbing wildlife, so we're catching on pretty quickly...and loving our flock of four here in Mountain View. We inherited an australorp, a new Hampshire, an EE, and barred rock about a month ago...
  10. SVTechChick

    'Normal' for young girls to all start laying within days of each other?

    Yeah, I'm a newbie, and over the moon that our girls stated laying this week! They are all the same age, about five months, but different breeds, so expected that they might mature at different rates...But bam! First the EE laid, then the New Hampshire, then the Austrolorp...all within three...
  11. SVTechChick

    Silicon Valley Suburban Homesteading!

    Hi everyone, Time to introduce myself...we got four hens about a month ago, pre-laying, and got out first two eggs today! We love our tiny dinosaurs, and have lots to learn. We have (we think) a barred rock, australorp, New Hampshire red, and a mystery chicken who might be an ³ Easter Egger who...
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