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  1. Liz Birdlover

    What did you do in the garden today?

    The only SS hoses I see are for dishwashers, refrigerator water lines or washing machines, it is braided. I didn't know they made super long ones. Holy cow, here it is, never knew til, it does Not cost more than the Zero Hose does! I paid 50 bucks each for those, 50 feet long...
  2. Liz Birdlover

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Vet tell me what other uses you all find for this stuff. I know duct tape has many unconventional uses, I use my old feed bags for trash & close them shut at the top with a bit of duct tape on a regular basis. I love vet wrap for correcting a chick's splay leg, comfortably holding a...
  3. Liz Birdlover

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Ditto that with Peonies. Mine were looking great til thunderstorms flattened them last night. 😔 Peony petals blown all over now. If any ants were still hanging on those petals, man they sure got a wild ride!
  4. Liz Birdlover

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I used pool noodles, cut a slit all down it to slip it on & allow for growth. I did that because the deer were rubbing bark off my young apple trees. I never thought of using vet wrap, but then won't that have to be re-wrapped every so often, so it won't constrict growth?
  5. Liz Birdlover

    What did you do in the garden today?

    The place I got the Bishop's Weed...also sold Wisteria. Yup, I bought some. Built an arbor just for that plant. It was gorgeous!
  6. Liz Birdlover

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Wow, I've seen garden centers selling Trumpet Vine & the other invasive purple flowered vine, can't think of the name. Yeah, then of course they were selling Bishop's Weed...& me not knowing any year better in my early 20s bought some. Well, it's a ground cover & I used it for an odd spot at my...
  7. Liz Birdlover

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Hoses also get mighty heavy when you've got 250 feet to run the water through. I got those Zero hoses in 2020, figured they'd be lighter to deal with & they are til ya run water into duh, water is heavy! Lol So yeah, best for me to remember, stretch & unroll hose BEFORE turning water...
  8. Liz Birdlover

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Yes they do that here, too. Even digging a hole 6 feet deep...they dug it all up! I guess that's why coffins were invented.
  9. Liz Birdlover

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I buried dud pigeon eggs one year. Literally the next morning I look out there & couldn't believe it...some critter dug up every single one & left huge craters! Whatever I planted was either laying there to the side or just gone. I do not bury eggs, I will use egg shells but no whole eggs ever...
  10. Liz Birdlover

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Well mine is really a floor cleaner steamer, but I'm going to try it on the darn weeds growing in my concrete apron around the pole barn. How can weeds grow through concrete anyway? 😡 Darn weeds!
  11. Liz Birdlover

    What did you do in the garden today?

    For a few years this guy from the county would show up looking for Johnsongrass back here on this dead end road. He'd say we have to address it or they'll come spray Roundup on it. There was the 8 acres across the gravel street, the owner did farm a few years but most years it sat there ignored...
  12. Liz Birdlover

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Should've gotten a video of that! 😁
  13. Liz Birdlover

    What did you do in the garden today?

    What type are those cute shrubs. I'm researching chicken safe shrubs right now.
  14. Liz Birdlover

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Hope healing goes amazingly well & the bionic hips work great! How is the healing process going? Are you down & out for a week or weeks?
  15. Liz Birdlover

    What did you do in the garden today?

    That is 1 thing I have not tried...sounds safer than me holding a lit fire torch. Lol I will give it a try. I have one of those floor steamer gadgets, a Shark something...
  16. Liz Birdlover

    What did you do in the garden today?

    My 3 experiences with glass tables... 1) My 1st house in the 80s I saw a set, black metal bottoms with glass tops, 1 coffee table & 2 end tables, all for $99. They looked great with the new sofa. I can't tell ya how many times I ran into a coffee table corner though, cuz I couldn't see the darn...
  17. Liz Birdlover

    What did you do in the garden today?

    This 2 acres is full of yellow & purple nutsedges, plus Bermuda & Johnsongrass & other grasses I have no idea what are called. So annoying! They like to creep & choke out everything else.
  18. Liz Birdlover

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Are you talking about the one with yellow or white flowers? The yellow flowered one, I don't think we have it here in the mid Atlantic but I could be wrong. We have so many weeds with yellow flowers.
  19. Liz Birdlover

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I guess my chickens are spoiled, they only go for the chick weed.
  20. Liz Birdlover

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Darn nutsedge has the double whammy...spreading bulbs under the ground... And the darn seeds spread by the wind
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