Recent content by tweetysvoice

  1. tweetysvoice

    Consolidated Kansas

    Thanks Cheoukan! I didn't know that about the red mites only coming out at night. Might explain why I didn't see them on any of the other birds. They are trying to do something. I have a test on Monday to see if a pain pump would work. This would be planted under my skin to deliver pain...
  2. tweetysvoice

    Consolidated Kansas

    Hey all! I know I haven't jumped on lately, but my health hasn't changed and I'm still back and forth between home and the hospital. Sad day here in my coop. Goldie, the Golden Laced Orp was found dead this afternoon. I checked her out to see if I could figure out what happened to her (she...
  3. tweetysvoice

    Consolidated Kansas

    Hi All! Wanted to stop in and wish everyone a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! My chickies are doing fine. I have several in molt and the baby silkies are getting big. They are so cute to watch with mama, but they are scared to death of me, oh well. Not doing too good health wise. I was in the...
  4. tweetysvoice

    Consolidated Kansas

    All of the softshelled eggs I got this year (about 4) were right under the roost, almost like they popped out while they were sleeping, and like Sharol (I think that's who said it) I was lucky if I got one that hadn't been squished! My birds have completely stopped laying for the winter and my...
  5. tweetysvoice

    Consolidated Kansas

    I'm a bit late.. but CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! I have one molting right now, but as for the outdoor chicks, my mama silkie has been bringing her chickies out in the cold and they are doing just fine. She has access to a small area outside and the whole duck house and during the day, when the sun...
  6. tweetysvoice

    Consolidated Kansas

    They are doing that to us this year as well.. and those are the same fears that I have! Well, I forgot to mention yesterday that mama pushed both the other unhatched eggs away, so I broke them open. One was only half developed, but the other looked like it was fully grown. Don't know what...
  7. tweetysvoice

    Rooster with Buttercup Comb

    Hehe.. well, he's been laying several eggs then. Believe it or not, it's definitely a female.
  8. tweetysvoice

    Consolidated Kansas

    That was my goal today, but it didn't happen. I have all the necessary equipment, but it's just finding time to make it! I'm going to really have to do it tomorrow!
  9. tweetysvoice

    Consolidated Kansas

    So neither of the other two eggs have hatched. (they were all set at the same time). She's still sitting on one of them though. The other was pushed to the other side of the house. I'm pretty sure that one isn't going to hatch, but not sure about the other. I doubt it though. I'm just surpised...
  10. tweetysvoice

    Consolidated Kansas

    That really sux! I'm sorry to hear that she got whooping cough! There actually is an epedemic in Kansas right now. We've had quite a few kids with it this year at the hospital. I was exposed over the summer and had to get the pertusses vaccine (whooping cough) because i'd been exposed. awwww...
  11. tweetysvoice

    Consolidated Kansas

    That is so hilarious!! What a fun thing to watch!! Thanks! I"m really enjoying the silkies, I think that I might have a full pen of just silkies when it comes that time. They are just so cute! I am required to get the flu shot cuz I work at the hospital. If you don't get one, you can't work...
  12. tweetysvoice

    Rooster with Buttercup Comb

    I wonder if it's a mix of Java... This is a female Java that I own, and we at first thought the rooster might be a java because of the tan markings...
  13. tweetysvoice

    Rooster with Buttercup Comb

    Once I posted this she came back and said that she's not certain that it's actually a buttercup comb.. Thanks for the responses everyone! Would a place like orchelans actually sell mix breeds?? That's where he came from..
  14. tweetysvoice

    Consolidated Kansas

    I"m gonna go back and read the last couple pages in a bit, but wanted to get up the pic of both baby chicks: She's still sitting on the other two eggs. Dunno if they are gonna hatch though or not. I love listening to mama talk to her babies! I was thinking about it - How smart chickens are...
  15. tweetysvoice

    Rooster with Buttercup Comb

    My friend has a rooster she's trying to identify, if anyone can help....
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