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  1. roxanne

    Worries about favorite hen

    Wow! Thank you for the follow-up inquiry 😊. Knowing that people here care really warms my heart. The chickens are all “good!” I treated them for 5 days straight with fresh water and CORID each morning and they are all doing so well 👍🏻 I can not thank you all enough for all of the encouragement...
  2. roxanne

    Rooster shooting blanks

    the roo is about 11 months. I am not sure of his breed but I am sure that he has some Easter Egger in him. He is tall, his feathers are dark greenish/black and red and his comb is not floppy. It looks short and bumpy.
  3. roxanne

    Rooster shooting blanks

    The hens are anywhere from 1 year to 4. Their eggs are pale yellow and before this rooster, I had another one that was really mean and he did his job. The eggs were noticeable more orange and had the bullseye. I could not keep that rooster! He drew blood 😳. The one I replaced him with was not...
  4. roxanne

    Rooster shooting blanks

    My year old rooster is not doing his job. None of my eggs are fertilized. It’s been this way for 6 months. I got a new rooster and he hasn’t been any more effective 🙄. What am I doing wrong?
  5. roxanne

    Eggs left out in the open

    She has always laid in the nesting boxes. This is something that has just started happening within the last several weeks.
  6. roxanne

    Eggs left out in the open

    She has always laid in the nest. This has now happened several times over the last few weeks
  7. roxanne

    Eggs left out in the open

    I have four nesting boxes, and the fourth is in a completely separate coop. She has been laying for at least 4 months
  8. roxanne

    Eggs left out in the open

    Anyone have explaination for why my leghorn hen is laying her eggs out in the open. She laid one right in front of the water dispenser the other day and today she laid one on top of large bolder in the run 🤷🏼
  9. roxanne

    Worries about favorite hen

    Safeguard Aquasol … the measuring is in metrics and I don’t know metrics. I don’t want to mess it up. How much safeguard goes in a gallon of water? I can mix up a gallon and make sure all the chickens consume it in the morning and then allow them to have unmedicated water the rest of the day. Do...
  10. roxanne

    Worries about favorite hen

    She is just at 11 months. I have no idea about her shelll quality, she is one of 11. Her hind end feathers didn’t look drenched, but I will check them again in the morning. I only saw the poop from the picture and that was why I was concerned. I started treating the entire flock with CORID...
  11. roxanne

    Worries about favorite hen

    I started treating the entire flock with CORID today. The directions say 1 tsp per gallon (so that would be 2 tsp for my 2 gallon waterer) for 5 days. Would you suggest anything else?
  12. roxanne

    Worries about favorite hen

    This is what is coming out of my favorite hen today😲. I guess I need some help. She never just lets me pick her up, but today was completely different. I have Corid in my first aid kit for the chickens, but is that what I should use? I don’t have anything else 😕. Should I use a dewormer? What...
  13. roxanne

    Someone please explain this hen behavior 🤔

    Plus, they are the same breed (Barred Rock) and they don’t look at all like the rooster that came with them 🤷🏼. They don’t have the same big comb and waddle and their tails look like a hen
  14. roxanne

    Someone please explain this hen behavior 🤔

    I can do that … what am I looking for?
  15. roxanne

    Someone please explain this hen behavior 🤔

    The woman I got then from (they came with a rooster) said they are hens. They just started crowing when I brought them to my house. I am so confused. They don’t look like the rooster at all.
  16. roxanne

    Someone please explain this hen behavior 🤔

    check this out ladies! I have two crowing hens 😳
  17. roxanne

    Serama couple - when can I expect eggs?

    I acquired a Serama couple about two weeks ago. I gather that the relocation could cause some stress and hinder the hen from laying … what is ab average timeframe for her to start back up? How do I know if she is broody or not?
  18. roxanne

    Sick hen/droopy tail not acting normal

    I wouldn’t take one opinion as the gospel. They could been egg bound, have worms, etc.. if they are are both showing the same signs, it is very likely something that could spread throughout the flock. I would separate these two from your flock and then find out what is going on with them before...
  19. roxanne

    Old Hen

    Thank you so much for this information! I will definitely retain it for future use. Nothing was working to help this poor chicken and so my son helped me to cull her on Monday. It is sad, but it was much worse watching her suffer. I thanked her for all of the eggs she shared with me and my...
  20. roxanne

    Old Hen

    I have used it. I open up and dump out the powder. I mix one capsule with coconut oil and divide it into two mounds and then freeze it. It becomes a frozen chunk (pea size). I did that this evening and gave her one with a calcium tablet and a dropper full of water. Praying 🙏🏻
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