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  1. Farmlife16

    Need advice!! Hens have stopped laying

    I sold six 2 year old laying hens (RIR and Golden Comet) about a month ago, and now the person that bought them messaged me, saying that they haven't been laying for the past 2 weeks. They were healthy and laying when I sold them. Any ideas on how to respond?
  2. Farmlife16

    Do most hatcheries vaccinate their breeding stock for Marek's/other diseases?

    I have no history of Marek's in my flock, but I was wondering...If I buy unvaccinated chicks from breeding stock that was vaccinated, will the chicks carry antibodies? And could those antibodies spread the disease to my existing flock?
  3. Farmlife16

    prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

    Hi everyone! I haven't been on here in a while... First I want to ask for you to lift up a young boy in prayer, named Asher. He was swept into a storm drain after some big storms that hit TN. He is in very critical condition. Also, I had a frustrating situation this afternoon, and it's really...
  4. Farmlife16

    Sudden death of 2.5 year old BO hen

    She started acting lethargic yesterday and died this morning. I saw no discoloration/swelling, no lesions, and no mites/lice. She did have a messy/smelly bum, but nothing super out of the ordinary. I'm assuming she died of natural causes, but I want to make sure I'm not missing anything? Are...
  5. Farmlife16

    Bare Spot on Hen's back!

    Thank you for sharing this! I will keep that in mind:)
  6. Farmlife16

    Bare Spot on Hen's back!

    Thank you, that puts my mind at ease!
  7. Farmlife16

    Bare Spot on Hen's back!

    I did consider that for a second, but she's definitely a hen (has been laying eggs for the past few months)😅
  8. Farmlife16

    Bare Spot on Hen's back!

    I noticed one of my other hens was mounting her, so maybe that is the problem...
  9. Farmlife16

    Bare Spot on Hen's back!

    On of my hens suddenly has a bare spot on her back. She did lose some of her saddle feathers from a rough rooster a few months ago (and hasn't grown them back yet), who is out of the flock now. I checked her for mites/lice just the other day, and didn't see anything. What could this be?
  10. Farmlife16

    Scaly Leg Mites??

    Thank you! According to the link, she doesn't look like she has mites but I might just go ahead and treat her anyway.
  11. Farmlife16

    Scaly Leg Mites??

    This is a 2.5 year old BO hen. Healthy flock, not seeing signs of mites at night when looking with a flashlight. Any thoughts?
  12. Farmlife16

    Most reliable hatcheries for Jumbo Coturnix Quail??

    I don't like I'm in South Eastern US. I've seen people selling quail on local groups, but I'm concerned about biosecurity...
  13. Farmlife16

    Most reliable hatcheries for Jumbo Coturnix Quail??

    I'm looking to buy Jumbo Coturnix quail eggs and I wanted to make sure I'm getting them from a reputable source. Also, unrelated, but how much space per quail when raising them for meat?? Thank you!!
  14. Farmlife16

    prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

    So encouraging! Thank you for sharing!
  15. Farmlife16

    Hen or Roo??

    Good to know! Thank you!
  16. Farmlife16

    Hen or Roo??

    That's a great idea! Thank you so much!
  17. Farmlife16

    Hen or Roo??

    Thanks everyone! We'll have to decide what to do with them... Do you know where I can find out if they're up to breed standard?
  18. Farmlife16

    Hen or Roo??

    Oh no! We just butchered 5 roos the other day and we thought we had gotten rid of any unwanted roosters in the flock😅 What about this one?? He/she is the same age as the one I posted above. I've been so busy, I haven't kept a close eye on either of these two, especially since I wrote them off...
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