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  1. Debbie292d

    Limping rooster.

    He must've had an injury and it healed but maybe there is an infection inside. I'd try soaking his foot in warm Epsom salt water for several minutes to see if it will soften up for you to check better.
  2. Debbie292d

    Roundworm treatment
  3. Debbie292d

    Roundworms- need Safeguard (liquid for goats) dosing help please

    I searched in BYC and found this:
  4. Debbie292d

    Integrating pullets with existing, older chickens - should we build a temporary coop?

    We made a temporary coop for ours. Ours mingled too out in the yard, but it'd be another two months before we dared try get them to sleep in the coop at night without being pecked and harassed by day in there. Then, we had more I hatched and made another temp coop. Our backyard is starting to...
  5. Debbie292d

    Trouble walking

    Hi, and welcome to BYC! How old are they now? Are they on chick starter crumbles without being fed anything else? Eating and drinking fine? What's their bedding? Are they under a heat source with a way to get away from the heat?
  6. Debbie292d

    Crop impaction/hard stuff in crop? Not improving after 1 week, desperate

    Gosh, so sorry Cookie's going through all this. Had you wound up deworming her? If so, she needs probiotics afterward, such as a little bit of yogurt a couple times a day for a week or two, or just powders you can put in her water. We use Hydro-Hen. Here are two excellent articles about crop...
  7. Debbie292d

    Hen sleepy and holding wings low

    No other younger ones are exhibiting anything wrong? I'd almost have though coccidiosis but it's odd for an older chicken to get that, especially if a younger one didn't have it to spread. Her poops have been okay? Have you ever wormed them? I never have mine but if it's not coccidiosis...
  8. Debbie292d


    So pretty. It'll be interesting what it looks like as an adult! You'll have to update us!
  9. Debbie292d

    Egg Bound Chicken - How Long to Recover?

    I would give her one of your Calcium +D pills. Try give it to her whole by opening her beak and setting it in her mouth. That will cause contractions so if she's got another egg also bound, she should expel it. If she doesn't, it won't hurt her. I hope she improves!
  10. Debbie292d

    Heat stroke?!

    It's probably coming out of her vent due to the extra liquids in her. I would keep up the electrolyte water for another day and keep her at room temperature.
  11. Debbie292d

    Egg bound hen

    I would first give your hen one of your Calcium +D pills. Try get her to take it whole by opening her beak and setting it in her mouth. That will cause contractions so she should expel the egg or what's left of one. I would also give her a soak in warm Epsom salt water. That too may relax...
  12. Debbie292d

    Fox and dog kennel

    Fox can jump over 6' fences, but not get through a 3"x3" hole. They could if it was 4"x4". Mink or weasels could though.
  13. Debbie292d

    6 week old puffed up and doesn’t feel good

    If it's Cocciodosis, they can die quickly from that, so I'd stop the vitamins and give Corid. You can always make up the vitamins afterward. I'd give probiotics afterward too.
  14. Debbie292d

    Wry neck support and supplement help

    Hi, and welcome to BYC!! :frow You can feed baby bird or baby parrot food. Harris is the brand of baby parrot food we used. Did the Vet put her on E and selenium or scrambled eggs and B-complex? I hope she recovers!
  15. Debbie292d


    No problem, many of us have been through these things and learned as we go. Just FYI though, a swollen eye isn't a symptom of coccidiosis either, but at least they got through it. Terramycin is for eye infections and that's what many of us would have suggested, after rinsing it with saline...
  16. Debbie292d

    Coop Reinforcement Project

    You've done some great improvements there to combat the raccoons. Do you have a camera on your board on the ramp? I think that would be funny to see the first time they touch that ramp!
  17. Debbie292d


    Poultry Cell is one of the best, if not the best. You could stop the Corid as I'm not sure who told you to start it. It doesn't sound like they have coccidiosis. That's when they stand around listless, head down, with their wings out a little bit, and sometimes have blood in their poop. It...
  18. Debbie292d


    I'm sorry, what is turf? Plastic grass comes to mind. You didn't mention what you're feeding them. If 12 weeks old, they'd still be on grower until they start laying/crowing.
  19. Debbie292d


    Exactly what you said. Vitamin deficiencies can lead to all kinds of issues. Perhaps antibiotics may be needed if it is indeed a respiratory infection but most of the time my birds get over it themselves. They've had a sneeze or two here or there and I just give them vitamins and they get...
  20. Debbie292d

    One tough Gal...

    It's good she's on an antibiotic as aspiration can cause pneumonia. I don't think there's much you can do as she should absorb it in time and she should be fine. If you want to attach a video, you have to post it to another media place like YouTube, then copy the link here. If you feel she...
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