Recent content by Waterfaery

  1. Waterfaery

    Small peahen

    She looks fine to me. If she's free ranging, how can you be sure she's not laying somewhere you don't know about? Otherwise, she could be only getting ready to lay. It's early days in terms of her age and in terms of the season. All of my peahens have only started up in the last week or two...
  2. Waterfaery

    Peafowl 103: Illness, Injury, Medication and Care (in progress)

    I think it's better off with the peahen unless you think there is an injury that needs to be treated or if the peahen is abandoning it. Even if it needs to be treated in some way, hopefully you can put it back with her straight away. How old is the peachick? Is she leaving it alone on the...
  3. Waterfaery

    Peahen with possible broken leg

    It's great that you have a vet to treat her. I don't know anything about breaks but I would follow your vet's advice.
  4. Waterfaery

    Seeking help: High egg mortality rate and peachick loss during breeding season!

    I'm so sorry for your peachicks. I'm afraid I don't know much about hatching them in an incubator. Mine were all peahen raised. I have hatched chicken chicks and I did a lot of troubleshooting for various issues. You can do an eggtopsy where you examine the chick to check things like if it had...
  5. Waterfaery

    Just a bit curious.

    Congratulations! They are lovely. Yes, it's normal for them to fan their little tails at each other and at everything else they see. It's so cute!
  6. Waterfaery

    Puny 10 day old peachick with yucky poo and not gaining weight

    Did you find the Kaytee feed? I would advise trying to source that asap. In the meantime, I would keep trying to get the egg into him. It's the yolk that he needs. Raw might be good to try because it will give him some hydration as well. Of course, boiled is fine if he's eating that. Mine...
  7. Waterfaery

    Puny 10 day old peachick with yucky poo and not gaining weight

    I would second the Kaytee baby bird food. It has saved so many birds' lives. Also, Toltrazuril for treating coccidiosis if you can get it.
  8. Waterfaery

    Peafowl enjoying the view

    I just had to share this here. We had a rare display of the aurora borealis here last night. The peafowl had a lovely view.
  9. Waterfaery

    Peachicks with leg problems

    Don't feel terrible. It sounds like you're giving them a wonderful life there free ranging. I feel like the peahen would probably teach them to eat a good variety so I wouldn't be so quick to jump to conclusions about the protein. There might be something else going on. What sort of protein...
  10. Waterfaery

    Thin 4 year old Peahen new to Homestead

    I'm in the EU so options are probably very different for you. I also haven't used mine yet but my husband did a lot of very thorough research and we chose this one. We ordered it back in January and it had a lead time of 6-10 weeks but we decided it was worth the wait. It's in shipment at the...
  11. Waterfaery

    First time peafowl owner! (Taming/relocating)

    If you have a trained dog that will probably help things a lot if you plan to free range. I don't have a dog so I can't advise about that but I have read of lots of others here having success with them. That sounds strange about them breaking their necks on the top netting. Are you sure you had...
  12. Waterfaery

    Thin 4 year old Peahen new to Homestead

    Would you consider buying a microscopse and doing your own? Maybe not now but for the future it might be worth looking into if you don't have a helpful vet. That is what we have had to do. I don't know about Endocox powder but Toltrazuril dosage is 7mg per kg of bodyweight. That works out as...
  13. Waterfaery

    First time peafowl owner! (Taming/relocating)

    It sounds like you have a good long term plan but the short term plan is not ideal. Wing clipping is dangerous because it leaves them vulnerable to predator attacks since their response to threat is to fly. They need access to a covered aviary or some other roofed outdoor area in the place...
  14. Waterfaery

    Peafowl not going through door into barn at night

    I don't know where you are but if your climate is suitable and they are in a safe aviary I would let them roost outside. We herd ours in only if the weather is forecast to be extremely bad.
  15. Waterfaery

    How to med a peafowl?

    You can direct dose with a syringe down the throat but it is absolutely vital to know how to do that correctly so it goes in the right place and doesn't aspirate them. There are detailed posts with photos on here if you want to search for them or I can try to find one later if you want to go...
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