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  1. GlicksChicks

    Lame cockerel?

    Fingers crossed! 🤞
  2. GlicksChicks

    Lame cockerel?

    Have you given him any epsom salt baths to help soothe any joints? He still could have sprained or hurt his leg in some way. Different chickens have different pain tolerences. My rooster had a pretty bad limp for around 4 months until a week or so ago. Pain from a sprain can vary from walking...
  3. GlicksChicks

    Help me figure out the breed?

    Americanas and French Cuckoo Marans: This cross can produce most females that are black, but some may be blue. They don't have to be mixed with an Americana, but the brown egg gene most likely came from a Cuckoo Maran which gives them the barring.
  4. GlicksChicks

    Something you saw a chicken do that made you stop and say, WHAT The Hell?

    I have found my SLW to be pretty bossy hens. They peck the other hens so they can get first dibs at food. For some reason they are my rooster's favorite hens, I will never know why. One of my BCM hens, Copper, had gone broody a couple months ago. None of her eggs made it to hatch because, for...
  5. GlicksChicks

    Hen with injured wings and weak

    Her wings may not be injured, she may have them down and out for balance. She most likely has a balancing issue which can be caused by many things. Try giving her some electrolytes and vitamins.
  6. GlicksChicks

    Dog attack!

    Oh! If both are swollen then you definitely need to force him out. He will not come out on his own if he cannot see.
  7. GlicksChicks

    Help me figure out the breed?

    Oops, I meant Olive Egger! I am so used to talking about Easter Eggers! Yes, she is a Barred Olive Egger! Best of luck on getting a pullet!
  8. GlicksChicks

    Limping Hen No Signs of Injuries

    I had a rooster with the same issue. Suddenly limping with no mites or injuries. If he had any swelling, it was so minimal I did not see it. All I done was give him and epsom salt bath and then bring him back out to his flock. If she is not being bullied it should not be a problem. My rooster...
  9. GlicksChicks

    Are these ducklings abandoned?

    The ducklings and the adults should be sent to rehabilitators. Domestic ducks should not be in the wild. Most domestic duck breeds cannot fly very far, so when it gets cold, the ducks cannot escape it by flying to a new area like wild ducks. They are also very vulnerable to predators.
  10. GlicksChicks

    Help me figure out the breed?

    Your Barred Rock is what it was advertised. The EE looks to be a barred EE
  11. GlicksChicks

    Dog attack!

    If he doesn't want to be touched you are going to have to force him to be touched or that swelling may get worse and his wounds could get very infected. I am sure that stressing him out is the last thing to do, but there is a chance that he is too hurt to even come out of where he is. Urgent...
  12. GlicksChicks

    Hens are Roosters

    Maybe keep them where they can see eachother but not touch eachother for a while and then introduce them back together under observation to see how it goes. I am thinking that the reason the dom rooster suddenly attacked was because the new surroundings made hormones and the pecking order kick...
  13. GlicksChicks


    What kind of bedding do they have, if any? Some beddings can be respiratory irritants. The stomach bloating could be from hygiene in their brooder and water, their diet, stress, infection, sour crop. It could be from alot of things. How often do you clean their brooder and change out their...
  14. GlicksChicks

    Hens are Roosters

    Of course! It would probably be good to rehome the dominant rooster as well because he could be aggressive with your hens too. The rooster who got picked on could be the nicer one so he got bullied for it. Is the bully rooster nice to you?
  15. GlicksChicks

    Lame cockerel?

    I have a rooster who randomly went lame a while back, no mites or bumblefoot and he ate and behaved like normal. I kept him with his hens and he continued mating and he only had a limp. A week or so he got better and can walk perfectly again. Can your rooster walk at all om his leg or does he...
  16. GlicksChicks

    Hens are Roosters

    It could be good for you to buy laying hens already. Keeping the rooster alone for so long could have negative results when you go to introduce hens. He could get aggressive with them or be over-zealous with mating. Try to find people in your area willing to sell laying hens to you, or willing...
  17. GlicksChicks

    Black golden laced wyandotte supposed to be a hen

    No doubt about being a cockerel. Gorgeous!
  18. GlicksChicks

    Which rooster to keep??

  19. GlicksChicks

    Four 8 Week Old Wyandotte Mix Pullets

    It does not allow me to edit the post anymore
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