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  1. ElfenLied89

    What is this? Is the poult old enough?

    Alright. I had 2 turkey poults. One white palm and one bourbon red (so I was told). The white palm disappeared one day from the run/coop. Now all we have is one little lone poult, but I can't tell if it's a boy or girl? I am new to turkeys. I tried the vent check but no idea what I was looking...
  2. ElfenLied89

    Broody Dolly Parton Hatchalong!

    My pullet, Dolly Parton (named by one of my BYC friends), has went broody at only 6 months old! She is laying on 7 eggs. Some are probably hers but I know a few that aren't bc they are blue lol. Either way. Pick a number and egg! 1- 2- Jewel (@WoDia ) 3- 4- Miley (@tlcmurphy ) 5- Bonnie Tyler...
  3. ElfenLied89

    Broody pullet (first time!)

    I have a broody NN silkie mix. This is her, and my, first time with going broody. I want to mark eggs she is sitting on, but am afraid I will break her being broody. She was in nesting box #3 yesterday, but moved to nesting box #2 today. I went over, faced her broody mama wrath, and put her...
  4. ElfenLied89

    What is this? Extreme pasty butt?

    Got 4 babies at TSC today bc my zombie I hatched was lonely. When I got home and was putting them in the brooder, I noticed the Barred Rock I bought was lethargic. I also noticed a foul smell like something was decaying. I just figured there was a dead animal nearby as I was outside. Nope. When...
  5. ElfenLied89

    Serama hatch part 3 (and a few odds and ends!)

    ...eggs from my mixed flock in the incubator. Why? Because my kid thought adding eggs at random was funny. So I have 2 eggs he added and one I added. *Technically* I could take out his egg he added today, but nah. So due on May 3rd for lockdown is a blue barnyard mix. Due in the middle of May...
  6. ElfenLied89

    Need help about this pipped egg 🥚

    Meet Hestia. Yesterday was hatch day, and Hestia did not pip at all. Concerned she was gonna lose air, I gave her a little safety hole and stuck her back in. She had already internally pipped, and was wiggling away. This morning she hadn't even pipped yet. 3pm she had a teeny pip hole. 7pm she...
  7. ElfenLied89

    Chicks just vanishing

    I have had 4 babies go missing and one headless in the middle of the enclosed run before that. Which i suspect maybe a raccoon. All in the span of a week. Went out yesterday, my White Palm turkey poult? Just gone. Day before that? My 2 wyandottes just gone. I looked everywhere. This afternoon? I...
  8. ElfenLied89

    Help me name these little ones! Name game time!

    So I have all these babies and only one is named. My "pullet" is the only named baby. (My supposed to be a a roo) I dont remember everyone's breed but can try to point out ones I know. I have attached all the babies below. All the chickens are pullets EXCEPT the black silkie and...
  9. ElfenLied89

    Rooster has a BB in his leg?! Possible bumble too?

    My 1 year old Australorp rooster, aptly named Severus Snape, apparently has a BB stuck in his leg. I am assuming it is from my kids shooting their bb guns when he was chasing hens (he free ranges). Everyone has been reprimanded about using bb's near animals. Anywho. I don't know how to get it...
  10. ElfenLied89

    Girl or boy?

    So my neighbor's turkey got into my yard (still no clue how), and won't leave lol. I was told that this baby is a girl. How do you tell the difference and at what age? I have chickens. This is my first turkey experience. Also, this baby is the ONLY turkey so of course I had to go buy 2 baby...
  11. ElfenLied89

    Serama Hatchalong pt 2!

    I have 6 Serama eggs I am setting in the incubator tomorrow after they rest. This time the theme is TV/Movie character! Make it some damn good names! We only have 6 eggs!!
  12. ElfenLied89

    Time for more chicks! Hatch-a-Long!

    Alright. Tonight I will be setting 12 lucky eggs. I am going to tag everyone my brain can think of below. The eggs are labeled. I was sent these purebred eggies by the chicken gods. Aka I bought them off eBay. The eggs are labeled for which breed they are. I am pretty sure yall chicken experts...
  13. ElfenLied89

    Serama Hatch-Along Thread!

    I have 7 eggs that appear in tact, and are waiting to be stuck in the incubator. Currently they are all pointy side down and snug in a carton while they settle from their long journey. (They came from Virginia all the way here to South Carolina). I am doing a themed hatch. We have 7 eggs. I say...
  14. ElfenLied89

    ISO Seramas in South Carolina

    I was looking for Seramas around Summerville, South Carolina area. Does anyone know of a hatchery or anyone local selling them? I can't seem to find any and I don't want to hatch eggs bc I want to control how many roos we have lol.
  15. ElfenLied89

    New to goats! (NDG)

    Just got two baby Nigerian Dwarf goats yesterday. One boy and one girl, and they are 6 days old. I am feeding them about 3 ounces of whole milk (warmed of course) every 4 hours. They have different moms but the same dad. They jump around in the house and nibble on stuff. Female was raised...
  16. ElfenLied89

    First coop time! Advice?

    Getting ideas for my first coop ever. I admit I got chickens before the coop. But! They are warm and have a sleep area etc. Spoiled feather butts. Was wondering if there are any good plans for up to 20 chickens? I only have 18 right now, and will be selling down to 10. Am buying more though...
  17. ElfenLied89

    Covered cat litter box as nesting box?

    I have a cat litter box my cats don't use anymore, due to them being indoor outdoor cats now. They prefer to go in the wild I guess lol. It's a large one with the flap. Would it make a good nesting box for pullets just starting to lay? Would they hop right in? Do they need a little ramp? How...
  18. ElfenLied89

    A little help? Is this a roo or pullet?

    Meet Olivia. She was sold to me at about 4 weeks old as a Sapphire Olive Egger. Well. I don't know much about telling the difference between roosters and hens until it is waaaay obvious, but I am having doubts here. Olivia is around 16 to 17 weeks old now (as are the other 5 babies we got at...
  19. ElfenLied89

    Baby rooster suddenly not using leg

    Incubated and hatched this little man. Yesterday he was fine and running with the others. Today I go out there and he is limping and having trouble getting around. He is a barnyard mix around 7 weeks old. Just now growing his little wattles. I have included pics. No cuts, swelling, or pain it...
  20. ElfenLied89

    From egg to chick!

    This post is to follow along with my newly hatched babies, well semi new, and to hopefully answer any silly chicken questions I have. This is a follow up thread from my post over in the hatch some eggs section 😋 Batch 1 was born 11/8 (9 babies) Batch 2 was born 11/12 (7 babies) I will tag...
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