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  • Users: Fwoof
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  1. Fwoof

    White stuff on my bantam's waddles.

    My bantam Silver has this white stuff on her waddles (on both sides). I've noticed she's been itching her face more than usual, so is this some kind of fungal issue? She wasn't feeling all that well last week, closing her eyes and sitting in a hunched position, so I treated her with electrolytes...
  2. Fwoof

    There's something going on with one of my bantams.

    There's something going on with one of my bantams. For the past couple of days she's been less alert/active than usual, spending a lot of time fluffed up in the corner of her run. I figured she was just getting over being broody, which she was not that long ago. I gave my flock treats today and...
  3. Fwoof

    Sooooo... my waterer spilled.

    I had to drive somewhere quite far yesterday, and I came home to my chicks' previously full waterer being completely empty, and the bedding, across the whole brooder, being wet. The poor chicks' tummies were also damp, so I changed the brooder's bedding right away. It was my fault for the most...
  4. Fwoof

    Easter Egger Chicks (or not?)

    I was considering adding some new additions to the flock, and my local feed store happened to have chicks, so I got some yesterday! A Buff Orpington, a Sicilian Buttercup, and two chicks that appear to be Easter Eggers from an assorted breeds bin. Or are they? Since Easter Egger chicks and...
  5. Fwoof

    Chicken Behavior on the Eclipse!

    Are you and your chickens in the path of totality for the solar eclipse? Wanted to start a thread to see how everyone's chickens behaved. (Crowing, going to roost, turning into walri, etc.) Anyhow, post below! Excited to hear everyone's experiences!
  6. Fwoof

    Adding to the Flock!

    I'm interested in adding Australorps, Plymouth Rocks, Easter Eggers, or Orpingtons into my flock. What I'm looking for is a great laying hen (an egg a day preferred, but three/four times a week will also do) while still being docile and healthy as well. Which is why I'm not considering adding...
  7. Fwoof

    Split Beak on my Ameraucana/Silkie

    I noticed yesterday that my Ameraucana/Silkie has a split beak. I have no idea how it happened and it looks more like it's just growing that way rather than she cracked or injured it. Do you have any idea about what this might be/what happened to her and if I should be concerned?
  8. Fwoof

    Should I trim my Buff Orpington's nails?

    My Buff Orpington's nails are getting crazy twisty long. Should I trim them with normal dog clippers? And is there a special way you have to trim them?
  9. Fwoof

    I got a visitor today...

    I came home from the grocery store and found a chicken in my yard. She was a mess, covered in filth with a bloody beak. She had a red ribbon tied around her back and wings, and it was so tight I had to use scissors to cut it off. Part of the ribbon was even cutting into under the poor thing's...
  10. Fwoof

    Chicken with an odd lump on her belly.

    My New Hampshire has this odd lump on her belly. It's big, but doesn't look red or irritated. It's rock solid and feels a bit like an egg, but it's in the wrong place. She's active, bright eyed, and still interested in food, but her rear feathers seem a little fluffier than usual. Do you have...
  11. Fwoof

    Baby Silkie sneezing more than usual...

    My white silkie chick (and supposed rooster) is sneezing a lot more than usual and seems to have slight difficulty breathing. He is active and bright eyed, but sneezes frequently. He has fresh water in the brooder. I was thinking of making him some Cinnamon/Oregano/Rosemary drops to help his...
  12. Fwoof

    Baby Silkie born with 8 1/2 toes

    I got three baby Silkies this week, a blue, a lavender, and a white! But I only just recently noticed something odd about the blue one. One of her feet doesn't have the fifth toe that silkies sport, and the fifth toe on the other foot is only half the size of her hatchmates' fifth toes! Does...
  13. Fwoof

    Ate too fast or crop problem?

    I just fed my chickens, and strangely, my bantam Silver started making this jerking/gasping motion with her head, as if she was struggling to swallow. I looked inside her beak and the feed was piled up in her throat. Everybody else wasn't experiencing this, and it took about five minutes before...
  14. Fwoof

    Something is wrong with my New Hampshire

    My New Hampshire is not doing well. I just checked on the chickens and she was in a hunched position in the corner of the run. I picked her up to see what was wrong and she threw up on me. Her crop feels like a water balloon, she looks a little thinner than usual, and her feathers are all...
  15. Fwoof

    Fwoof's One Year Anniversary Thread!

    Hey, y'all! It's hard to believe I've been a member of BYC for a year now! Lots of things have been happening on the farm lately... One of the bunnies gave birth to eleven babies. That's a record! Seven out of seven fertile eggs at one time. Also a record! And sadly Fwoof's sister Hertie...
  16. Fwoof

    I know someone who knows someone who lost three chickens in the past few weeks.

    My friend told me yesterday that she knows someone who told her that three of her chickens died in the past few weeks. The two remaining hens are making weird wheezing noises and seem to be having respiratory issues. Neither of us know much about her coop setup and bedding, so I have no clue...
  17. Fwoof

    Dutch, OEGB, or something else?

    I've always been questionable about my bantam Winter's breed, but after a while I settled on white Dutch. I decided to breed her with my OEGB Rooster Rascal (whom I got with Winter and a Marans) last year, and things went poorly. Their chick couldn't stand up for his first 24 hours, and as he...
  18. Fwoof

    I'm going to incubate in about a week, but before I get to it... large breeds and bantams successfully breed with one another? (Don't worry, the roo is the bantam, I would never do otherwise to my poor little hens!) I do know they CAN make a chick, but is it likely the chick inside will have health issues and/or deformities? I want to be as educated on...
  19. Fwoof

    My New Hampshire has been dropping pieces of shelless egg throughout the day.

    She didn't lay a whole shelless egg, but has been dropping pieces of egg white and yolk randomly all day today. I found small puddles of egg all over the coop that the rest of the girls were feasting on. The New Hampshire, Cheesey Poof, is the one chicken I have who lays shelless eggs, and today...
  20. Fwoof

    Best Rooster Photos Contest! Ends 2/1/2023

    Welcome to my Best Rooster Photos Contest! In this contest you can enter pictures of your handsome Hamburg, your dashing Dominique, or your elegant Empordanesa! The three members that won my previous contest (@AmeraucanaHank, @AntiqueB, and @Meri Maura) will be your judges. Rules: this contest...
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