Recent content by Wendyjs

  1. W

    Brand new Mama Hen!

    Hi All- I am so thankful to hear from all of you! I am loving this adventure! I appreciate all of your help. My babies are 5+ weeks old and my kind husband is building a coop for them. We are in Sullivan County, NY - 2 hours from NYC but in the country. I am wondering about a heater in the coop...
  2. W

    Brand new Mama Hen!

    I am not even sure how to create a post. I am loving this new adventure! Not sure why I didn't do it sooner. I will be asking questions often! My first question is at what age can I start feeding my 7 feather babies food other than chick mash? My babies were incubated in my 4th grade classroom...
  3. W

    Contemplating raising chickens or ducks or both this spring, 2020

    Hi All- My first chat room ever. Anyway, we're trying to decide about beginning this new adventure. I adore the chickens that I see at other people's homes as they peck around and just look so purposeful. The chicks are adorable. I do have two semi-outdoor cats but the chickens would be in a...
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